Outdoor Blue Dream While Living In The LBC


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
First of all, welcome to my journal and thanks for visiting. This is my first journal and I hope I do a good enough job to have some of you follow along from start to finish. This will be my 3rd official grow since I've started the fine art of herbology, and like everything else, theres always room for improvement. By making this journal, I hope to pick up tips/tricks that any of you seasoned vets who visit wish to tell me so I can grow killer buds, life is all about learning right...?
I live in the LBC here in LA County, and if youre from here, youd know that going to any club is not a cheap thing now with the ridiculous tax they set at a legal establishment. So the last few years Ive been trying to grow, mostly to save money. Results have varied, but I believe Ive got my feet under me and can produce something Im proud enough to show off. In the past, Ive been using random seeds found in buds Ive gotten thru time, so this year I decided to buy seeds so I know exactly what Im working with. After hours of looking and shopping around, I decided on a favorite of mine in Blue Dream and I chose to get feminized seeds from Garden of Green. From the packet, looks like a killer plant and I hope to achieve something close to it. Since I live in So Cal, and having the weather we do, outdoor growing here is easy from what Ive read compared to other regions. Ive decided to go in ground soil and have decided to start later in the season because in the past, my ladies have grown to close to 6 ft tall, and thats just under the fence height I have. I dont want to alert any sticky fingered neighbors to what is going on in my yard, as well get any unwanted police showing up.

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For the last 2 months, Ive been working the soil in my backyard to get it ready for the grow season getting my pH down to a 6.7, which is as close as I can get to 6.5 from what Ive read is the optimal pH wanted. Initially, when I tested my soil pH, it was basic at an 8, so I found an all natural fertilizer acid mix to bring it down. My yard runs East and West, and I use the west side to catch the most sun I can. The sun floods my backyard for the season and at high times, reaches up to 16 hrs of sunlight. The flower bed size I have and will be using is 3ft wide by 12 ft long.

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I germinated my seed on June 18th, and by the 21st she had split and I had a taproot showing. I planted her the morning of June 21st and prayed thatd she take hold and sprout. After 4 days, she split the top of the soil and started to show herself on the 25th.


She sprouted the morning of June 26th and by the middle of today, June 27th, she has started to stand straight and get her first 2 fan leaves showing. I believe shes gonna keep flourishing from here and become a beautiful lady. The holes in my soil are from the soil tester I have to make sure Im not flooding the seed and the soil doesnt fluctuate too much.

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If youve read to here and have made it all the way thru my rambling, THANK YOU! I hope you will follow along and watch her progress. I hope to keep updates frequent and all turns out well. Gonna be a long season and results come out big.
If you're having trouble getting the pH of your soil down that last little bit, you can mix some Canadian sphagnum peat moss into it. It's pretty acidic, I think it ranges from 3.0 to 4.5. It'll add "organic" uh... stuff, and help lighten the soil a bit. Mix everything up well, and then perform another slurry pH test.

Ever thought about painting those cinder blocks flat white, lol?
If you're having trouble getting the pH of your soil down that last little bit, you can mix some Canadian sphagnum peat moss into it. It's pretty acidic, I think it ranges from 3.0 to 4.5. It'll add "organic" uh... stuff, and help lighten the soil a bit. Mix everything up well, and then perform another slurry pH test.

Ever thought about painting those cinder blocks flat white, lol?

Thanks for the heads up, would I just mix it in the soil around the plant? Obviously trying not to disturb the root.
And, nah, I truly havent thought of painting the wall white behind it. I actually use the wall behind to take notes in chalk, planted date, sprouted date, 1st sign of flowers, etc...
UPDATE: The girl is 10 days old now and looks to be doing great. A couple days ago I mixed in some Fox Farms potting soil to help hopefully keep my pH around 6.7 and she looks to be responding well and happy. I have noticed tho that shes a little lighter green than I've seen plants in the past, anyone know if that is an indication of something? Otherwise... we'll keep trucking along.
UPDATE: Girl is still going well at the 1 month old mark. Gave her the first dose of nutes a couple days ago and she so far hasnt burned or wilted so shes definitely happy and healthy. Hoping she'll get some height before the flowering starts. Sun rises a little before 0600 and its still light to about 2100 and I'm giving her a gallon of water every 4-5 days, still relying on the soil moisture meter I own. Thanks for staying for the updates. Got several months of journey left to travel.

