I found this comment on another forum;

My wife also suffers from lupus and has found some good strains that work very well for her. Most of the "white" series of strains are at the top of the list. She's found at times that strains high in CBD help more than ones that are high in THC. She always has a bottle of CBD Nordle oil with her. It's her go to strain for the pain, spasms, etc. Hope that helps

Medicine Man
Black Widow
La Nina
Shark Shock
NL5 x Afghan
Thanks Grizz. They're going on the list. I'll be checking out MNS, where most of those strains live, as soon as I get a bit richer than I am now. On a sort of related note, though maybe not for pain, I found a batch of Northern Lights seeds in my freezer that I've had for 12 years. I got them from a friend of a friend and never tried sprouting any. May not sprout, but still pretty cool to have around as a possibility. I wish they were 30 years old- maybe I'd find lost gold.
I've been hitting up the CBD Therapy every day. Usually mixed with sativa. It does work for pain, though it's kind of hard to pin down a good description. I feel like what I need to do is take a massive dose at a time I'm hurting a lot- and try to find that distinct change between pain and relief. It does make me feel a bit dopey sometimes, and sleepy. I'm looking forward to finding new ways to take it- also going to brew up some oil when I get time and maybe use some for hash. As you know I've got some experimental canna-wine brewing. I boiled and simmered the bud in that for over ten hours in an attempt to being out max CBN sleepy potion qualities. I'll sprout another CBD Therapy when it seems like I've got room- and use that for wine potions and hash as well.
12 year old northern lights :high-five: great find mate.. in your freezer, they should be good. I thaw them out overnight, just to make sure nothings still frozen before putting into shot glass.. those strains are all, $10-$20, Ortega black widow and La Niña $20-$35 on the auction site..
They spent a fair amount of time outside the freezer. A couple years or more. And I don't know how old or how good they were before I got them. We'll see. I got a bunch of random strains around that time and planted most of them except the NL. I honestly didn't know it was a decent strain -had it in my head that it was just some old school weak generic crap. No idea why I thought that. I may try sprouting some soon just out of curiosity.

I'll go check that auction.
You might like this little info..

around 20 years ago I had the pleasure of growing some of Neville's NL5X2 and it is hands down the best strain I have grown to date.

When I started all this, I did it with the idea of making myself, in a sense, redundant. There was no precedent and I didn't know what forces would be countered against me or how long my run would last.
Northern Lights, especially NL5, was the cornerstone of the indoor growing industry. By putting NL5x2 out there, I was giving the game away. I thought hard about this and I had to decide on what was best for me or what was best for everyone else. I decided that what was best for everyone would ultimately be best for me.
I needn't have worried. Everyone was asleep.

:rofl::rofl: I love reading his shit. Cracks me up..
I lived in pain (Male thing) for 10+ yrs and was treated by a pain mgmt doctor w/ 30mg of Oxycodone 3x per day
I hated everything about it and would pass out from time to time..(Live alone and 69yrs old)

I got my MMJ card last November and after a lot of sampling..found that CBD just did not do it for me.
Sativas get me jumpy, so I located some nice Indica leaning Hybrids at my local dispensary.
I am currently growing my own and complying with the new Nevada laws.

Now I am Pain free, Oxy free; and sleep 100% better (up only 3-4 times per night and fall asleep easily)
I have stopped going to my pain doc..He is almost as thrilled as I am..
BTW: I did a slow taper and still got sicker than hell..Pure poison.
Hope the OP feels better and perhaps Weaselcracker will find relief w/ a Sativa Indica hybrid..:peacetwo:
Thanks Grizzwald. That was great: :rofl: I think you're getting me hooked on the idea of visiting MNS.

Buzzer - thanks. I tread pretty carefully with the poppies. Also I'm not supposed to talk about that on the forum (kind of weird because we can talk about the pharma stuff all day if we want- but (even weirder) its because of legalities). So I won't :laughtwo: and will just refer to it as opiates from now on, but- I've been there and done that. The first time really caught me by surprise at the end of the summer when the medicine supply ran out. I couldn't sleep and was in agony- sweating/freezing/aching. I got up in the morn and dragged myself out in the yard and lay in the sun all day too weak to move. Didn't have a clue wtf was happening- hospital time but I couldn't move. My gf put 2 and 2 together and she was just laughing at me :). I would have laughed at myself but it wasn't that funny at the time and was quite a few not funny days before I felt better.
Now I just stay at the absolute minimum level- mini withdrawals fairly often because I only take opiates when it gets too bad not to, and go off them as much as possible.

