Pistachio Maybe

What would y'all do if your topped auto didn't grow two tops back?
Would you consider it a lost few days and cut it further down?
Or just let it go and hope another one grows out?

I mean...how on earth does this happen? It is the cleanest top i've ever cut. And it does this crap?

You can even see where it should have grown from but didn't. Just nothing coming out of that space.

Edit: just dawned on me that spot that looks like it should be where the growth comes out of could be that I skimmed it when I snipped the top and that's why it isn't growing two tops.
Maybe that's why people cut larger stems than just the very top two little tiny leaves?

Safer to make sure you don't graze the area where the tops could come out.

I think I may just abandon this topping and cut it one node lower.

It will just tangle up like crazy while growing. No big deal. But it's the time It takes to recover. I'm already 4 days behind on it. And I would be puttingyswlf further behind by cutting an entire node off.

But I don't want to top the other plants because the goal was to see what this plant does against one topped and one not that popped a day apart.
Now that's idea is shot.


I started reversing my closet door. So I can utilize the space behind the door when these plants flower. My room is horribly under heated. So It will benefit me to grow in my closet and put two or maybe even three lights in it. Then crack the door to whatever width opening creates for perfect RH and viola....heat and cannabis! Two birds with one...door.
Anybody ever use BX ProMix after using other pro mix version and get fooled into thinking your plants don't need water because the water gauge keeps saying it's moist? I went four days without watering my plants because the soil was still wet said the gauge and my finger touching it showed it as wet.

Then after 4 days of not watering my plants.... I noticed they started looking like they were overwatered. And it happened from the time I went to work until the time I got home. I was only at work for 3 hours.

When I left they look great when I got back two of the plants looked horrible. But I had watered the other three plants. Because it was their feeding time. But the other two plants I had not watered in 4 days. Thinking they were too wet. I just wanted to dry them out.

Well after they started to look horrible I decided I will water them and see if that brings them around. It did.

So BX will definitely fool you into believing there's moisture that the plants can drink when the truth is whatever that moisture is that sits around in there it's not allowing nutrients feeding or water consumption by the plants.

And this time I left water in their runoff trays and by morning the runoff water was gone.

Even the big plant appears to need water. So I watered it and it came right around.

First photo is before I left for work. Second photo is when I got home. And third is this am....after having watered the plants last night late.

Blows me away that there is no way to measure if BX ProMix is actually dried out because it's always moist. Maybe it just takes a lot longer for it to dry out.



Anybody ever use BX ProMix after using other pro mix version and get fooled into thinking your plants don't need water because the water gauge keeps saying it's moist? I went four days without watering my plants because the soil was still wet said the gauge and my finger touching it showed it as wet.

Then after 4 days of not watering my plants.... I noticed they started looking like they were overwatered. And it happened from the time I went to work until the time I got home. I was only at work for 3 hours.

When I left they look great when I got back two of the plants looked horrible. But I had watered the other three plants. Because it was their feeding time. But the other two plants I had not watered in 4 days. Thinking they were too wet. I just wanted to dry them out.

Well after they started to look horrible I decided I will water them and see if that brings them around. It did.

So BX will definitely fool you into believing there's moisture that the plants can drink when the truth is whatever that moisture is that sits around in there it's not allowing nutrients feeding or water consumption by the plants.

And this time I left water in their runoff trays and by morning the runoff water was gone.

Even the big plant appears to need water. So I watered it and it came right around.

First photo is before I left for work. Second photo is when I got home. And third is this am....after having watered the plants last night late.

Blows me away that there is no way to measure if BX ProMix is actually dried out because it's always moist. Maybe it just takes a lot longer for it to dry out.



I ran BX at first before discovering the benefits of coco.
Like coco it's hydrophobic.
Meaning if it drys out it repels water.
Like a dry dishcloth, needs to be damp to work.
I've talked to others regarding what worked for them.
I fed it like coco, nutrients every day to run off.
Others were successfully doing a feed/water/feed /water schedule.
Either way it was kept moist at all times.
This proved successful for me and the others I talked to.
Just 2 cents.
Garden looks great though.
Nice work.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I ran BX at first before discovering the benefits of coco.
Like coco it's hydrophobic.
Meaning if it drys out it repels water.
Like a dry dishcloth, needs to be damp to work.
I've talked to others regarding what worked for them.
I fed it like coco, nutrients every day to run off.
Others were successfully doing a feed/water/feed /water schedule.
Either way it was kept moist at all times.
This proved successful for me and the others I talked to.
Just 2 cents.
Garden looks great though.
Nice work.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks 🙏
I've been running a 96 oz watering on each small plant with the exception of the larger plant takes 144 oz. But all seem to need it every other day. I get a little runoff in each tray probably about 8 to 10 oz.

The mother plant to the large plant took 2 gallons of water and drank that water in a day and a half. That was with very little runoff.

So so far this plant isn't drinking nearly as much as the mother plant but I don't believe the mother plant was drinking that much until it had flower on it.