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They look nice and healthy. Your ground prep is paying off. The gnomes are a nice touch too. The two on the couch are planning a to kill the enlightened one...lol.Im subbing in for this ride. I like your style. I have blue dream on my list for next season. I've never had it but I know it's popular out in your region. So yeah, it's gotta be good.
Ya know if you worry about tall plants. Right now is the time to start training them to stay low. Plus, you'll get more growth from her hips verses topping. Just a thought to share. I'm a scrog grower. I'm pretty brutal to my girls but they like it.... I think my next journal title will be...The People's Temple Does SnM.
Nice journal by the way.
UPDATE: Girl is still going well at the 1 month old mark. Gave her the first dose of nutes a couple days ago and she so far hasnt burned or wilted so shes definitely happy and healthy. Hoping she'll get some height before the flowering starts. Sun rises a little before 0600 and its still light to about 2100 and I'm giving her a gallon of water every 4-5 days, still relying on the soil moisture meter I own. Thanks for staying for the updates. Got several months of journey left to travel.

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Those garden gnomes are hilarious, I love it. Count me in for the ride, got some blue dream germinating now.
@JimJonesJr @BubblinBuds

Thanks guys. I've always thought those little dudes have magical garden powers, someones gotta keep an eye on the lady while I'm away. Blue Dream is popular here in SoCal, one of my faves and I've been told it likes this climate to grow in. Kind of like a Goldilocks situation, not too cold not too hot... just right. Wasn't really thinking of topping her, wanting a big top cola this time. I do rather well during veg growth, but for some reason with flowering/bloom, I lack experience and don't turn out dense buds. Not sure if its over water and not enough stress of the plant or the soil pH is off. That's why I spent the extra time to prep soil and get meters. Here's hoping the extra work will pay off. Glad to hear your both along for the ride.
@JimJonesJr @BubblinBuds

Thanks guys. I've always thought those little dudes have magical garden powers, someones gotta keep an eye on the lady while I'm away. Blue Dream is popular here in SoCal, one of my faves and I've been told it likes this climate to grow in. Kind of like a Goldilocks situation, not too cold not too hot... just right. Wasn't really thinking of topping her, wanting a big top cola this time. I do rather well during veg growth, but for some reason with flowering/bloom, I lack experience and don't turn out dense buds. Not sure if its over water and not enough stress of the plant or the soil pH is off. That's why I spent the extra time to prep soil and get meters. Here's hoping the extra work will pay off. Glad to hear your both along for the ride.
Well, I dunno what you grew last year or before that. It could have been the beans or errors on your part. I'd be trolling the hell out of some outdoor growers threads but I'm sure you probably already do. I've grown some container plants outdoors but never in the ground. Looks like you've done some homework with how you prepped this year. I hope ya get that big, hairy, cola you want this time around. Maybe the gnomes will help.
Well, I dunno what you grew last year or before that. It could have been the beans or errors on your part. I'd be trolling the hell out of some outdoor growers threads but I'm sure you probably already do. I've grown some container plants outdoors but never in the ground. Looks like you've done some homework with how you prepped this year. I hope ya get that big, hairy, cola you want this time around. Maybe the gnomes will help.
This was my lady last year... she was from a random bean I had laying around from a sac I picked up off a homie. I didnt get the results I wanted and Im not sure if I over watered or the soil pH was off. She got some decent budding and I ended up with a little under a lb, but the results were less than satisfactory. I could sit there and smoke bowl after bowl and end up with just barely a head change. So, idk wtf happened... thats why I went all out this year with picking up brand new beans, prepping soil, and buying meters. Somethings gotta give, as well, with this being a journal, hopefully someone will be able to help with my problem.

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It looked nice but with bagseed you know nothing. Growth, pest or mold resistance, and the most important thing...potency. Low grade weed sucks. I've had it happen before growing a bagseed. Plus, there's a much higher risk of hermies. Your going to be very pleased with this plant. I am probably just as anxious as you to see her grow. Blue dream is on my list for next season. I'll get regular seed...sex them early and clone the best ones.