Can you give me more info about how you're using cannabis to treat pain? Smoking it- or something else?
I lived in pain (Male thing) for 10+ yrs and was treated by a pain mgmt doctor w/ 30mg of Oxycodone 3x per day
I hated everything about it and would pass out from time to time..(Live alone and 69yrs old)

I got my MMJ card last November and after a lot of sampling..found that CBD just did not do it for me.
Sativas get me jumpy, so I located some nice Indica leaning Hybrids at my local dispensary.
I am currently growing my own and complying with the new Nevada laws.

Now I am Pain free, Oxy free; and sleep 100% better (up only 3-4 times per night and fall asleep easily)
I have stopped going to my pain doc..He is almost as thrilled as I am..
BTW: I did a slow taper and still got sicker than hell..Pure poison.
Hope the OP feels better and perhaps Weaselcracker will find relief w/ a Sativa Indica hybrid..:peacetwo:

That is really terrific to hear! I hate prescription opioids, I believe they're the biggest mistake our modern healthcare system has endeavored. I tried to get my mother to try cannabis instead for her Fibromayalgia, but unfortunately I think that she was more addicted to the opioids than she was really seeking pain relief by the time I intervened. Wasn't really the best time to try medical cannabis either, it wasn't legal and there wasn't the kind of variety around there is now, and so whatever kind of stuff she got, she said it wound up making her pain worse. I always wondered if maybe it was a psychedelic effect from the weed. I don't know, I remember at the time I knew Indica would be better for pain relief, but no telling if what I had was Indica, Sativa or hybrid. It doesn't help she hadn't smoked weed since like the early 90s or late 80s and then started out using a steam-roller to smoke a whole bowl of some circa 2000 stuff and I just don't think she knew what she was getting into. The whole thing was sad, like, I went and got her weed to try, yet somehow she still felt like she had to go smoke it in her room, and basically had a freakout. Sadly, my mother became another victim of the opioid epidemic. I'm glad weed worked for you, and I hope you share your story with more people. Those opioids are poison, and Big Pharma has hoodwinked the country worse than Big Tobacco ever did.

I don't know, I've always had a very strange fascination with pain. It sounds bad to phrase it like that, especially in the company who have to live with chronic pain. However, I remember even from an early age, being intrigued when I would watch TV and see these people on these shows that would intentionally hurt themselves. No, I don't mean like, an S&M kind of thing, but that might in fact have been less creepy. These people would literally hang themselves from hooks, submit their hands to weedwhackers, just all sorts of craziness. I actually remember one guy who was so assured that it was simply a question of mind over matter, that he decided to undergo a root-canal without any numbing, live on TV. He was unable to withstand it through completion, but still, that kind of begs the question of how much it really is a matter of psychology. I don't mean to tell anyone else ever to "tough it out", but personally, I tell myself to. It's not really a "guy" thing, or a "machismo" thing, but at times I literally just feel like if I can learn to live with pain, that it's better than seeking ways to avoid it. On the other hand, that leads to stupid crap like waiting until your tooth is literally crumbling in half until you decide that your pain will be perceived as severe enough to beg and plead a dentist to pull it; so a person has to seek a balance between self-preservation, and not chasing the impossible. I'm not sure any person was ever meant to live truly, 100%, pain free.

It sucks trying to get pain relief for just about anything from a doctor though. I remember when having tooth problems, going to the ER simply for anti-biotics, and they instead filled a prescription for hydrocodone. It's just amazing, the thing that should be the last resort is the first response. What simply astounds me is that the FDA recently approved the use of opioids in children under 12.

Anyway I didn't mean to derail this with my anti-opioid crusade, guys. Sorry. I just wish there would have been an abundance of legal weed to try when my mother was alive, maybe she could have found something that would have helped her. So in a way, I think there's a compassionate thing in the experimentation, and sharing of results, so that future people like my mother might match the information with new found access to better medicine.
Again, My opiates were legally prescribed by a Licensed Physician, but that did not make it better!
I have not touched anything but an Aspirin or a allergy tablet since Nov 2016!
I usually smoke Cannabis in a bong or a vape(don't like the taste in a vape).
I also make weed smoothies from time to time. Eatables are too expensive and do not help me as much.

The catch is that I have to stay medicated or the pain returns..I did quite a few tests on myself with different strains and how long they last. My preferred strain is Grand Daddy Purple for both pain and Insomnia. Daytime requires a different approach. Daytimes I try to stay with Sativa Dominate strains.

