Psilocybin: A Layman's Journey


Well-Known Member
Up until a month ago I’d never laid eyes upon a magic mushroom before. I’d seen and read about the ubiquitous red, white spotted toadstool mascot that most of us know from films, books and folklore since my early teens and that was as far as my knowledge went.

From a young age we are taught not to pick random Funghi and to especially not eat them. I dutifully followed my parents advice. In my teens when a few friends started experimenting I was happy to stay in with my other pal who wouldn’t do them. We’d smoke weed, play FIFA and piously converse with each other on the terrible states the others must be in.

No sirree. No mushrooms for me. They were legal here until 2005 so it wasn’t a question of legality, more the not-wanting-to-try-to-fly-and-jumping-off-a-building paradigm.

But got to 18 and started “going out out” (it’s a big thing in the UK to go out out. Google it) Hypocritical old me was happy eating some disco biscuits and party powder then dancing for 9 hours straight. My parents met in Ibiza. I’ve always thought it’s in my DNA to rave and here it is culturally acceptable to get right spangled every now and then.

But shrooms? Noooooo.

“You’ll take a trip and never come out of it” My Mum

“There was a bloke I worked with dropped acid in his eyes. Went blind in the end” My Dad

“I watched the first Holyfield vs Tyson fight on LSD. A man landed in the ring on a parachute. Thought I was tripping out my nut. Found out the next day it actually happened. Couldn’t work out what was real for a week or so after” My Neighbour at a Previous House

So with all of those stories and unchecked facts about psychedelics I just thought it really cannot be worth it. Weed is fun. Beer is fun. Occasionally going out with Molly her best mate Charlie and Ketrina was also fun. I didn’t need the aggro of shrooms.

So fast forward through my life skipping out all the raving and dancing. I’m now (then in the story I’m telling you) 30.

My father got terminal cancer late 2018. He had been ill for 10 years but had been given the all clear in July only to get very ill very quickly and by October was told he had 2 weeks to live.

I’d been making and taking RSO oil for fun more than medicinal purposes but now gave it to my father as a regimen and ended up getting another 3 months with him.

Sadly he passed away. My father lived with me and my partner for the last 3 years of his life and we were his carers til the end. He held our hands as he died.

I wasn’t prepared for what I’d see. Death is fucked up. There’s no passing away peacefully.

I stopped what I was doing and changed career. Got myself a really boring 9-5 where I was my own boss, my partner and I slowly started to get back to being happy. 3 months after my father passed we found out we were having a baby, our first.

But the image of my dad dying stuck with me. I’d be seeing it 60 times a day and that’s not an exaggeration.

I’ve studied psychology to Masters level and understood I was going through the processes of grief but also that I was traumatised. I studied for my first degree in jail so had seen nasty things before but my dad dying was different.

I held off for a while in talking to anyone about it. Mainly as I hated the thought of being on medication. I’m diagnosed as being on the Autistic Spectrum and having ADHD and I’ve never wanted to be numbed by it. My character is my character, I’m not diluting myself for a place in society.

But after 8 months of my fathers passing I called the doctor and told him the situation. I was prescribed with anti-depressants in 2 minutes or so.

I hated them. Especially the stigma of being on them. I felt like I was letting my partner down. We had a baby on the way, I should have been happy. And the fact I kept shitting myself on them didn’t help either.

So. This takes us up to about March 2020. Lol.

I’d passed the tests needed to officially start my job without supervision in the first couple of weeks of March. I used my savings to start my business with a view to start in late March and looked forward to my son arriving (was due 23rd March)

I won’t bore you with the details but long story short my son arrived (best event ever in my life) but lost everything in the pandemic. My landlord saw the spike in house prices once lockdown eased and illegally evicted me and my partner along with our then 6 month old son.

Had to apply for social housing. There was none where I lived so the council moved me 80 miles away to a place I’d never been.

To say I got a bit depressed was an under statement.

My life drastically changed. I stopped going out. I started drinking. Not blind passed out drunk but steady boozing over the evening. I’d never really drank indoors before, was always a rule of mine I’d followed. I didn’t really care by then. ‘Twas a shit rule anyway I told myself.

I knew I didn’t like what I was doing to myself. Then the anger and resentment started.

I felt cheated, cursed. I’d tried to live a normal life and look at what had happened. It was pointless, was my reasoning. I would have been better off still living the pirate lifestyle.

Although the pandemic wasn’t out to specifically target me it bloody felt like it and o just retreated even more into myself.

Again. Trip to the doctors. Told him i was sick of the constant washing of pants and now the anger. I got given different pills that would gladly stop both effects.

And so I entered a year of hibernation. These pills were the nuts. Straight away that mongy feeling of “nothing matters when you’re asleep” took over me and I loved it.

My family didn’t. My friends noticed it. Always sounding like id just got up whenever they called. I had. And only because they had in fact called and interrupted my sleep.

My weight ballooned. I was running 5k a day and only drank water or tea before my son was born. Now I was sleeping all day and drinking all evening with only exercise going to the fridge for more beer.

