

Well-Known Member
Hope I’m in the right section for this question. It’s a pretty straight forward one.

Is damage done by overwatering permanent? Or will all the leaves come back normal once problem is fixed?
The leaves will return to normal when things dry out,as long as they're not brown and crispy-If they're just "puffy" looking,and kind of droopy,they'll come back,just back off on the watering.

Have you read @Emilya's watering tutorial?-It's "required reading" to avoid watering mistakes in the future:

I haven’t read it. I will take a look. I’ve never had issues with overwatering. This current run is my first hempy bucket run. I guess it was part of the learning curve lol.
That was my impression but was advised by another member that when using the very small perlite it becomes an issue. Here’s a picture from a few days ago they are already starting to look much better.

My ph is always at 5.7 nutes are still at 1/2 strength. Only using grow nutes with calmag supplement.
There are holes they are turned inwards so as to drain into the bin below. I’m only stating what another member wrote in my journal about the issue.
As this was my first attempt at hempy i may have over down the initial waterings of the seedlings. I was watering them up to 4 times a day. According to I believe bad info from the internet. Google isn’t always your friend lol.
We try not to act like the internet here :)
But before the roots reach the reservoir, are they not meant to be watered frequently enough around the base of the seedling?
yes, but that is no longer a seedling. One of the very first tasks that our young plants have to do is to send a feeder/tap root down to find the bottom, and in this case, a nutrient source. There already is a very healthy root sitting down in that rez if all has gone right and that root has specialized itself (because it chose to go down in there) and it can handle being under water all the time. The top and middle roots however, need to dry out and see oxygen in a wet/dry cycle. It happens fast in a hempy, but I bet if you went to watering every other day you would see a big improvement... and you could probably get by with every two days, and the lift method my inform you that you can go even longer... it sort of depends on the size of containers. In those big buckets, you probably can go for a while. Try it a bit and see... the plants will either perk up or tell you they don't like the new strategy.
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