NYC Diesel Auto, Advanced Seeds & NL Auto, The Seedsman

Just water and pH down for now, I have an EC/TDs/ppm reader but I can't figure out what batteries or where they go in it. IV emailed the eBay company but no reply so I'm just going without ATM. That new sprouting has yellow on its leaves and just yesterday the Coco was moist but today it was dry so with the new light in there I'll check it every day to ensure it's good. The girls are loving the light they have really opened up and are reaching for the light. I'm not sure how I'll tell the node count with them being so small but I can already see the two round leaves + two weed leafs and another one just starting in the middle of each.

On a side note this new light raised the temp in the room by a few degrees and 3 degrees in the tent alone so IV rerouted the exhaust fan out of the room hoping that will help with ventilation. I don't want to start a fire whilst I'm out of the house due to heat but my thermometer reads 29 under the light but that's about 30cms down on the ground, the plants would be under more heat than that I assume. Problem with the light is it's so damn heavy it's hard to tie it up, I'll have to look at some steel chains or adjustable chains for it.
Thankfully the heat under the lights is nothing at all. led is cold that way and all the heat is the power pack running them , hence the fans to pull it out of the lights box.
Nodes is another term for " paired leaflets, so each pair of leaves up the stem are " nodes" .When you have about 3 or 4 proper leafsets , then mild feeding can benefit them. The yellowing could be light related if they are too close at this very early stage of their lives. The viper site should have a guide for their light hanging heights for each stage. It is surprising how powerful and intense an led can get for new plants and can bleach them out . keeping the coco moist ( not soggy) is the key here atm. she only takes water for a while and as no nutes yet , oh isnt too important. On nutes , the ph of the water is only to allow the Salt to release whichever trace elements in is attached to it when we feed the rootzone. At the right ph ,5.8 for coco , then you can hit the majority of elements that use that acidity/alkalinity to seperate from the nutes salt ( used purely to transport and hold the elements together till the water hits the root zone where the ph dissolves the salt part. This is why we flush the medium with an occasional rinse of just ph,ed water during their feeding cycles and why the runoff to 10-20% too. With my Mega crop there is no need to do it either as it isnt .adele like normal salt based nutes so no separation is needed so no ph. you will pick all of this up along the way and dont worry about asking anything. There are a lot of subjects regarding growing and a ton of opinions and ways for each so we are all still learners here too. My 1st ever auto grow now , 1st time using soil to grow for so e too but I have been growing weed over 25 odd years. I learn stuff every grow still now and new methods and stuff are coming thick and fast at present so we learn together as a community. merry xmas mate
heres my ph meters battery compartment . most are a standard way of use
heres my ph meters battery compartment . most are a standard way of use
That's how my pH tester is but my TDs tester is different, doesn't open that way or have a spot for batteries and I have no idea what type to put in there. It says button batteries but no idea where they go and what not. As for not I'm about 2 weeks and 3 days into my grow i believe and they haven't shot up just yet which is a bit scary as I'm worried I won't have it done in time. The NL is going great, really advancing with its second set of leaves and 3rd pushing through so hopefully will see some development In the coming weeks.

Changed my light to a viperspectra 700parr 700w led and have it 24 inches above the plant. It's producing alot of heat averaging about 30degrees in the tent. The girls are loving it and thriving well. This is about 3 days into week 2 as of the 26/12 as they were LL roughly planted around the 12th.
this above is the NYC Diesel that was a late bloomer about 2 weeks behind grrr.
this above is the NYC 2#
And the one below is the NL looking the best of all 3.
That's how my pH tester is but my TDs tester is different, doesn't open that way or have a spot for batteries and I have no idea what type to put in there. It says button batteries but no idea where they go and what not. As for not I'm about 2 weeks and 3 days into my grow i believe and they haven't shot up just yet which is a bit scary as I'm worried I won't have it done in time. The NL is going great, really advancing with its second set of leaves and 3rd pushing through so hopefully will see some development In the coming weeks.