Weed is legal here in Nevada and I do have a MMJ Card. recreational is also legal since Jan 1, 2017, but no Rec dispensaries are open yet (1st is expected in early July 2017)
We can also grow up to six USABLE plants or 12 per household with certain restrictions which I carefully observe!!
GDP is SOMETIMES available, but I have to travel to Carson City to buy it (30miles from home)..That is one of the conditions (over 25miles from home)That keeps it legal to grow..How we obtain seeds or clones at present presents a problem for now.
I have a few seeds of GDP and will plant shortly.
Mean time I am growing 4 Indica ladies in my home.
I should be able to harvest in late June..Should be able to get at least 2-3 oz per plant..sooo 4 plants x 2oz = 8oz! Saves me about $2000 Dispensary cost and will completely cover my grow setup..:)
This was taken 5-10-17..I am amazed that I have gotten this far (1st grow and I am 69 yrs old).
Hope this all helps you!

Again, My opiates were legally prescribed by a Licensed Physician, but that did not make it better!
I have not touched anything but an Aspirin or a allergy tablet since Nov 2016!
I usually smoke Cannabis in a bong or a vape(don't like the taste in a vape).
I also make weed smoothies from time to time. Eatables are too expensive and do not help me as much.

The catch is that I have to stay medicated or the pain returns..I did quite a few tests on myself with different strains and how long they last. My preferred strain is Grand Daddy Purple for both pain and Insomnia. Daytime requires a different approach. Daytimes I try to stay with Sativa Dominate strains.

Weed is legal here in Nevada and I do have a MMJ Card. recreational is also legal since Jan 1, 2017, but no Rec dispensaries are open yet (1st is expected in early July 2017)
We can also grow up to six USABLE plants or 12 per household with certain restrictions which I carefully observe!!
GDP is SOMETIMES available, but I have to travel to Carson City to buy it (30miles from home)..That is one of the conditions (over 25miles from home)That keeps it legal to grow..How we obtain seeds or clones at present presents a problem for now.
I have a few seeds of GDP and will plant shortly.
Mean time I am growing 4 Indica ladies in my home.
I should be able to harvest in late June..Should be able to get at least 2-3 oz per plant..sooo 4 plants x 2oz = 8oz! Saves me about $2000 Dispensary cost and will completely cover my grow setup..:)
This was taken 5-10-17..I am amazed that I have gotten this far (1st grow and I am 69 yrs old).
Hope this all helps you!


This was a delightful thing to read on my way to my yard this morning. Thank you for sharing Buzzer, and may I say, beautiful photo. You guys keep tempting me to try the net. :laughtwo:

I find it curious that so many men claim that edibles don't work for them. This is one of the more common statements I hear from men with chronic pain in particular, and it makes me wonder what type of edible you tried. I make oil that's super bioavailable, and I can't see it having no effect at all. Sometimes the underlying effects of inflammation reduction are so subtle that we don't realize the benefits we were getting until we stop taking the meds.

I think we all get confused by thinking we have to feel euphoria to be getting relief. I understand that the overriding concern is to stop the pain, and THC does that with great effect, but THC alone won't quell the inflammation at the root of the pain. IMO, a more diversified cannabinoid and terpene profile will benefit anyone, and the more pathways you create for cannabinoid therapies the greater your chances of reaching homeostasis.

Are you using any appreciable levels of CBD in your regimen? Pain is based in inflammation, which is why the balanced ratio approach frequently brings surprising relief. Granddaddy Purple certainly has the THC punch you need for cutting the pain signals but with less than 1% CBD it's fairly useless for inflammatory response. As an alternative option you could process the GDP into an oil that had a higher level of THCa in it and use that in a capsule protocol. THCa has shown anti-inflammatory action very similar to CBD.
Thank You Sue..
I tried edibles from my dispensary w/ both CBD and THC..No Pain relief and waited for 3 hours or so (They were delicious though)..
The 1st flower I purchased, at my Dispensary was Sativa Leaning Acapulco Gold with a relatively high CBD content. The THC content in turn was lower, and I only got slight relief even then. My fav Budtender agrees with my assessment and he is the same. THC for pain and Insomnia relief.
I am a 69 yr old Male, and not afraid to mention what I have (Prostate pain). That usually involves a swelling of the Male Prostate Gland caused by inflammation..I also mention that it took about 10 days for the THC levels to build up enough to give me the relief I was after FOR 10 YEARS!!
Thank You Sue..
I tried edibles from my dispensary w/ both CBD and THC..No Pain relief and waited for 3 hours or so (They were delicious though)..
The 1st flower I purchased, at my Dispensary was Sativa Leaning Acapulco Gold with a relatively high CBD content. The THC content in turn was lower, and I only got slight relief even then. My fav Budtender agrees with my assessment and he is the same. THC for pain and Insomnia relief.
I am a 69 yr old Male, and not afraid to mention what I have (Prostate pain). That usually involves a swelling of the Male Prostate Gland caused by inflammation..I also mention that it took about 10 days for the THC levels to build up enough to give me the relief I was after FOR 10 YEARS!!