I done something about it. Cut down on boozing (didn’t give up, I’m not a quitter) started to make myself get up at the same time every morning no matter how tired I was. Started smoking more weed. I’d ignored it, smoking a couple of joints a day but loads of cigarettes. Got out and exercised. Helped around the house. Normal stuff I’d neglected for a year.

I felt better and tried stopping the anti-depressants. Big no no. Have a big fat head fizz and a neck spasm for thinking about it. The physical sides of withdrawal from a “safe and legal” drug were terrible.

So back on the tablets. With a review every 3 months where inevitably my dosage was upped.

I felt like I was stuck in a rut. I held a lot of anger and was starting to see where it came from but couldn’t stop it. I felt hard done by and felt it was normal to get angry, who wouldn’t?

In all the hype of being evicted I’d missed a blood test result which came back a bit dodgy. This was before all of the drinking so was a bit concerning considering the amount of drinking that was to come. It had been nearly 16 months. Plus the tablets. Definite liver fucker combo.

Anyhoo. Another blood test and a rant at the doctors and I was raring to go. Absolutely fine.

But, after my dad, cancer scares the absolute shit out of me. I aimed to give the tablets up. Beer in moderation, weed via a vape, cut tobacco out.

Then one day I came across an article online about the healing power of psilocybin aka magic mushrooms.

Surely not the same spotted devil spawn I’d been warned about all those years?

Well after some trepidatious reading I found out it was indeed. And that maybe I’d been misled about the effects of them?

There were numerous professors and neurologists claiming that psilocybin was the gateway to potentially curing mental health conditions, addictions and other myriad of psychological problems we may face.

Well. If I wanted to sell something I’d tell people that too.

I just couldn’t get my head around it. So I read some more, checked the sources. I started to take on learning about magic mushrooms in a methodical and planned way looking at the history, science and culture surrounding it, what were the counter arguments?

What did a trip feel like? How long would it last? What drugs could I compare it to? What was a microdose?

So after sifting through loads of information over a few months I was completely none the wiser lol. I thought only way to find out is to try them for myself.

I can walk down my local high street and be offered cannabis, coke, meth and/or heroin numerous times in a 200 yard stretch. But never heard of a shroom guy or gal.

Then the botanist in me saw a challenge and potential new hobby so thought why not grow them myself? I’m not likely to try and sell myself some dud mushrooms.

Had a look at the laws after a pal said it’s technically worse than growing bud. Like I said perfectly legal up until 2005 and then BANG class A drug right up there with Heroin, Crystal Meth, Cocaine.

But, gets a bit weird here. Grey area doesn’t even cut it.

.Allowed to have magic mushroom spores, spore prints

.Allowed to prepare mycelium cakes and have pre-made kits containing spores in use

.Allowed to find them by accident (but not allowed to forage with intent) and then eat them fresh

.Not allowed to prepare fresh mushrooms in any way shape or form. This includes putting them in a cupboard for later

.Not allowed to give away, sell or trade dried or fresh mushrooms

With those really confusing rules in my head I was a bit miffed when my parcel sat in customs at the border for a week. Turns out it wasn’t anything to worry about. Just Brexit, the gift that keeps on giving lol.

Going to leave it there for now but will be back. This is honestly the first time I’ve spoke properly since it all happened with my dad and whatnot, getting it out has really helped. I’ve always loved writing and this has been cathartic AF

Thanks for listening
Up until a month ago I’d never laid eyes upon a magic mushroom before. I’d seen and read about the ubiquitous red, white spotted toadstool mascot that most of us know from films, books and folklore since my early teens and that was as far as my knowledge went.

From a young age we are taught not to pick random Funghi and to especially not eat them. I dutifully followed my parents advice. In my teens when a few friends started experimenting I was happy to stay in with my other pal who wouldn’t do them. We’d smoke weed, play FIFA and piously converse with each other on the terrible states the others must be in.

No sirree. No mushrooms for me. They were legal here until 2005 so it wasn’t a question of legality, more the not-wanting-to-try-to-fly-and-jumping-off-a-building paradigm.

But got to 18 and started “going out out” (it’s a big thing in the UK to go out out. Google it) Hypocritical old me was happy eating some disco biscuits and party powder then dancing for 9 hours straight. My parents met in Ibiza. I’ve always thought it’s in my DNA to rave and here it is culturally acceptable to get right spangled every now and then.

But shrooms? Noooooo.

“You’ll take a trip and never come out of it” My Mum

“There was a bloke I worked with dropped acid in his eyes. Went blind in the end” My Dad

“I watched the first Holyfield vs Tyson fight on LSD. A man landed in the ring on a parachute. Thought I was tripping out my nut. Found out the next day it actually happened. Couldn’t work out what was real for a week or so after” My Neighbour at a Previous House

So with all of those stories and unchecked facts about psychedelics I just thought it really cannot be worth it. Weed is fun. Beer is fun. Occasionally going out with Molly her best mate Charlie and Ketrina was also fun. I didn’t need the aggro of shrooms.