So if your pH goes wacky what ya going to do? Dolomite? Or some other organic fix. I don't remember what your feeding them. I know you prepped the soil but they draw a lot of nutes through a grow. What's your plan for flowering? Did you get any pest problems the past few yrs?

Have you ever heard of washing buds? I'm just full of questions...lol.
I am beyond anxious with how this girl grows and the bloom she has. I have thought about how I would counter act the change of pH, if she starts getting a little high, I could mix peat moss into the soil to bring it down. My soil is naturally alkaline, so I doubt it would go too acidic. Not sure what dolomite is... looks like I have some more reading/learning to do.
I am currently watering every 4-5 days with these nutes, General Hydroponics maxi grow at a 10-5-14 and a Cal-Mag supplement from Botanicare. Flowering I plan to use Jacks Blossom Booster at a 10-30-20, and then I plan to side dress the soil and plant with Earth Juice's Primal Harvest at a 0-11-0. Everything is mix in by gallon of water. The last year and so far this year has been really good for pest, keeping fingers crossed they stay away like they have. I neem once a week during veg and switch to insecticide soap spray with Dr. Bronners castile soap for flower/bloom. I have heard of bud washing and did a wash last year.

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I am beyond anxious with how this girl grows and the bloom she has. I have thought about how I would counter act the change of pH, if she starts getting a little high, I could mix peat moss into the soil to bring it down. My soil is naturally alkaline, so I doubt it would go too acidic. Not sure what dolomite is... looks like I have some more reading/learning to do.
I am currently watering every 4-5 days with these nutes, General Hydroponics maxi grow at a 10-5-14 and a Cal-Mag supplement from Botanicare. Flowering I plan to use Jacks Blossom Booster at a 10-30-20, and then I plan to side dress the soil and plant with Earth Juice's Primal Harvest at a 0-11-0. Everything is mix in by gallon of water. The last year and so far this year has been really good for pest, keeping fingers crossed they stay away like they have. I neem once a week during veg and switch to insecticide soap spray with Dr. Bronners castile soap for flower/bloom. I have heard of bud washing and did a wash last year.

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You are on it like a fly on shit bro. Nice stuff you have there. Dolomite is lime. Googled it...Dolomite is most often used limestone as it contains equal parts of magnesium and calcium. Lime is used to increase the soil's pH and decrease acidity. By neutralizing acidic soil, plants can easily absorb nutrients from the soil. Lime also improves soil texture and helps convert other soil nutrients into usable forms.
So many what ifs in a grow. I'd suggest you research now n be ready cause something will happen..lol. I'm dealing with some pH lockout blocking sulphur uptake on 4 plants. Flushed the hell out of them the other day. I await their response. In soil recovery is slower than hydro. I'm going to build a grow cabinet in my gh for winter grows, Serious considering going to a simple bubbler. I'm rambling...tend to do that at times. I do love chatting about grows.
Thank you sir, its much appreciated! I had a long winter/off-season to research while smoking some shitty buds, vowed Id never let that happen again. If I'm putting 4 months of work into these ladies, they've got to come out as something the grow community would be proud of, and that's what I'm aiming for. Sorry to hear about the lockout, good luck with the results, hope the ladies pull thru.
Thank you sir, its much appreciated! I had a long winter/off-season to research while smoking some shitty buds, vowed Id never let that happen again. If I'm putting 4 months of work into these ladies, they've got to come out as something the grow community would be proud of, and that's what I'm aiming for. Sorry to hear about the lockout, good luck with the results, hope the ladies pull thru.
Two are on the iffy list. Ya know everytime you kill a plant a baby kitten dies... :rofl: I may be killing a kitten or two soon.
Did you chop last years harvest early maybe? Or did you check with a jewelers loupe to ensure the trichomes had reached full maturity? Because the buds look good, not wow you type of stuff but still looked decent enough to provide a good smoke, maybe she was harvested early?
Did you chop last years harvest early maybe? Or did you check with a jewelers loupe to ensure the trichomes had reached full maturity? Because the buds look good, not wow you type of stuff but still looked decent enough to provide a good smoke, maybe she was harvested early?
Good point. Erbody needs a scope.
Exactly, but ya the only reason I brought that up was because when I was looking at his plant and bud photos from last year, I noticed some white pistils still on the bud.. not many but they are there, that tells me the buds we’re just slightly immature. Also the plant photo’s look like they had 1-2 weeks left on them at least. Last years plant looked very nice though, I just think it may have needed some more time. Might explain why it looks good, smoked somewhat decent but fell short of his expectations for the high... I could be wrong but I thought it’d worth mentioning at least.. Like @JimJonesJr said, it could be genetics or any number of variables. When are you planting your Blue Dreams? @ogkev
Ive decided to go in ground soil and have decided to start later in the season because in the past, my ladies have grown to close to 6 ft tall, and thats just under the fence height I have. I dont want to alert any sticky fingered neighbors to what is going on in my yard, as well get any unwanted police showing up.
Hi Kev, If you have a height restriction and the plant is not a naturally low plant, then you'll have to top it, or you don't want to do that then LST and/or supercrop it.

