Nutrient toxicity? Foxtailing


Well-Known Member
Hello. I just cut my AK 47, but I am having problems woth my sativa - dominant J. Hustler. Using BioBizz nutes and qb 24w, humidity no more than 50RH and temps ~22 lights off and ~30 lights on. I think I put too much fishmix / bioveg at some point and forgot to raise my lamp… i am doing 12/12 from seed to finish, it is ~8-9th week for now, and she’s failing… I don’t want to throw her away… Anyone knows what to do without losing quality of the bud and yeld? Would be nice to finish in a month or so… i am thinking of flushing her tonight with tap water and giving friendly amount of bloom nutes? Maybe half recommended dose… any other suggestions?

Thanks !





kinda does look like n tox. deep green leaves with elongated tips. i don't see much of the claw that i'd normally expect though.
Wait is foxtailing burnt tips? where they go yellow/white? which seems apt, but I thought foxtailing was spire buds forming due to heat stress? although a normal event with Sativas.

Why would you need to throw her away? there's already bud on there that will continue to ripen over the next weeks. The leaves will start to die off soon anyways?
You could flush, or maybe just water with PK, do you give nutrients with each watering? or alternating?
Wait is foxtailing burnt tips? where they go yellow/white? which seems apt, but I thought foxtailing was spire buds forming due to heat stress? although a normal event with Sativas.

Why would you need to throw her away? there's already bud on there that will continue to ripen over the next weeks. The leaves will start to die off soon anyways?
You could flush, or maybe just water with PK, do you give nutrients with each watering? or alternating?
I’ll do more pics of those foxtailing tops when lights will be on.

Haha thanks. I read somewhere that N ruined whole harvest for someone and that someone threw her away lol. I don’t wanna do this.

I was giving 2l tap water with nutes every watering ( every other or two days ), last feeding was 2l of plain tap water. I was thinking of flushing, or one more plain water and very low amounts of bloom nutes, m?
Small leaves purple stems of those leaves and 3-4 tops foxtailing. What would you advice me to do?

stem colour means little. i'd just drop back on the main nutes a little and run a booster.
I was doing biobloom + pk + calmag + fishmix + little little bioveg + plagron sugar royal.

So , lets say 1/3 of bloom and pk like always?

you got a lot going on there. have a look at where your n is coming from and pull it back a bit.

the steep serration on the fans could be a pk ask, but with the excess n there could be something interfering. it's hard to read. can't really tell for sure, but it's at the point it won't need all the n and will want the pk. if you get edging on the fans you'll know for sure. that's what i'd expect next.
Thanks everyone for your support. I gave her half the dose of bioBloom + bioHeaven and full dose of TopMax and CalMag, we’ll see how it goes. I may gave her another watering just plain water and then nutes on another one. I believe She’s also showing some other signs of deficiencies / burn (???) pics attached.






I suspect that you are not seeing a burn at you leaf tips and edges, but instead a slight Potassium deficiency. You will know if I am right by analyzing what happens now that you have cut your nutes back. If the problem gets worse, you will know to feed more, not less.
This is what I was thinking as well. “Nute burn” usually affects the tips alone.. The serrations “burning” (which I believe is actually just necrosis) are usually a strong indicator you’re looking at K. There’s a few others that could impact it but in bloom it’s a very high chance it’s K.

@Emilya Green does this look like Phosphorus to you?
I can’t tell what color the spots are (problems distinguishing certain hues)
No, I think that spot is further K damage and that leaf is about to loose the entire tip, including that area. P usually shows in the middle of the leaf fingers, like this:
Very helpful, thank you.
the edging is a pk ask like em mentioned. it's often mistaken for a tox / burn / excess. it's why is mentioned i would expect to see edging if the condition continues.

the elongated tips is a sure sign of n excess.
the edging is a pk ask like em mentioned. it's often mistaken for a tox / burn / excess. it's why is mentioned i would expect to see edging if the condition continues.

the elongated tips is a sure sign of n excess.
I didn’t even see they were elongated nice catch.. The color by itself made me suspect too much N.. that waxy deep green hue.. I assume the extra N is causing the PK edging to glow along the whole edge instead of working it’s way down the serrations like usual. It’s easy to mistake it for something else because of the deep coloring.

I don't believe that the elongated tip damage indicates nitrogen. Please note this example of potassium deficiency with the elongated tip damage and the necrosis around the edges
What process is occurring that makes the tip elongate like that? Is it actually elongating or is the tip thinning making it appear elongated?

I’ve said the word elongate so many times it’s become a silly nursery rhyme in my mind “How many long gates can you elongate if your elongated long gates are gated”
1l water:
2ml biobloom
~3ml topmax
~3ml bioHeaven

I am running low on nutes, but I’ll go plagron next time. Let’s hope that it’ll be enough of what I have. lol. :/ probably it is not the best idea to swap nutes before harvest? :/

Attaching photos of yesterday below





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