So fast forward through my life skipping out all the raving and dancing. I’m now (then in the story I’m telling you) 30.

My father got terminal cancer late 2018. He had been ill for 10 years but had been given the all clear in July only to get very ill very quickly and by October was told he had 2 weeks to live.

I’d been making and taking RSO oil for fun more than medicinal purposes but now gave it to my father as a regimen and ended up getting another 3 months with him.

Sadly he passed away. My father lived with me and my partner for the last 3 years of his life and we were his carers til the end. He held our hands as he died.

I wasn’t prepared for what I’d see. Death is fucked up. There’s no passing away peacefully.

I stopped what I was doing and changed career. Got myself a really boring 9-5 where I was my own boss, my partner and I slowly started to get back to being happy. 3 months after my father passed we found out we were having a baby, our first.

But the image of my dad dying stuck with me. I’d be seeing it 60 times a day and that’s not an exaggeration.

I’ve studied psychology to Masters level and understood I was going through the processes of grief but also that I was traumatised. I studied for my first degree in jail so had seen nasty things before but my dad dying was different.

I held off for a while in talking to anyone about it. Mainly as I hated the thought of being on medication. I’m diagnosed as being on the Autistic Spectrum and having ADHD and I’ve never wanted to be numbed by it. My character is my character, I’m not diluting myself for a place in society.

But after 8 months of my fathers passing I called the doctor and told him the situation. I was prescribed with anti-depressants in 2 minutes or so.

I hated them. Especially the stigma of being on them. I felt like I was letting my partner down. We had a baby on the way, I should have been happy. And the fact I kept shitting myself on them didn’t help either.

So. This takes us up to about March 2020. Lol.

I’d passed the tests needed to officially start my job without supervision in the first couple of weeks of March. I used my savings to start my business with a view to start in late March and looked forward to my son arriving (was due 23rd March)

I won’t bore you with the details but long story short my son arrived (best event ever in my life) but lost everything in the pandemic. My landlord saw the spike in house prices once lockdown eased and illegally evicted me and my partner along with our then 6 month old son.

Had to apply for social housing. There was none where I lived so the council moved me 80 miles away to a place I’d never been.

To say I got a bit depressed was an under statement.

My life drastically changed. I stopped going out. I started drinking. Not blind passed out drunk but steady boozing over the evening. I’d never really drank indoors before, was always a rule of mine I’d followed. I didn’t really care by then. ‘Twas a shit rule anyway I told myself.

I knew I didn’t like what I was doing to myself. Then the anger and resentment started.

I felt cheated, cursed. I’d tried to live a normal life and look at what had happened. It was pointless, was my reasoning. I would have been better off still living the pirate lifestyle.

Although the pandemic wasn’t out to specifically target me it bloody felt like it and o just retreated even more into myself.

Again. Trip to the doctors. Told him i was sick of the constant washing of pants and now the anger. I got given different pills that would gladly stop both effects.

And so I entered a year of hibernation. These pills were the nuts. Straight away that mongy feeling of “nothing matters when you’re asleep” took over me and I loved it.

My family didn’t. My friends noticed it. Always sounding like id just got up whenever they called. I had. And only because they had in fact called and interrupted my sleep.

My weight ballooned. I was running 5k a day and only drank water or tea before my son was born. Now I was sleeping all day and drinking all evening with only exercise going to the fridge for more beer.

I done something about it. Cut down on boozing (didn’t give up, I’m not a quitter) started to make myself get up at the same time every morning no matter how tired I was. Started smoking more weed. I’d ignored it, smoking a couple of joints a day but loads of cigarettes. Got out and exercised. Helped around the house. Normal stuff I’d neglected for a year.

I felt better and tried stopping the anti-depressants. Big no no. Have a big fat head fizz and a neck spasm for thinking about it. The physical sides of withdrawal from a “safe and legal” drug were terrible.

So back on the tablets. With a review every 3 months where inevitably my dosage was upped.

I felt like I was stuck in a rut. I held a lot of anger and was starting to see where it came from but couldn’t stop it. I felt hard done by and felt it was normal to get angry, who wouldn’t?

In all the hype of being evicted I’d missed a blood test result which came back a bit dodgy. This was before all of the drinking so was a bit concerning considering the amount of drinking that was to come. It had been nearly 16 months. Plus the tablets. Definite liver fucker combo.

Anyhoo. Another blood test and a rant at the doctors and I was raring to go. Absolutely fine.

But, after my dad, cancer scares the absolute shit out of me. I aimed to give the tablets up. Beer in moderation, weed via a vape, cut tobacco out.

Then one day I came across an article online about the healing power of psilocybin aka magic mushrooms.

Surely not the same spotted devil spawn I’d been warned about all those years?

Well after some trepidatious reading I found out it was indeed. And that maybe I’d been misled about the effects of them?