Kinda pisses you off, doesn't it? All this needless pain and suffering. The thing is, we're just now getting reliable clinical data on the effectiveness of the cannabinoids, so I'd advise you to introduce either THCa or CBD into your personal protocol, without removing any of the THC load you're now finding relief with.

I can share that my daughter's insomnia vanished with a 2:1 CBD:THC strain, as did chronic pain, anxiety, depression, migraines.... the list goes on.

Most of the edibles you're going to purchase will lack the dynamic quality of ones made at home with plant material you lovingly brought to harvest. They also lack the punch we like to put into our homemade delights. Regulation restricts doses. How silly to restrict a basic nutrient. Smacks of either pure ignorance or genocide, or both in the case of Jeff Sessions.

Sorry, the man should just go home and play with his toys alone. :straightface:
So Happy your Daughter's Insomnia Pain and Insomnia was relieved.
In Nevada, there is NO restriction on ANY Cannabis strength or dosage..It is up to the Manufacturer.
Agree with your assessment of the man...they have much bigger fish to fry!

Apologies to the OP...Did not mean to Hijack your thread..:)
So Happy your Daughter's Insomnia Pain and Insomnia was relieved.
In Nevada, there is NO restriction on ANY Cannabis strength or dosage..It is up to the Manufacturer.
Agree with your assessment of the man...they have much bigger fish to fry!

Apologies to the OP...Did not mean to Hijack your thread..:)

Hey.... We talk on all these threads, and Weaselcracker and I are old friends. This thread is all about conversing about ways to overcome chronic pain, isn't it? That's exactly what we're doing. :battingeyelashes: :love:

My daughter suffered with dibilitating anxiety her entire life. When she vaped my first harvest grown for her it was miraculous. It lit a fire under me that only burns hotter to get as much reliable information out there on the medicinal benefits of a cannabinoid therapy as I can before I die in 30 years. At 63 I think I have at least that long to play. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey.... We talk on all these threads, and Weaselcracker and I are old friends. This thread is all about conversing about ways to overcome chronic pain, isn't it? That's exactly what we're doing. :battingeyelashes: :love:

My daughter suffered with dibilitating anxiety her entire life. When she vaped my first harvest grown for her it was miraculous. It lit a fire under me that only burns hotter to get as much reliable information out there on the medicinal benefits of a cannabinoid therapy as I can before I die in 30 years. At 63 I think I have at least that long to play. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Great point on overcoming pain :)

I would hate to limit it do that. I think the benefits may be available to all who want it, not need it because of a medical condition. Of course when I seen a strain for anxiety and appetite I jumped on it.

I think it can make better life not for just those disabled or hindered but perhaps for all.

Hope op got what he needed from this thread. Did you look at glucosamine for joint pain?
Great point on overcoming pain :)

I would hate to limit it do that. I think the benefits may be available to all who want it, not need it because of a medical condition. Of course when I seen a strain for anxiety and appetite I jumped on it.

I think it can make better life not for just those disabled or hindered but perhaps for all.

Hope op got what he needed from this thread. Did you look at glucosamine for joint pain?

We should be viewing cannabis as a nutrient, not a drug. It should be part of everyone's diet. You won't find the wealth and diversity of cannabinoids anywhere else. I'm picking up some V8 today to begin whirling my frozen leaves into a THCa tonic. Another pathway to keep inflammation down. I'm 63 and don't care to have a visit from the creaks and pains of those aging around me.
We should be viewing cannabis as a nutrient, not a drug. It should be part of everyone's diet. You won't find the wealth and diversity of cannabinoids anywhere else. I'm picking up some V8 today to begin whirling my frozen leaves into a THCa tonic. Another pathway to keep inflammation down. I'm 63 and don't care to have a visit from the creaks and pains of those aging around me.

I'm doing it for my mom, she's around your age and all the doctors just want her to take so many pills it's cause her allergy problems and all kinds of new problems. Yet the weed helps and no side effects. I hope I can find her the right strains for her needs.