I've come to the conclusion that there is no drying BX out unless you really let it sit for a long time and you couldn't possibly do that with a plant growing in it. Rather you wouldn't want to. I couldn't imagine how bad that plant would look by the end
The first gallon will re-wet the BX second is what she eats.
I layered in perlite in my pots to retain air.
In my threads I explain how to do it.
Works with BX, coco and soil.
@Bill284 Method.
Heavens Shore’s has pictorials explaining everything.
Air is vital for the roots and consistent growth.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
How is it going @Carmen Ray

I can't think which grower it is, but one of the member here run 12/12 on auto's all the time.
I don't normally grow auto's, but I would say you can run 12/12.
It doesn't seem to effect the final yield much either.

@Aweedtec have you tried just lifting and checking the weight before watering?
That's what I do.

I was going to do it but I sanded the tops of the pots to stop those dang fungus gnats. Last grow they only came around in flower. This grow they started almost immediately.
The sand keeps them down but I still have to neem oil the sand.

I would say that from my experience with 23/1 lights versus 18 6 is that there is no question that's 23:1 on the same strain grew a much bigger plant. And that with way less nutrients. I mean way way less. I never missed a single week with this current plant giving it Dr Earth. Some part of the doctor Earth system that is scheduled on their cannabis schedule.

The last grow I only put the veg nutrients in the pot before I started growing for the first month. So it missed an entire 3 weeks of nutrients and it's still looked better than the plant that I did all the nutrients perfect.... On 18/6.

But..... There is still the factor that it is growing in different medias. So that could be the difference. I was giving the last plant way more water as well.

So the photo is the mother and daughter plants at exactly 6 weeks old.

In the second photo the mother plant is back right. Same closet


Garden looks great @Aweedtec

Don't take this the wrong way, just because you can grow a auto plant with 12/12, does not mean it will out preform one that received more light.

The only reason I have my auto's on 12/12 is because that what a photo requires for flower and auto's just do their own thing and follow along.
Thanks! I am going to do the same with mine this time. But for the purpose I know I am going to have very large wide plants and because of that I need more than two lights once they all stretch. The cost to run 500w lights isn't cheap once you have three going.

I still don't know if the mother benefited from the more hours of light or the soil water schedule. Or did the daughter plant suffer from the stunting when it got topped?
I believe the BX had me underwatering the plants. Skipping a day is good. But not giving it enough water on water day will catch up to you it seems. Not that your plant wont grow.... it will just slow down its growth. some areas of the plant may even appear under or overwatered causing confusion.

When I used the Red Bag Pro Mix my large plant was taking 2 gallons of water every other day and it was utilizing it. Heavy bucket after watering.... two days later the bucket is light as a feather. Run off was always right around 6 to 12 percent.

I think these three daughter plants are all going to have needs like the mother plant. Although because this media is so different I dont have a clue how much it can really drink in two days yet.

Funny thing.... the plant I topped that didnt take? It didnt slow down its growth. It is not only keeping up with the non topped plant (same strain) which both seeds were popped within one day of each other.... but its larger too.
I noticed that the nodes below the top took over AS the tops. Its so odd that it didnt sprout two tops but the top it did sprout isn't going anywhere. Its overly thin and not moving. But everything under it is growing up around it and bypassed it already. It has 6 flower spots that have already gone past the topped area.

Anyone think its possible the lower nodes take over as the tops? Because if they dont.... its not going to be a very tall plant. lol

And just so there is a note made for my roommate to see....notice how the lemon haze on the left front is catching up to the lemon haze on the right front?

It is ten days behind the older on the right front and has one less node but now is gaining height and has had no stress issues at all while all the secondary flower site growth is growing with the primary growth. The other plants forms the primary growth first then the flower stems grow after. Which keeps them lower than the top.

I did see a little bit of yellow tips on new growth so I raised my light.

I moved the large plant to the basement to a 12/12 light. Temps 66 to 70 with 45 to 55 RH which is a bit low at times so I will mylar some walls and put a humidifier in if I have to.

My closet runs at 80 degrees and 55 to 70 RH.
I figured since it's in flower I may as well take advantage of the basements lower RH and temps....plus I can raise the light on the younger plants a bit and stop them from getting light burn. Or find out if the slightly yellow tips on two of my plants are coming from the light or nutrients.

I have followed the Dr earth feeding schedule to the letter.

What they don't tell you is if you should be getting runoff water and how much in what kind of soil. But I guess that is for the grower to figure out since it's dependant on media.

I can now confirm that the large plant is drinking 100 percent of 144 ounces of water every other day. I have decided to give it more every other day and see if it drinks that too. It's mother plant drank 2 gallons every other day. Yeah I know....crazy. But it did. The other three plants that were grown with that anr couldnt drink a gallon in 3 days. But that big one was a water hog.

Third to last photo was right after I put it in the basement last night. The rest are from this morning. And the second to last photo is of the plants remaining in the closet under 19/5 lighting.

Last photo is my concern about how ONE of my plants that are one day apart in age has yellow tips and the other one does not.









I moved the large plant to the basement to a 12/12 light. Temps 66 to 70 with 45 to 55 RH which is a bit low at times so I will mylar some walls and put a humidifier in if I have to.