There were numerous professors and neurologists claiming that psilocybin was the gateway to potentially curing mental health conditions, addictions and other myriad of psychological problems we may face.

Well. If I wanted to sell something I’d tell people that too.

I just couldn’t get my head around it. So I read some more, checked the sources. I started to take on learning about magic mushrooms in a methodical and planned way looking at the history, science and culture surrounding it, what were the counter arguments?

What did a trip feel like? How long would it last? What drugs could I compare it to? What was a microdose?

So after sifting through loads of information over a few months I was completely none the wiser lol. I thought only way to find out is to try them for myself.

I can walk down my local high street and be offered cannabis, coke, meth and/or heroin numerous times in a 200 yard stretch. But never heard of a shroom guy or gal.

Then the botanist in me saw a challenge and potential new

hobby so thought why not grow them myself? I’m not likely to try and sell myself some dud mushrooms.

Had a look at the laws after a pal said it’s technically worse than growing bud. Like I said perfectly legal up until 2005 and then BANG class A drug right up there with Heroin, Crystal Meth, Cocaine.

But, gets a bit weird here. Grey area doesn’t even cut it.

.Allowed to have magic mushroom spores, spore prints

.Allowed to prepare mycelium cakes and have pre-made kits containing spores in use

.Allowed to find them by accident (but not allowed to forage with intent) and then eat them fresh

.Not allowed to prepare fresh mushrooms in any way shape or form. This includes putting them in a cupboard for later

.Not allowed to give away, sell or trade dried or fresh mushrooms

With those really confusing rules in my head I was a bit miffed when my parcel sat in customs at the border for a week. Turns out it wasn’t anything to worry about. Just Brexit, the gift that keeps on giving lol.

Going to leave it there for now but will be back. This is honestly the first time I’ve spoke properly since it all happened with my dad and whatnot, getting it out has really helped. I’ve always loved writing and this has been cathartic AF

Thanks for listening
You've been through the wars mate and come out the other side with admirable positivity 🙏
I've been reading about the effects of shrooms and the misconceptions of using it... I know how hard it is to lose loved ones it does something to your soul that's hard to put right...
Good for you for getting it out... in the end only we can help ourselves.
People can take hope away from what you have written you should be proud fella.
Inspirational bit of writing my friend
And I wish you the best of luck on the rest of your journey 👊
I haven't had them since high school, but recently I've been looking into them again. Especially since my mom and sister passed.
We've been banned from using weed and shrooms, but they happily offer pills that have killed who knows how many people.
Crazy world.
I haven't had them since high school, but recently I've been looking into them again. Especially since my mom and sister passed.
We've been banned from using weed and shrooms, but they happily offer pills that have killed who knows how many people.
Crazy world.
Sorry for your loss Melville 🙏👊
I don’t think we realise the toll grief takes on us until a long time after. I’m still trying to work it out now and probably will be for the rest of my life. I’m a newish father with a 2 year old and a 8 week old. I can’t help but look at them and think they will face the same thing one day when I go.

It just makes me want to enjoy the now even more 🙏🤟
Heya Joe. Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing. Grief is the most difficult experience human being have. I'm so sorry you went through that. Happy your father had such a dedicated son, however. You've taken most everything life can throw at you, and you're still willing to work hard and take some risks for happiness. Top lad.

I restarted growing the herb this past year after a 20-year break, also took up veggie gardening in a serious way for the first time, and started growing shrooms as well. I think it was me, on the shroom thread, who mentioned feeding shroom-grow leftovers to worms. I've read in multiple places now that this makes the best castings, by noticeable margins. It stands up, there's usually a lot of calcium in shroom compost and the micronutrient levels are sky-high. Both are critical to cannabis and I strongly believe that having multiple sources for required nutrients is a major advantage with cannabis, both in yield and end-product quality. I hope we'll both have plenty of spent cakes to feed our worms in the near future.

I've been using a still air box to do my transfer work, but do have a laminar flow hood project in the works. Need some cash to move it forward but to say there's some competition for avail. funds at the moment is quite an understatement. I pay the mortgage and then whatever's left, we eat! Gonna miss the veggie garden an awful lot this winter.

I'm Canadian, living in Victoria BC, (west coast). My career was marine transportation, and journalism before that and mixed in, but I got quite ill some years ago and was forced to 'retire' in my early 40s and now live with significant disability.

During prohibition, I grew volume outdoors on the W. Coast with 3 other people. Mainly my job was transportation because we went out beyond civilization to plant, and at huge altitudes. I had a 42ft ex-salmon troller then and was an experienced mountain guide. I did help raise the clones over the winter, so I did learn all the grow basics back then. I also had to transport product south, to market, so it was a full-time affair for at least three months of every year, closer to four. Did that for 8 seasons. Then when my daughter was born I drifted away from that life and became a regular 9-5 guy after having lived off-grid in the wilderness for years and years.

