Outdoor Oasis: Final Autoflower Grow Of The Season

As outdoor growing is still new to me, I decided I will enter a journal to elicit some help from the masters

3 Plants - Oasis Genetics
Auto PK - automatic purple kush
Auto NLxBB - northern lights crossed with big bud
Auto C.R.E.A.M - cream caramel crossed with deimos

2 gallon Home Depot buckets
ProMix HP with mycorrhizae
15ml (3 tsp) of Dagda Lord of the Field -Grow Formula, by Nutri + in each bucket

I will be applying some LST to maximize the yield
After the first week of October goes by, I will be adding the Dagda Bloom formula into the mix

This week I will begin preparing the ground for my greenhouse, and once built, will move the plants inside it to keep out of the frost. I may also build the base and the sides, but leave the roof until later on. I have the wood already, but will by the sheets of Palruf in small amounts after the base is built.

They have been outside for about a full week now, and seem to be loving it.

Auto PK

These pictures are from the other day, they are much bigger now, but it has been raining a lot lately. If the rain holds up for a bit later like its forecasted, I will sneak outside for a few more snaps.

Here is the entire new lineup together, still contemplating the addition of a Bloody Skunk or an LSD-25, or maybe both, but the time to add is ticking away fast.

Will update soon with more recent pictures. Peaceout Mosuckas
Everybody seems to be doing quite alright, even after a good dose of the fertilizer. A little damage on a leaf, but I cannot be sure it was the fertilizer. Nothing else has been affected so far, and new growth is fine. I have not needed to water at all, as it has rained plenty enough to keep them nice and moist. Times like that make me wish I was ready with the greenhouse. Soon though, very soon.

C.R.E.A.M is showing quite an improvement over the last 3 days, but not as noticeable as the Northern Lights
This NLxBB is much bigger than before, huge difference in appearance to me, not sure if you can see in the pictures.
Auto PK is still way ahead of the others, but I have found the C.R.E.A.M has been a vigorous grower, so it very well may takeover at anytime.


The main cola of what the Purple Kush bag seed is producing so far. Since it is bag seed and I have no idea what it was pollinated with, I am still just going to refer to it as the PK, regardless of what the cross is. Love the colours in the pistels, and how it is starting to shine all over
Everyone is looking beautiful today, although they seem to have a weird colour to me. It looks fine in the pictures, but seem different in person. Nice height and width so far, coming along very nicely.





One of the four big colas on the unknown plant

Beautiful shot of the top cola of the PK based. Love that colour, just wonderful.


  • 20190919_190027.jpg
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Looking good geo. Nice colour green ..

Keep eye on that claw ? Excess nitro.
Thank you sir, I appreciate the kind words.

Unfortunately I do not know just what you mean by "that claw". There is most definitely an overabundance of nitrogen. All the other plants handled the lower doses very well, with no signs of distress, so I opted to try these out with a full dose. I will certainly need to tweak the amounts I give them. I still haven't switched to the bloom. Lower N for sure, but still plenty in it.

Grow, as it says. High numbers, but worked well it lower doses. Full doses for the photos, and they seemed to have loved it. Until the calmag issue, then it sucked. They bounced back nicely though.

And now the bloom. Have used both on all the other outdoor plants.

High PK, so I am happy to not add anything else. Next year I may add some sugars though, and plant right in the ground.
Be nice to see under 20 nitro in grow base . But hey the claw if you google nitrogen excess the claw .. you fans will cup droop slash claw inwards we don't want to high nitrogen or it locks out potassium. Bloom base seems. Good ..
Be nice to see under 20 nitro in grow base . But hey the claw if you google nitrogen excess the claw .. you fans will cup droop slash claw inwards we don't want to high nitrogen or it locks out potassium. Bloom base seems. Good ..
While the plants did show a dark green throughout veg, they grew quite quickly.

Both pictures are from July 10th
Plant that got quaded by an animal.

And the one left alone

Here is what they look like now. The quad has since been harvested, but here it is during trimming.
On the left, unsure of the one on the right

And the other one. Lost the top of the main cola to some more Botrytis, but the test is fine.


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