My grow space is confined to a balcony, so I have major height limits for stealth. On my last grow I topped, Quadlined, LST'd and supercropped my 2 bigger plants to keep them under 2.5 foot high but with large'ish horizontal canopies. A third plant, an auto I trained with LST to bend the main stem down so the majority of colas all grew to the same level (rather than as a 'christmas tree' shape). I still got a useful 23oz dry/cured from the 3 plants.

So if you want to keep the main cola but you feel the plant is potentially going to grow higher than your wall then you probably need to incorporate LST training to bend it over/down as it grows.

Ever thought about painting those cinder blocks flat white, lol?
I think that is a great idea, I understand that is used in regular gardening to assist more light bouncing off onto the plants.

Wasn't really thinking of topping her, wanting a big top cola this time. I do rather well during veg growth, but for some reason with flowering/bloom, I lack experience and don't turn out dense buds. Not sure if its over water and not enough stress of the plant or the soil pH is off. That's why I spent the extra time to prep soil and get meters.
LST her, bend her over, train her like that, and no problem you can still have your big top cola and still grow a full plant, which the more horizontal she is the more light she'll get on her buds.

This was my lady last year... she was from a random bean I had laying around from a sac I picked up off a homie. I didnt get the results I wanted and Im not sure if I over watered or the soil pH was off. She got some decent budding and I ended up with a little under a lb
Was that a wet/fresh harvested pound or a dried pound? I think generally buds lose around 75% weight once dried.

I grow in soil but in containers. I go along the LOS (living organic soil) approach, so I am no help when it comes to bottled nutes and pH fiddling. With LOS you mostly don't have to worry about the pH, the explanation given is that the living biology in the soil will keep the pH in the sweet zone.

The plant you grew last year looks really good. It's hard to find fault in it's appearance, even the harvested buds look perfectly nice. Maybe it was just a 'light weight' in the THC department or as @BubblinBuds said it could have been harvested too early, so get a scope, loupe, or learn to take good closeups of the buds/trichomes that you can blow up on the screen to see exactly where they are in maturity.

I think you're doing great in your gardening. The Blue Dream seeds you got will definitely have the correct potency, just continue to do what you did before but this time confirm the trichomes and train the plant as she grows, LST, whatever. Good stuff! :thumb:
Did you chop last years harvest early maybe? Or did you check with a jewelers loupe to ensure the trichomes had reached full maturity? Because the buds look good, not wow you type of stuff but still looked decent enough to provide a good smoke, maybe she was harvested early?
I did NOT have a loupe or something to mag the trics last year, but I let her flower for 10 weeks and was afraid to pick late, I understand there were white pistils still, just didnt want to keep her in for longer for the fear of loosing potency, which I guess didnt really matter in the end. Ive always read that 8-10 weeks of flower is good, guess every lady is different. I have since bought a handheld microscope for this year and have learned how to use it, goes from 50x-1000x.
Hi Kev, If you have a height restriction and the plant is not a naturally low plant, then you'll have to top it, or you don't want to do that then LST and/or supercrop it.
Its not that I really have a height restriction, just want to keep her under the wall height. I have heard about LST, but never tried it, what is the purpose and does it benefit bud growth? I didnt weigh her wet/fresh, only did a dry weighing
When are you planting your Blue Dreams?
I plant late June to early July, if i was to plant in April when normal outdoor grows begin, my lady would be way too big for the backyard.

Any more questions or comments... keep em coming. This is exactly what I was hoping would come from making the journal!! Thanks everyone
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