I own my place here and have it separated into two apartments so I can have my elderly parents living with me. Its a great situation even though there isn't one among the three of us who can do sustained physical work. We get by. I have two daughters, one here, and one in the Netherlands with my ex-wife, where I also lived for some time.

I'm really enjoying growing as a hobby now, the depth of info available and the potential for experimentation is very stimulating. Legalization helps of course. For my mental well-being, however, this site has done me immeasurable good. I've met some truly amazing and warm people here who are now part of my daily life. People with qualities like I remember from my off-grid days. Turns out, the 'virtual' part isn't so limiting to the potential upside, which is amazing and a real game-changer.

I look forward to following your exploits and hope we have future discussions. Cheers. - RD
Up until a month ago I’d never laid eyes upon a magic mushroom before. I’d seen and read about the ubiquitous red, white spotted toadstool mascot that most of us know from films, books and folklore since my early teens and that was as far as my knowledge went.

From a young age we are taught not to pick random Funghi and to especially not eat them. I dutifully followed my parents advice. In my teens when a few friends started experimenting I was happy to stay in with my other pal who wouldn’t do them. We’d smoke weed, play FIFA and piously converse with each other on the terrible states the others must be in.

No sirree. No mushrooms for me. They were legal here until 2005 so it wasn’t a question of legality, more the not-wanting-to-try-to-fly-and-jumping-off-a-building paradigm.

But got to 18 and started “going out out” (it’s a big thing in the UK to go out out. Google it) Hypocritical old me was happy eating some disco biscuits and party powder then dancing for 9 hours straight. My parents met in Ibiza. I’ve always thought it’s in my DNA to rave and here it is culturally acceptable to get right spangled every now and then.

But shrooms? Noooooo.

“You’ll take a trip and never come out of it” My Mum

“There was a bloke I worked with dropped acid in his eyes. Went blind in the end” My Dad

“I watched the first Holyfield vs Tyson fight on LSD. A man landed in the ring on a parachute. Thought I was tripping out my nut. Found out the next day it actually happened. Couldn’t work out what was real for a week or so after” My Neighbour at a Previous House

So with all of those stories and unchecked facts about psychedelics I just thought it really cannot be worth it. Weed is fun. Beer is fun. Occasionally going out with Molly her best mate Charlie and Ketrina was also fun. I didn’t need the aggro of shrooms.

So fast forward through my life skipping out all the raving and dancing. I’m now (then in the story I’m telling you) 30.

My father got terminal cancer late 2018. He had been ill for 10 years but had been given the all clear in July only to get very ill very quickly and by October was told he had 2 weeks to live.

I’d been making and taking RSO oil for fun more than medicinal purposes but now gave it to my father as a regimen and ended up getting another 3 months with him.

Sadly he passed away. My father lived with me and my partner for the last 3 years of his life and we were his carers til the end. He held our hands as he died.

I wasn’t prepared for what I’d see. Death is fucked up. There’s no passing away peacefully.

I stopped what I was doing and changed career. Got myself a really boring 9-5 where I was my own boss, my partner and I slowly started to get back to being happy. 3 months after my father passed we found out we were having a baby, our first.

But the image of my dad dying stuck with me. I’d be seeing it 60 times a day and that’s not an exaggeration.

I’ve studied psychology to Masters level and understood I was going through the processes of grief but also that I was traumatised. I studied for my first degree in jail so had seen nasty things before but my dad dying was different.

I held off for a while in talking to anyone about it. Mainly as I hated the thought of being on medication. I’m diagnosed as being on the Autistic Spectrum and having ADHD and I’ve never wanted to be numbed by it. My character is my character, I’m not diluting myself for a place in society.

But after 8 months of my fathers passing I called the doctor and told him the situation. I was prescribed with anti-depressants in 2 minutes or so.

I hated them. Especially the stigma of being on them. I felt like I was letting my partner down. We had a baby on the way, I should have been happy. And the fact I kept shitting myself on them didn’t help either.

So. This takes us up to about March 2020. Lol.

I’d passed the tests needed to officially start my job without supervision in the first couple of weeks of March. I used my savings to start my business with a view to start in late March and looked forward to my son arriving (was due 23rd March)

I won’t bore you with the details but long story short my son arrived (best event ever in my life) but lost everything in the pandemic. My landlord saw the spike in house prices once lockdown eased and illegally evicted me and my partner along with our then 6 month old son.

Had to apply for social housing. There was none where I lived so the council moved me 80 miles away to a place I’d never been.

To say I got a bit depressed was an under statement.

My life drastically changed. I stopped going out. I started drinking. Not blind passed out drunk but steady boozing over the evening. I’d never really drank indoors before, was always a rule of mine I’d followed. I didn’t really care by then. ‘Twas a shit rule anyway I told myself.

I knew I didn’t like what I was doing to myself. Then the anger and resentment started.

I felt cheated, cursed. I’d tried to live a normal life and look at what had happened. It was pointless, was my reasoning. I would have been better off still living the pirate lifestyle.

Although the pandemic wasn’t out to specifically target me it bloody felt like it and o just retreated even more into myself.