Changed my light to a viperspectra 700parr 700w led and have it 24 inches above the plant. It's producing alot of heat averaging about 30degrees in the tent. The girls are loving it and thriving well. This is about 3 days into week 2 as of the 26/12 as they were LL roughly planted around the 12th.
this above is the NYC Diesel that was a late bloomer about 2 weeks behind grrr.
this above is the NYC 2#
And the one below is the NL looking the best of all 3.
Dont despair mate this stage feels like a drag but will be done before you know it. The rapid changes will arrive very soon. they will get settled in and go for it. The 30°c will stop them growing well as they cannot cope with too much heat without a lot of co2 . They will become stressed and go into a slump. For short periods they will cope but continued heat will have a negative effect. if you can blow enough air through them to bring the actual foliage temps under more control you could use it but being so small they will struggle to sweat and drink enough. This effect will mean drinking more water than feed in the mix and could also lead to a deficiency with build ups and locking out. I dont want to sound like the gloom bringer but would hate to see you struggle here. even towels soaked and frozen near your intake fan could help maybe ?.
I just bought a bigger fan I had a 10cm now I have a 20cm one in there and temps are sitting between 26-30, I'm trying to keep them cool but our aircon broke yesterday so keeping the room cool is proving difficult so iv just raised the light up a bit because its pretty hot underneath. ontop of the heating issue the zipper just broke on the tent, the little metal piece at the bottom of the zipper that slides into the zipper to join it has come off completely and i cant find my reciept so there goes 175$ unless i can figure out how to fix it.
I just bought a bigger fan I had a 10cm now I have a 20cm one in there and temps are sitting between 26-30, I'm trying to keep them cool but our aircon broke yesterday so keeping the room cool is proving difficult so iv just raised the light up a bit because its pretty hot underneath. ontop of the heating issue the zipper just broke on the tent, the little metal piece at the bottom of the zipper that slides into the zipper to join it has come off completely and i cant find my reciept so there goes 175$ unless i can figure out how to fix it.
ouch on the zipper. have a look online for videos in fixing broken zips. it is a simple fix if you can get at the zipper , sadly the flaps that cover the zips get stuck in them and can derail them. Maybe some stick-on velcro as a repair to that part and past it. If your using co2 additions then your high temps will be copable but you need to make sure the room as humidity too. 70% for veg period is ideal. dry heat for some strains is their normal environment but with a lot of the hybrid strains have lost that ability in transition I think so dont like dry air. They need to sweat water through their leaves basically in our rooms. Hope you had a good christmas besides the zip issue?.
Yeah thanks mate it was alright, it was very full on and I'm glad its finally over. I just finished fixing the zip I had to open it up and close the zipper over the other zip line and sewed the bottom together so I won't go that low and break it apart again. The plants are coming along great for now but I'm finding under this light I have to water them every 1-2 days. It's pretty warm this light so I raised it a bit and changed the hanging ratchets to chains for better stability and easy raising tho I'm going to have to turn it down when they get a bit taller.

The girls today, this one has dry spots on it??
looking good to me mate. keep the medium moist now and you will be set. On the light and height issue. dont worry too much. you can restrict height very easily and with some easy training and some tent pegs/garden string ect.. You can relax and enjoy the beginning phase as they start pushing leaf sets out. Nothing really to do until around 4th set of leaves are out now , then it's only a feed to start things off. Soon be busy with a little lst and stuff. enjoy mate
So far everything is going good I'm watering every 3 days under the 700 watt light and I'm saying real growth I have notice that the one plant that's a week behind is fully green where as the one that initially popped has a brown lining over the leaves it looks nice but I'm wondering why it's different considering they're the same strain

