NYC Diesel Auto, Advanced Seeds & NL Auto, The Seedsman

Some explosive growth happening. One is about 2 weeks behind but we will keep him at the same feeding cycles as the others or possibly keep her on week 4 feed for a week or two.
Glad to see they are taking off :)
I just tied them over, I'm not sure how often I have to adjust it and I seem to be watering every 2 days now. I'm about to introduce week 5 for two of my plants and I'll keep the other on week 4 nutes till it develops better, she looks about 2 weeks behind so I'm a bit lost on that to do but by tiring it down and rotating it every couple days I'm hoping to produce more bud sites
I just train them till the side branches catch up with the main stem. Watering every other day seems about right. Just let them dry out some before adding the water. Looking good :)
Man, relax with the nutes.

I understand your anxiety, but weed is... a weed! If you want the absolute best, try synching your actions with the lunar calendar, specially feeding, as plants dont take the same ammount of water everyday.

Let the girls rest, once we hit new moon they will sprout and then you can go full blast on your nutes.

Plants are going great, nutes are making it explode so that's a plus. Worried about defoliating because I don't want to stun it so waiting for another week or two if I can. Being an autoflower they're going to be small and not so branched out. As for the feeding it's very hot over here atm so they do need it, I'll water again in a day possibly, lll flush with water and then a few days after I'll be introducing week 5 nutes. Watering them a little bit got them going at the start but taking the advice from the hydroponic shop guy really made them survive and he's said to me keep watering them as needed but you want to flush the old nutes through so about 2 ltrs every time so that's the plan for now because they seem to be going great.
I just did some light defoliating yesterday, alot of the plant was covered and I'm worried it was too early but it's too late now. I only clipped the bottom massive leaves covering bud sites and the only problem showing right now is the leaves are all pointing down a little bit but I figure it's just the stress and should bounce back in a week or two.

I thought it could have been over watering but I gave it the same water and nutes as I did 2-3 days ago and then again before that.etc so it's not an over watering issue otherwise I'd of seen this before and well even if it is then itl dry out in a few days.

Ive just swapped it up to 20 hours light per day instead of 18-6 for a bit more food and to help them out as they did great in the sunlight but considering my area there's bound to be a few people who are growing and have males around. Here's a pic of them today after pruning, I only pruned the big two the little one doesn't need it.


They are definitely not happy right now lol.
Coming across what looks like nute burn but I'm not confident in that diagnosis. @Ganjagrandaddy

It's only on the plants that were trimmed, the other one got the same nutes and in the same volume but wasn't defoliated.
this could be the start of magnesium deficiency which is solved by using calmag to the feed. The lights being led and coco leech the mg from the plants so we often have to supplement it indoors.. I think you need to water more in honesty. The plant looks under watered with not enough fluid to keep their leaves inflated outwards. with a lot of heat they will drink and sweat more and you have to keep up with her needs. letting the pot totally dry out wont help her to grow better with coco. water daily to 20% run off out the bottom. You should also be feeding nutes every feed too now she is bigger. hope thisnhelps
IV been watering every 2 days with just nutes and it's a 2 ltrs pot so I use 2 ltrs on each and plenty comes out the bottom washing the old food away. I'm just worried about upping it to every day and either burning it or wasting nutes as the pots still quite wet when I feed them every 2 days but now I have turned the light spectrums up so red was 30 now is 60% and blue n white we're 60 and are now 100 from manufacturer recommendations. Also the light is now chained up and hard to move so they have been sitting at 2.5 feet away for a while
Okay so transplanted them back into 18ltr pots and watered them down with 3ltrs of PhD water. I noticed alot of the upper leaves we're covering bud sites so I trimmed about 3 of them off and tied down the small branches but I can happily note the branches coming off are alot thicker than they were a few days ago. Alot of the smaller leaves are shriveling up and dieing I'm not sure what that's about but I added photos below.

I am just hoping I don't stun the damn thing again as I had to flush it as I gave the bigger ones week 5 nutes and they contain the blooming agent so iv flushed that out and will keep going with veg for the next couple weeks and hope I see some real development. Times ticking away before I have the next walk through and I'll need to hide all this for a half hour. Any advice @Ganjagrandaddy the shriveling leaves have me worried being that they're fresh leaves.
This is the exposure atm to the bud sites. I'm still tieing them all down once I get it back to normal I think the smaller one has had a stem problem when tieing it down, I don't think it cracked but it's really loose so IV just compacted it down and left it as is. I may chuck them outside tomorrow morning and let natural light take control in fixing it, worked great last time.
I wouldn't worry about lst for the moment at all. let them get moving a little more , you can train all the way to the end if need be with moving leaf a d stalks so dont worry too much yet. Defoliation is usually only done when needed due to a big bushy plant. your ladies are a long way off needing the defol so if we work to a schedule that helps to keep them growing while allowing them to train ect.. If we wait until day 21 of real flowering before taking any other leaf off unless nearly dead. Each leaf removed at this stage is similar to taking some batteries out of a torch and expecting the same light to come out for less power. The fan leaves are the powerhouses of the veg period so if these are autos , every leaf counts. I am surprised, if autos , that there are no flowers yet so let's assume they are photoperiods and their growth will be slower. The veg weeks seen on here are often not including the seedling stage which can be 2 weeks so dont feel the need to follow weeks as your schedule. flip them when they will produce well.
If we wait till 5 sets of leaves then top them , this will increase the budsites too. This stage is all about getting secondary branches to think they are the main stem and for the plant to do the same and feed them equally. Keep the watering going and be patient mate. this stage can feel like a long wait but it will be worth it.
I chucked them outside today as ones a little shocked from transplant. I also bought more Coco peat with calmag added to it and put it across the girls to help them. My girls are very very bushy, most of the auto grows are stretched out and evenly distributed but mine are small and compact and the leaves are compacted shading everything but they seem to be pretty resilient, leaves are growing back and IV seen 2 inches of Growth on the NL in the last two days so that's something
This lights doing great it's really powerful and my tent has alot of heat to it. I haven't been on there much IV been working full on but they have grown alot, the one that was far behind is growing the best. I have slight nute burn so I'm scaling the nutes back a few mls and putting an extra ltr in the mix.
it will be a bit longer than that I reckon. realistically, unless it is a very fast flowering indica , at least 6 weeks for flowering before signs of a finish in sight. My experience of autos is that the flowering time is no different from the photoperiod version from the start of actual flower. 4 weeks from now will only have small undeveloped trichromes if any at all as they usually get active mid flower. Dont be disheartened at all , the waiting is the bit that we all hate. watching the buds form and swell is a bonus though. Wait till the smell starts. happy days
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