My closet runs at 80 degrees and 55 to 70 RH.
I figured since it's in flower I may as well take advantage of the basements lower RH and temps....plus I can raise the light on the younger plants a bit and stop them from getting light burn. Or find out if the slightly yellow tips on two of my plants are coming from the light or nutrients.

I have followed the Dr earth feeding schedule to the letter.

What they don't tell you is if you should be getting runoff water and how much in what kind of soil. But I guess that is for the grower to figure out since it's dependant on media.

I can now confirm that the large plant is drinking 100 percent of 144 ounces of water every other day. I have decided to give it more every other day and see if it drinks that too. It's mother plant drank 2 gallons every other day. Yeah I know....crazy. But it did. The other three plants that were grown with that anr couldnt drink a gallon in 3 days. But that big one was a water hog.

Third to last photo was right after I put it in the basement last night. The rest are from this morning. And the second to last photo is of the plants remaining in the closet under 19/5 lighting.

Last photo is my concern about how ONE of my plants that are one day apart in age has yellow tips and the other one does not.









Good evening :ciao:
Girls look good.
Normally I'd shrug that off as nutrient burn.
But it's constantly yellow which you don't see often.
And she is a light green not associated with a big meal causing the burn.
Is she a different strain?
Fed the exact same right?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good evening :ciao:
Girls look good.
Normally I'd shrug that off as nutrient burn.
But it's constantly yellow which you don't see often.
And she is a light green not associated with a big meal causing the burn.
Is she a different strain?
Fed the exact same right?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes. They have been worked up the same. Seeds popped one day apart. Both were nearly identical.

When I make up their food I just make up a double and split it right down the middle using bottles that are the same size. So they not only get the same food, but get it from the same mix.

I know sometimes you can grow plants of the same strain and they can look completely different coming up. But these plants looked identically the same. Which is odd in itslef for me because twice now I've grown and both times I've had the same strain do something different when growing.
But these were doing the same thing. They looked like twins.

This am I walked in and it appears the plant is stressed into the start of flowering early. Maybe it's not.

First two photos are of the plant in the left in the third photo. It appears to have what the larger plant grew when it started flowering. And the other plant ...which is a day older doesn't have anything like that on it. it appears to me to be tiny pistils forming where little leaf tips should be sticking out from.

That little bow tie in the middle of new growth is how the pistils started in the other plant that I put in the basement.

I checked photone on all plants and they measure between 590 and 610. Both of them



First two are of the pistachio autos and my roommates lemon haze auto.

Last photo is the top growth of the lemon haze auto.

Looks to me like it's starting to flower now. In spite of it having the yellowest leaf tips I've ever saw.
But it is 🍋 haze. So maybe that's why the yellow is ultra yellow.

I believe the yellowing on Lemon Haze plant is obvious what caused it.

If I showed you photos and journaled when he watered the plant and when he gave it nutrients(he being my roommate who wants to grow his own plant) you would be as baffled as I was while watching him do this.

Maybe he fancied himself the plant whisperer or something like that.

I told him I don't care if you have a seedling in a five gallon bucket....water it like it's a huge plant so you get the run off because if you don't you may stop root production because roots don't grow where it isn't wet and you also will cause a build up a nutrients. So if you say you won't give it nutrients then....then you run other risks.

Not to mention he told me I was overwatering the last plants almost every other day. I was watering them exactly what they needed. How he could have parsed that was to notice I was giving one plant two gallons of water every other day and the other three plants were only getting about a gallon every 3 or 4 days. So I was not overwatering. I also warned him about salt build up and nutrient build up from not getting run off water.

So the schedule on that specific plant below has been absurd.

I asked him once when he last fed his plant and he gave me the wrong day and the wrong feed. I knew what the last day was that he fed his plant and I know what he fed it. And he didn't remember and told me he was writing it down. He writes notes down wrong.

I've kept schedules on all my plants. Which is why I'm baffled as to why one got yellow tips.....like his plant 😔 when it has exactly the same circumstances as it's sister plant.



Yes. They have been worked up the same. Seeds popped one day apart. Both were nearly identical.

When I make up their food I just make up a double and split it right down the middle using bottles that are the same size. So they not only get the same food, but get it from the same mix.

I know sometimes you can grow plants of the same strain and they can look completely different coming up. But these plants looked identically the same. Which is odd in itslef for me because twice now I've grown and both times I've had the same strain do something different when growing.
But these were doing the same thing. They looked like twins.

This am I walked in and it appears the plant is stressed into the start of flowering early. Maybe it's not.

First two photos are of the plant in the left in the third photo. It appears to have what the larger plant grew when it started flowering. And the other plant ...which is a day older doesn't have anything like that on it. it appears to me to be tiny pistils forming where little leaf tips should be sticking out from.

That little bow tie in the middle of new growth is how the pistils started in the other plant that I put in the basement.

I checked photone on all plants and they measure between 590 and 610. Both of them



Try moving the light up a couple inches.
If it's not nutrient related it's light.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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