Again. Trip to the doctors. Told him i was sick of the constant washing of pants and now the anger. I got given different pills that would gladly stop both effects.

And so I entered a year of hibernation. These pills were the nuts. Straight away that mongy feeling of “nothing matters when you’re asleep” took over me and I loved it.

My family didn’t. My friends noticed it. Always sounding like id just got up whenever they called. I had. And only because they had in fact called and interrupted my sleep.

My weight ballooned. I was running 5k a day and only drank water or tea before my son was born. Now I was sleeping all day and drinking all evening with only exercise going to the fridge for more beer.

I done something about it. Cut down on boozing (didn’t give up, I’m not a quitter) started to make myself get up at the same time every morning no matter how tired I was. Started smoking more weed. I’d ignored it, smoking a couple of joints a day but loads of cigarettes. Got out and exercised. Helped around the house. Normal stuff I’d neglected for a year.

I felt better and tried stopping the anti-depressants. Big no no. Have a big fat head fizz and a neck spasm for thinking about it. The physical sides of withdrawal from a “safe and legal” drug were terrible.

So back on the tablets. With a review every 3 months where inevitably my dosage was upped.

I felt like I was stuck in a rut. I held a lot of anger and was starting to see where it came from but couldn’t stop it. I felt hard done by and felt it was normal to get angry, who wouldn’t?

In all the hype of being evicted I’d missed a blood test result which came back a bit dodgy. This was before all of the drinking so was a bit concerning considering the amount of drinking that was to come. It had been nearly 16 months. Plus the tablets. Definite liver fucker combo.

Anyhoo. Another blood test and a rant at the doctors and I was raring to go. Absolutely fine.

But, after my dad, cancer scares the absolute shit out of me. I aimed to give the tablets up. Beer in moderation, weed via a vape, cut tobacco out.

Then one day I came across an article online about the healing power of psilocybin aka magic mushrooms.

Surely not the same spotted devil spawn I’d been warned about all those years?

Well after some trepidatious reading I found out it was indeed. And that maybe I’d been misled about the effects of them?

There were numerous professors and neurologists claiming that psilocybin was the gateway to potentially curing mental health conditions, addictions and other myriad of psychological problems we may face.

Well. If I wanted to sell something I’d tell people that too.

I just couldn’t get my head around it. So I read some more, checked the sources. I started to take on learning about magic mushrooms in a methodical and planned way looking at the history, science and culture surrounding it, what were the counter arguments?

What did a trip feel like? How long would it last? What drugs could I compare it to? What was a microdose?

So after sifting through loads of information over a few months I was completely none the wiser lol. I thought only way to find out is to try them for myself.

I can walk down my local high street and be offered cannabis, coke, meth and/or heroin numerous times in a 200 yard stretch. But never heard of a shroom guy or gal.

Then the botanist in me saw a challenge and potential new hobby so thought why not grow them myself? I’m not likely to try and sell myself some dud mushrooms.

Had a look at the laws after a pal said it’s technically worse than growing bud. Like I said perfectly legal up until 2005 and then BANG class A drug right up there with Heroin, Crystal Meth, Cocaine.

But, gets a bit weird here. Grey area doesn’t even cut it.

.Allowed to have magic mushroom spores, spore prints

.Allowed to prepare mycelium cakes and have pre-made kits containing spores in use

.Allowed to find them by accident (but not allowed to forage with intent) and then eat them fresh

.Not allowed to prepare fresh mushrooms in any way shape or form. This includes putting them in a cupboard for later

.Not allowed to give away, sell or trade dried or fresh mushrooms

With those really confusing rules in my head I was a bit miffed when my parcel sat in customs at the border for a week. Turns out it wasn’t anything to worry about. Just Brexit, the gift that keeps on giving lol.

Going to leave it there for now but will be back. This is honestly the first time I’ve spoke properly since it all happened with my dad and whatnot, getting it out has really helped. I’ve always loved writing and this has been cathartic AF

Thanks for listening
Losing someone you love can cause gut wrenching pain, being in love can cause the greatest joy.
I don't want to fuck with your thread, but I wonder about shrooms and drugs like MMDA, X and SSRIs.
Heya Joe. Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing. Grief is the most difficult experience human being have. I'm so sorry you went through that. Happy your father had such a dedicated son, however. You've taken most everything life can throw at you, and you're still willing to work hard and take some risks for happiness. Top lad.

I restarted growing the herb this past year after a 20-year break, also took up veggie gardening in a serious way for the first time, and started growing shrooms as well. I think it was me, on the shroom thread, who mentioned feeding shroom-grow leftovers to worms. I've read in multiple places now that this makes the best castings, by noticeable margins. It stands up, there's usually a lot of calcium in shroom compost and the micronutrient levels are sky-high. Both are critical to cannabis and I strongly believe that having multiple sources for required nutrients is a major advantage with cannabis, both in yield and end-product quality. I hope we'll both have plenty of spent cakes to feed our worms in the near future.

