Noob Running My First Grow


New Member
Greetings all, I've been lurking around here for a few weeks reading and learning. I'm about to embark on my first indoor grow and first grow of any kind since Carter was in the Whitehouse. Used to guerrilla grow down on the river bank when we were kids.

Since I like to dive head first into things here are my plans:
48"x96"x76" grow tent
Two Platinum LED P-300
Two 5gal DWC setups

I have two clones, one from a Mom with unknown pedigree, she came from a batch of clones a friend received and didn't look like the same pheno, so he donated to me. One is a Chem Wreck from the local farmers market.

They will be put on a 24"x36" ScrOG set up.

All the things I've read in this forum the people have been uber helpful so I'm hoping to get some good feedback.

Lemme see if I can make the pics work on here.

Here's the little Chem Wreck gal.

This is the unknown clone 9 days after cutting. Both will go into the water tomorrow.

Dual airstones in each bucket.

Plenty of bubbles! Should work great for these two gals.
Ok the girls went into the buckets tonight.

Water temp 64
Room temp 70
RH 45% (I know a little low, I misted them well)
Ph 5.6ish
Starting ppm 95ish
Used GH micro and veg to ppm 168 about 1/2 tsp each per bucket w/ approx 3gal water per bucket.

Ready for the girls.

Unknown clone 10 days from cut, this was the best of 8

All tucked in!

The bottom of the net pots are about an inch under the water level, I put enough hydroton into the pot to where I could barely see the bubbles coming up and put the root balls at that level.


Unknown clone, better half nicknamed her Mary Jane.
Thanks Cronic

Fingers crossed but it's already too much fun!
Re: Noob Running My First Grow DWC PlatinumLED P-300

I have one Platinum LED P-300 at about 36" over the girls right now. I thought I'd leave it there for another day (24/0) and then lower it down.. any thoughts about how close I can get this light to the tops?

I may end up with both P-300's on them for bloom and put a P-150 in the Mom/nursery room. I will put a partition in the tent to make 2 48"x48"x76" rooms. One side for mom and clones, one side for grow.
if its too stretchy you can lower it a bit I don't know what kind of heat those platinums put out I use advanced and I keep mine at the farthest 24 inches
and for partitioning it just make sure you don't have any light leaks to the bloom side as im assuming your gonna keep moms and clones on 24/0 or minimum 18/6
Thanks Cronic.

They put out very little heat, you can hold the back of your hand against the glass and it just feels warm. I actually have to have a heater in the tent to keep the temps up. Tent is in unheated garage so nighttime temps in the garage get down in the mid to low forties.
I'm going to leave them where they are for tonight and then lower them to about 24" tomorrow eve. We'll see how they do with that for a bit and then ill try them a bit lower.

Everything looks fine tonight, water temps 66 tent temp 70 RH about 48. I've been misting twice a day.
Ph came up to 6.18 and ppm was up about 10 ppm from when I put them in last night. About what I expected with a little evaporation.

I decided not to make any adjustments tonight and we'll see what she looks like tomorrow. I don't want to start chasing readings. :rolleyes3

I wonder if I'm being a little too cautious? My thought process is I can't bring them back if I screw up and kill'em.
honestly I don't even check ppm's manufacturer suggests for nutes I use add 25% everytime I top off during the week
after my first few grows ive never added the 25% just plain water and check ph until weekly res change
been working fine for me
I wouldn't chase ppm reading just top off water and check ph I use organic nutes and it sticks to the roots so I never did chase or check ppm's
heck I don't even have an ec meter :rofl:
All looks well tonight. Ph up slightly, 6.5, adjusted to 6.2. I will bump down to 5.8ish tommorrow. PPM's were up slightly as well, about 190

Lowered light down to about 20"

We will see what the ladies look like tomorrow!:geek:
I'll ipdate later tonight with pics. Looks like the Mom that I was given has spider mites so I'm going to have to handle that today.
Nuke the little bastards!!!

Ok, well the good thing for today was everyone got to go outside, it was nice out with "real" sunshine, not that fake stuff.

The bad part of today was everyone had to get sprayed all over with this shit. I'm sure no one was happy about it, least of all the Gardner.


I hope it works!

Not sure if you can tell in these pics or not. I noticed it on Friday morning, on the Mom first and then a couple of the clones as well. Neither of the clones in the bucket show signs of infestation so keeping my fingers crossed.


ChemWreck clone, I did some LST on her last night.

Unknown clone, she looks happy but not much growth, maybe she just needs a bit more time. No roots yet i peeked but she's only been in the bucket about 5 days.

Ready to go back inside

Everybody back in da house! I sprayed the bottom interior of the tent as well.

I'll treat them with the pyrethrins/Neem oil again in a couple of days. I think i'm going to go get a cool mist vape as well and crank the RH up in the tent, from what I've read the mites prefer it dryer.
Something I'm not sure about. This is the unknown clone. When I was checking my stats tonight I noticed she was curling in her new leaves.



The leaves aren't wilted, they are curling down, diagnoses from pictures says over water but that doesn't make sense in the hydro setup. I don't think...???

Tent temp 73
RH 48
Wtr temp 68
Ph 6.02
TDS 218

Anyone have any thoughts, feedbac, advice?
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