I'm gonna go cbd ones next. Anyone have any ideas on breaders and strains for cbd. Looking for high quality. Would rather pay more if it might be better
what a great thread :) glad to see everyone sharing their experiences with pain management. and you are the best cnile my parents aren't in to rough shape yet and I live in Canada so I'm hoping when its legal they start to listen to me more and do some better research about this wonderful plant

so here's my take on it I'm 26 and I have done construction since I was 17 I started roofing did that for a year before becoming a plumber anyways I got sciatica as a apprentice and lived with constant pain for 3 years I was taking t3s daily for awhile and taking 8 or more Tylenol a day while smoking a lot at the same time and I can say cannabis didn't help me to much with nerve pain.. it definitely can take the edge off but the nerve pain just doesn't seem to get much better with cannabis

I eventually got a mri so I now know I have spinal stenosis (mild) and 2 discs that are slightly out of place still I went to a pain clinic and got shots of nova Caine in my back which really helped me to get through all the stretching needed to make my nerve pain mostly go away but I still get it when I work hard shoveling etc.. and to this day I smoke to help with it I'm happy to say I don't take 8 Tylenol a day anymore maybe like 6 a week if its a bad week...

as for strains I live near british Colombia so I'm normally pretty sure what I'm getting and for me hybrids with more indica are the best for pain relief but when you start to build a tolerance I switch and smoke more sativa for a a few weeks which still really helps.. I don't have a vape so I normally smoke jays but if I'm in serious pain ill smoke a jay and then a bong bowl. just started my first grow because its almost legal and I love gardening so I want to learn how to grow my favourite plant :) cheers everyone
what a great thread :) glad to see everyone sharing their experiences with pain management. and you are the best cnile my parents aren't in to rough shape yet and I live in Canada so I'm hoping when its legal they start to listen to me more and do some better research about this wonderful plant

so here's my take on it I'm 26 and I have done construction since I was 17 I started roofing did that for a year before becoming a plumber anyways I got sciatica as a apprentice and lived with constant pain for 3 years I was taking t3s daily for awhile and taking 8 or more Tylenol a day while smoking a lot at the same time and I can say cannabis didn't help me to much with nerve pain.. it definitely can take the edge off but the nerve pain just doesn't seem to get much better with cannabis

I eventually got a mri so I now know I have spinal stenosis (mild) and 2 discs that are slightly out of place still I went to a pain clinic and got shots of nova Caine in my back which really helped me to get through all the stretching needed to make my nerve pain mostly go away but I still get it when I work hard shoveling etc.. and to this day I smoke to help with it I'm happy to say I don't take 8 Tylenol a day anymore maybe like 6 a week if its a bad week...

as for strains I live near british Colombia so I'm normally pretty sure what I'm getting and for me hybrids with more indica are the best for pain relief but when you start to build a tolerance I switch and smoke more sativa for a a few weeks which still really helps.. I don't have a vape so I normally smoke jays but if I'm in serious pain ill smoke a jay and then a bong bowl. just started my first grow because its almost legal and I love gardening so I want to learn how to grow my favourite plant :) cheers everyone

:welcome: to the :420: community nightswake. Interesting username. Is that in some way related to pain keeping you up at night, or a reflection of your appreciation for the quieter, more peaceful nighttime hours?

It's not so much the indica or sativa influence we're paying attention to any more, but rather the terpene profiles, a new data stream we've just begun to explore and understand. Let me encourage you to explore the possibility of making an infused oil and taking your cannabis dose through the gut, where it will offer a longer window of relief. Vaping or smoking is the fastest way to get relief, but it's also the shortest therapeutic window of relief, wearing off within an hour or two. By contrast, an edible can get you 6-8 hours on a good day. We have some very effective formulations that could offer you more pain management options.

If I had to guess, I'd say you're using a high-THC strain. Am I correct? In that case, I recommend you locate a good high-CBD one to create a mix closer to an even ratio of CBD and THC, or find one closer to an even ratio of major cannabinoids. It's these more balanced ratios that offer not just better pain management but more superior euphoria. We've been trained by prohibition to go with the more intense THC high, when Mother Nature had the answer all along with balanced ratios.

Thankfully, there are many balanced ratio or CBD-dominant plants out there to choose from. That CBD will do what the THC won't, and begin to eliminate the inflammatory response that's causing the pain in the first place. THC for immediate relief, CBD for elimination of future pain possibilities.
I have a woman in her mid 80s that I help. She has her MMJ card, but has only wanted to use topical. No matter what we told her, she was afraid of becoming "a junkie". :) This past week she called another friend, and said she wanted to try a vaporizer. Most days were fine with cream, but some days were still bad, and her husband convinced her to give it a try. She took 2 hits of Train Wreck (MediCanns 80% indica 20% sativa with moderate cbd 3%). With in 10 minutes she was walking around the house without her cane and it lasted for 7 hours. She and her husband went to a local head shop to get a G-Pen Elite. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the two of them went in and asked for that!!! :circle-of-love::peace:
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