I've been using a still air box to do my transfer work, but do have a laminar flow hood project in the works. Need some cash to move it forward but to say there's some competition for avail. funds at the moment is quite an understatement. I pay the mortgage and then whatever's left, we eat! Gonna miss the veggie garden an awful lot this winter.

I'm Canadian, living in Victoria BC, (west coast). My career was marine transportation, and journalism before that and mixed in, but I got quite ill some years ago and was forced to 'retire' in my early 40s and now live with significant disability.

During prohibition, I grew volume outdoors on the W. Coast with 3 other people. Mainly my job was transportation because we went out beyond civilization to plant, and at huge altitudes. I had a 42ft ex-salmon troller then and was an experienced mountain guide. I did help raise the clones over the winter, so I did learn all the grow basics back then. I also had to transport product south, to market, so it was a full-time affair for at least three months of every year, closer to four. Did that for 8 seasons. Then when my daughter was born I drifted away from that life and became a regular 9-5 guy after having lived off-grid in the wilderness for years and years.

I own my place here and have it separated into two apartments so I can have my elderly parents living with me. Its a great situation even though there isn't one among the three of us who can do sustained physical work. We get by. I have two daughters, one here, and one in the Netherlands with my ex-wife, where I also lived for some time.

I'm really enjoying growing as a hobby now, the depth of info available and the potential for experimentation is very stimulating. Legalization helps of course. For my mental well-being, however, this site has done me immeasurable good. I've met some truly amazing and warm people here who are now part of my daily life. People with qualities like I remember from my off-grid days. Turns out, the 'virtual' part isn't so limiting to the potential upside, which is amazing and a real game-changer.

I look forward to following your exploits and hope we have future discussions. Cheers. - RD
Living in Central Florida for many years I had all the scrooms I wanted at my disposal. Funny how we take things for granted.
Losing someone you love can cause gut wrenching pain, being in love can cause the greatest joy.
I don't want to fuck with your thread, but I wonder about shrooms and drugs like MMDA, X and SSRIs.
Thank you so much for sharing, I don’t think we can speak about mdma etc. as they are technically man made drugs. I’m more than happy for you to discuss any experiences and growing techniques with natural psychedelics such as from mushrooms, peyote and ayahuasca

We must respect the rules of 420 and realise it’s a privilege to post here.

Other than that, get involved, thanks for stopping by 🤟
Thank you so much for sharing, I don’t think we can speak about mdma etc. as they are technically man made drugs. I’m more than happy for you to discuss any experiences and growing techniques with natural psychedelics such as from mushrooms, peyote and ayahuasca

We must respect the rules of 420 and realise it’s a privilege to post here.

Other than that, get involved, thanks for stopping by 🤟
Heya Joe. Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing. Grief is the most difficult experience human being have. I'm so sorry you went through that. Happy your father had such a dedicated son, however. You've taken most everything life can throw at you, and you're still willing to work hard and take some risks for happiness. Top lad.

I restarted growing the herb this past year after a 20-year break, also took up veggie gardening in a serious way for the first time, and started growing shrooms as well. I think it was me, on the shroom thread, who mentioned feeding shroom-grow leftovers to worms. I've read in multiple places now that this makes the best castings, by noticeable margins. It stands up, there's usually a lot of calcium in shroom compost and the micronutrient levels are sky-high. Both are critical to cannabis and I strongly believe that having multiple sources for required nutrients is a major advantage with cannabis, both in yield and end-product quality. I hope we'll both have plenty of spent cakes to feed our worms in the near future.

I've been using a still air box to do my transfer work, but do have a laminar flow hood project in the works. Need some cash to move it forward but to say there's some competition for avail. funds at the moment is quite an understatement. I pay the mortgage and then whatever's left, we eat! Gonna miss the veggie garden an awful lot this winter.

I'm Canadian, living in Victoria BC, (west coast). My career was marine transportation, and journalism before that and mixed in, but I got quite ill some years ago and was forced to 'retire' in my early 40s and now live with significant disability.

During prohibition, I grew volume outdoors on the W. Coast with 3 other people. Mainly my job was transportation because we went out beyond civilization to plant, and at huge altitudes. I had a 42ft ex-salmon troller then and was an experienced mountain guide. I did help raise the clones over the winter, so I did learn all the grow basics back then. I also had to transport product south, to market, so it was a full-time affair for at least three months of every year, closer to four. Did that for 8 seasons. Then when my daughter was born I drifted away from that life and became a regular 9-5 guy after having lived off-grid in the wilderness for years and years.

I own my place here and have it separated into two apartments so I can have my elderly parents living with me. Its a great situation even though there isn't one among the three of us who can do sustained physical work. We get by. I have two daughters, one here, and one in the Netherlands with my ex-wife, where I also lived for some time.

