Obama's Marijuana Fail

If the ENtIRE WORKING class of this nation would lay down for 1 week and do nothing then the polititians AND big business would be begging us and asking us what we want. I am for a 10,000,000 person march on D.C. Lets just do it and fix it for once and for ALL.
and no worries..our military will not fire upon us. Especially if we are not armed...even though as the 2nd ammendmed says ...we have the right to.
Polls are showing a slim majority already support changing the Cannabis laws. I understand the point but unfortunately its money that drives politics in this country. Its money that gets you elected, keeps you elected and gives you a job when you leave office. By the time a person gets elected to a national office they've already had to accept so many funds from private interests that there is little hope of them ever doing what human-people need.

exactly why there should be term limits and no lobbyists period.
exactly why there should be term limits and no lobbyists period.

With the US Supreme court ruling in favor of corporate access without limit, the new and old robber barons don't care who gets elected.
Same deal for everybody: silver or lead. Elija plata o plumo.
Heros are sandwiches to be eaten :smokin:
The ONLY way big business and big gov. will EVER change is BY THE PEOPLE..and ONLY an uprising will change it. As long as they have controll over you they THINK that we can not do anything, See what happened in Egypt...we need to take a lesson from people that are being pushed around,,,but then again the people of this country had it too good for too long. I doubt if 95% of them can even think for themselves.
I been here for 61 years. I served this country. I have seen the changes...mostly bad..and ALL caused by big business. look at the gulf oil spill...they got away with that just like exxon did in Alaska. Du Pont, big oil and Big pharma made hemp illegal..illegally..I am growing mine and they can ALL kiss my ass. FK them all.
You guessed it right...I AM ready for a war with these a ss holes..even if I have to do it by myself. I know not what course others may take ..but as for me..give me liberty or give me death...Patrick Henry...my hero.
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