PNW Outdoor Mixed Indica Grow Journal 2019

May 16th ... 2 weeks ago:

A buddy of mine brought over a bag-seed plant that he had been growing in his window-sill...because he heard I had a 315 watt that I wasn't using...Might turn into an ounce if we're lucky.


So I thought I'd add to this summary thus far.

- From seed to seedling...Not so hard. Be clean.
- From seedling to first stage veg... take it slow...My mistake last grow...using stupid pH papers. They are horrible. They made me think the pH coming out of my tap water was like 8+. I compensated. My plants hated me. If you are using professional nutrients, buy a pH meter.
- Peat / Promix is actually pretty easy to use. My plants so far have been happy being fed/watered daily, and they have made it 3-4 days without water/feed with few issues (a little droopiness).
- I've gone full line REMO veg nutrients 1/4 strength daily at week full strength veg nutes (1.35 ec) daily (or every 3) with a dash of potassium silicate for health and to raise pH a wee bit at week 8-9 (from seed).

- Also...the help from a few of you here has been CRUCIAL!!!!
So here they are today:

They all seem to show a bit of yellowing on the newest growth... So I'm hoping someone here can tell me if I need to add or remove or tweak the nutrient recipe.

About 2 weeks ago I stopped bringing them inside under the 315 every once in a while to get them used to the nights. They seem to be doing great other than the yellowing.

I took 2 clones from each of them on their lowest branches 3 days ago. We'll know soon how they turn out.






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Thanks Shed & Penny!

I did some reading these last few days and thats what I came up with too. These things are growing FAST.

So about 3 weeks ago my wife clipped a few leaves off for a photo-shoot. She happened to leave those leaves in a bowl of water. Today these leaves are growing roots from where they were major roots...even looks like shoots are starting...WTF??? is it really gonna be that easy to take clones? Will clones take off from just one leaf? Cuz it looks like it will at this point.

I'll post pics tomorrow.
Cannabis leaves won't grow plants (Lowded118 just learned this himself), but the fact that the leaf rooted in water might mean the stems will too. My AK-47 roots in a cup of tap water easy peasy. None of my others do though.

Very interesting. Now I wish I knew what leaf she had there. Was it the CC or the BB or the WW? I'm thinking it was the WW because it's been the healthiest ever since the start.
How's my low stress training going on this White Widow?

I topped her once at about node 8....and then about 3 weeks later topped about another 12 tops...hoping this thing turns into an avocado tree and not a tall pine tree.


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Ah man...I am getting excited thinking about it. I will be super happy if my biggest challenge going forward is supporting the weight of heavy fat colas!

I'll have to look into the right way to use stakes for support.

Cheers and thanks for the tip!
Spoke a little too soon. A few challenges ahead. Found a few little aphids after a quick inspection. So I mixed up another batch of Bronner's spray and applied well.

Also, I found some weird black spots in certain places. Very minimal, but I'm curious. Spider poop?

I'm guessing the discolorations and burnt leaf tips aren't much to worry the plant otherwise seems great. I did just recently bump up the EC to 1.5 as they seemed to be handling it at 1.3 for a good week. Maybe this is a bit of burning?






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