This one above has a purple tinge to it but both are the same plants.
This one's purple and tips are going yellow, can anyone help me figure out what's happening?? i believe its a phosphorus deficiency, iv added like .6mls pk top up to 2 ltrs of water and given it to all 3 as iv noticed its on all of them, little purple spots on the other plants too the only problem is this is the first hit of nutes so im worried this will kill them hence why its so weak and i just watered it with clean water yesterday. I generally dont water enough to get any run off but its a massive pot do i cant see the reasoning behind watering the whole pot to get run off. wish me luck it took alot of research simply because i didnt believe it was possible to have this problem at this age i mean they're only 3 weeks. wish me luck.
This one's purple and tips are going yellow, can anyone help me figure out what's happening?? i believe its a phosphorus deficiency, iv added like .6mls pk top up to 2 ltrs of water and given it to all 3 as iv noticed its on all of them, little purple spots on the other plants too the only problem is this is the first hit of nutes so im worried this will kill them hence why its so weak and i just watered it with clean water yesterday. I generally dont water enough to get any run off but its a massive pot do i cant see the reasoning behind watering the whole pot to get run off. wish me luck it took alot of research simply because i didnt believe it was possible to have this problem at this age i mean they're only 3 weeks. wish me luck.
No PK !!! That is a strong additive for mod late flowering. you will fry it .
do you mean calmag ???
Nah it was the pk, I looked at the hygen range and looked for a nutrient that may help the deficiency and I happened to have the whole bottle of PK top up so I put like .5 in 2ltrs of water and dropped the pH to 6.3 and then gave them a small drink each. Hopefully it all goes well, if not I'll pack up the tent till my weddings over in March and try again I guess. All the leaves have little like water spots of dark purple on them and red stems so hey hopefully this will sort the issue if not I'll flush it in 2 days I used less than the recommended dose for the amount of water used so hopefully that will work in my favor here as I'm not having much luck. First time grows, we learn and learn till we get it right. It can't be a temp drop issue as being summer the average day temp lately is 35-40 and night time is about 25, in the tent I just checked it's running at 26 degrees as usual.
Nah it was the pk, I looked at the hygen range and looked for a nutrient that may help the deficiency and I happened to have the whole bottle of PK top up so I put like .5 in 2ltrs of water and dropped the pH to 6.3 and then gave them a small drink each. Hopefully it all goes well, if not I'll pack up the tent till my weddings over in March and try again I guess. All the leaves have little like water spots of dark purple on them and red stems so hey hopefully this will sort the issue if not I'll flush it in 2 days I used less than the recommended dose for the amount of water used so hopefully that will work in my favor here as I'm not having much luck. First time grows, we learn and learn till we get it right. It can't be a temp drop issue as being summer the average day temp lately is 35-40 and night time is about 25, in the tent I just checked it's running at 26 degrees as usual.
A cooler night brings it out on some strains i mean and on stems and leaf arms. Usually the purp strains put reddish leaf out later in the grow. Redish spotting random places usually points to calmag for me here. Hope it keeps going. if not. let me know when you get it on and I will happily help.
this one above is the NYC auto that has purple spots on the leaves and red stems.
this is the NL with some purple spots a d white bits building up on the leaves.
this here is the other NYC auto so you can see the worry with it. looks a little less purple today but I don't want to flood it with more chemicals. You can see on the left the first set of leaves went white and dry prior to the PK top up but the plant itself is all dry and coated in the purple discoloration @Ganjagrandaddy
Not sure on this one tbh. , not seen that colour so young but dont be disheartened, keep her moist and happy as if she is normal and see what happens. the others look good too. I had 1 in my current that has looked close to dropping dead since it sprouted. mottled discolour messy spots and now still looks like shit on the leaves but she is kicking butt in the flowering now. This is her from seedling to now. she still has horrible looking leaves up close but....

Just goes to show you never give up. I have many in my previous grows that have survived some serious abuse an wrong doing. Keep going mate. They will reward you for it
Yeah it's a bit worrying IV looked all over and phosphorus deficiency is litterally the only thing that keeps coming up but I can't keep feeding it to her. Im just going to keep watering every couple days and praying. It's very uncommon for this issue at this stage as she's only in week 3. I'll check her in a few hours when the lights on and see if she's still survived
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