I'm really enjoying growing as a hobby now, the depth of info available and the potential for experimentation is very stimulating. Legalization helps of course. For my mental well-being, however, this site has done me immeasurable good. I've met some truly amazing and warm people here who are now part of my daily life. People with qualities like I remember from my off-grid days. Turns out, the 'virtual' part isn't so limiting to the potential upside, which is amazing and a real game-changer.

I look forward to following your exploits and hope we have future discussions. Cheers. - RD
Wow RD. I don’t even know where to begin with that. Thank you so much for sharing brother. Prayers and thoughts to you and the family mate

This thread is a safe place for people that want to talk about anything. Hasn’t even got to be shroom related. Have a lovely community here in the 420 crowd. Long may it continue.

I’ve been working on some writing the past week, was going to post tonight but after what I’ve read it doesn’t feel right to, thank you so much to everyone who’s contributed.

Have a good night y’all 🙏
So it is my understanding that mushrooms don't work much for people taking such drugs as Zoloft and others for depression.
I wouldn’t know my friend. Im about to get into some reading based on what you’ve said then hopefully I can make an informed comment 🙏👍
I wouldn’t know my friend. Im about to get into some reading based on what you’ve said then hopefully I can make an informed comment 🙏👍
So have done a quick bit of reading and could say at a glance that this was the position I was in just a different brand name of anti depressants.

I’m into my 2nd break of microdosing after taking 0.2 grams every other day for 7 days and then a break in between.

Shrooms, once dried or prepared in any way (leaving them on the side to eat later is classed as preparation) are a Class A drug where I am.

I’m diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and a suspected border line personality disorder. I’ll be honest with you. I feel fine, it’s everyone else 😂

I’m in the middle of treatment to get more drugs for depression and ADHD/Anti-psychotic medication once i have been through further tests. Load of bollocks if you ask me. I keep telling them I’m normal but this in fact makes me more “mad”. Joseph Heller would have had a field day.

The fact I am even talking about breaking off from a designated treatment path could see me labelled as “delusional” and “disruptive” and in all honesty could see me locked up in a mental institution.

I am anything but delusional. I am in complete control of my mind and body. I’m educated and informed enough to make my own decisions based on the experiences I’ve encountered up until today. I’ve got an accent that suggests I don’t have an education but one would be sorely mistaken to make that assumption.

I’ve got a review in 3 weeks time where we should be discussing upping my dose (I’m not cured from the pills they’ve been pumping me with for years already so let’s have some more, might work this time)

I won’t be doing any such thing. Im going to be telling them I’ve been taking shrooms for the past month and will be getting back on the THC oil RSO stylee

In relation to your query on taking anti depressants with shrooms, I’m not a scientist but guess it’s not advised.

I’ve said earlier. At one point or another I’ve given up coke, alcohol, weed (8years if you can believe that) valium and sugar (for health reasons obvs)

In all of stopping doing the above, was consistently on the same prescription drugs I’ve always been on.

With shrooms, I done my research (I’m not a scientist bro, don’t quote me on anything) it’s not good to do them with anti depressants. Think we can all agree on that


I’ve been slowly dropping everything out and weaning myself off it. This is what my next post was going to be on. I’ve had a mental couple of months while my body adjusts and even still.

thanks for posting @Satyaban this reply’s for you
Hey everyone hope we are all well and having a good start to the weekend

As the thread title suggests I’m a complete newbie to shrooms and natural psychedelics (absolute Olympian when it comes to the man made one’s but that’s not why we’re here)

Me and the missus in the middle of a little mini trip, really funny Friday night. And she always swore she’d never shroom 🤟🥰🍄

Alas. The fun we are having now will have to be foregone at another time as our magic sprinkles will have to be replenished

Translation: We are going to run out quicker than I thought if it carries on like this

So with that in mind. Was after some advice for what genre (wrong word lol type?) of shroom to go for?

Is it like weed? Are the differences in shroom relatable to high?

I’ve seen the Copelandia strain is meant to be 10 x stronger than most psilocybin shrooms but in all honesty would rather journey there rather than take the shortcut

Any help appreciated, have a great weekend people 🤟👍🙏
Nice, I’ve not done any foraging yet. I’m in the UK. Think we’ve got 2 types of psilocybin mushroom. Liberty Caps and another type which grows on tree bark who’s name escapes me

Planning on going on a shroom hunt as soon as we get the weather change. Having a really mild October so far was in shorts and t shirt yesterday.

Had a very dry summer too, a good few weeks of 38’c plus heat. Don’t know how much this will affect them. Read online I should be waiting for the first frost as this helps bring them out

What type are they in Florida?
Nice, I’ve not done any foraging yet. I’m in the UK. Think we’ve got 2 types of psilocybin mushroom. Liberty Caps and another type which grows on tree bark who’s name escapes me

Planning on going on a shroom hunt as soon as we get the weather change. Having a really mild October so far was in shorts and t shirt yesterday.

Had a very dry summer too, a good few weeks of 38’c plus heat. Don’t know how much this will affect them. Read online I should be waiting for the first frost as this helps bring them out

What type are they in Florida?
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