Second Grow Started 1st Sept


Well-Known Member
Hi All, well after my first attempt at an O/D grow which I was really happy with as a learning tool ,The first was started December last year which is our Summer harvest was March this year .So now I have started this grow on the 1st of this month the start of spring here.
1st Sept started Germ
4th planted Germinated seeds.
Photo is today . 22 sept 001.JPG
I'm going to use 15ltr pots filled with Canna Pro some Pearlite and clay ball in the bottom.
I want to use the Canna nutes system .
Any advice on the Canna products to use for best results and also feeding program would be awesome!!
P.s a pik of last grow.happy day 001.JPG
Well just transplanted 4 of my girls (hopefully girls) the others are coming along nicely,because we only have 12 hours of daylight at the moment I put them outside at 6am and at 6pm I move them into my closet with the Led on till 2am so I get 20hrs ,this will change as we move on into summer .Fingers crossed that this plan works out .
cheers Kev


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hopefully girls

For plants grown from "regular" (unsexed, not "feminized") seeds, the following text from breeder Dutch Passion might be helpful:

Dutch Passion said:
From literature and our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that influence gender are:

• a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
• a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
• a higher humidity will give more females.
• a lower temperature will give more females.
• more blue light will give more females.
• Fewer hours of light will give more females.

It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.
If yes then you should be fine to put your seedlings outside and leave them there. I germinate round 1 Sept and never had early flower issues. Usually they show sex and keep vegging. Playing with 20 hour days can be a recipe for disaster if you plan to veg over summer. Just my opinion. I'll watch and see how it goes.
That's awesome !! thanks mite cut down to 16 hrs of light ,temps are around 16-18C ,what do you reckon ?? my last grow was 6 for 2 .
Cheers Kev

I figure... I guess... I suppose... IDFK (lol).

But I know this: People routinely speak of a 50:50 ratio of M:F plants being "normal" - but in the wild, there's no reason to have that many males. I mean... Lots of female plants all over the place and ONE nice, tall, healthy (f*cking prolific :rolleyes: ) male plant and <ZAP!> every female plant produces seedy bud instead of sin semilla. It's a good idea to have a few, or even several male plants in the area - to guard against possible loss of a male plant, freak (or even normal, for the area) wind patterns that might blow in one direction, only, and thus prevent any one specific male from pollinating plants in every direction. And to provide some potential for genetic diversity (assuming that's a survival trait - which it probably is, in a dynamic universe). But half? That doesn't make sense to me. I'd guess that 15% to maybe 25% would be more than adequate to ensure species survival, long term.

I believe that, while any one or even all of those things might not be guaranteed to give one a high percentage of female plants in any one specific planting, that they'll tend to do so, averaged over time. And an entity such as Dutch Passion - which has been in business for something like 32 years, and has been breeding/producing cannabis seeds the entire time - should be well-placed to see these trends over time. So I'd give their observations/suggestions the benefit of the doubt. Plus... Yeah, I no longer have the records I once kept, but it seemed to me (from my small amount of experience) to be true, too. I long ago decided that, if I had the choice, to not sprout unsexed cannabis seeds during the hottest months.

Now this doesn't work on the equator where the light schedule is 12:12 throughout the year, or in locations where the whether is more static than changing seasonally. But think about some of the things mentioned, and it kind of makes a sense. More blue light, less hours of light per day, cooler temperatures... earlier in the year. Get those female flowers created, yeah? Then have the male plants appear later - if started at the same time, male plants will often show sex first, which tells me that it might be because the natural order of things is for them to appear on the scene somewhat later in the growing season and, therefore, need to flower in a shorter time in order for the actual (by the calendar) flowering times to line up and the pollen to do its thing.

Er... I'm just rambling. It's what I do ;) .
If yes then you should be fine to put your seedlings outside and leave them there. I germinate round 1 Sept and never had early flower issues. Usually they show sex and keep vegging. Playing with 20 hour days can be a recipe for disaster if you plan to veg over summer. Just my opinion. I'll watch and see how it goes.
Cheers for that mate I was hoping to get 2 outdoor grows ,! from now till January and like last year Dec and harvested end of March.
I figure... I guess... I suppose... IDFK (lol).

But I know this: People routinely speak of a 50:50 ratio of M:F plants being "normal" - but in the wild, there's no reason to have that many males. I mean... Lots of female plants all over the place and ONE nice, tall, healthy (f*cking prolific :rolleyes: ) male plant and <ZAP!> every female plant produces seedy bud instead of sin semilla. It's a good idea to have a few, or even several male plants in the area - to guard against possible loss of a male plant, freak (or even normal, for the area) wind patterns that might blow in one direction, only, and thus prevent any one specific male from pollinating plants in every direction. And to provide some potential for genetic diversity (assuming that's a survival trait - which it probably is, in a dynamic universe). But half? That doesn't make sense to me. I'd guess that 15% to maybe 25% would be more than adequate to ensure species survival, long term.

I believe that, while any one or even all of those things might not be guaranteed to give one a high percentage of female plants in any one specific planting, that they'll tend to do so, averaged over time. And an entity such as Dutch Passion - which has been in business for something like 32 years, and has been breeding/producing cannabis seeds the entire time - should be well-placed to see these trends over time. So I'd give their observations/suggestions the benefit of the doubt. Plus... Yeah, I no longer have the records I once kept, but it seemed to me (from my small amount of experience) to be true, too. I long ago decided that, if I had the choice, to not sprout unsexed cannabis seeds during the hottest months.

Now this doesn't work on the equator where the light schedule is 12:12 throughout the year, or in locations where the whether is more static than changing seasonally. But think about some of the things mentioned, and it kind of makes a sense. More blue light, less hours of light per day, cooler temperatures... earlier in the year. Get those female flowers created, yeah? Then have the male plants appear later - if started at the same time, male plants will often show sex first, which tells me that it might be because the natural order of things is for them to appear on the scene somewhat later in the growing season and, therefore, need to flower in a shorter time in order for the actual (by the calendar) flowering times to line up and the pollen to do its thing.

Er... I'm just rambling. It's what I do ;) .
Cheers makes sense ,so when he says less light how many hours ?? and temp ?? getting my head around it !lol
If yes then you should be fine to put your seedlings outside and leave them there. I germinate round 1 Sept and never had early flower issues. Usually they show sex and keep vegging. Playing with 20 hour days can be a recipe for disaster if you plan to veg over summer. Just my opinion. I'll watch and see how it goes.
Hi mate ,in NZ you following the World Cup???
Cheers for that mate I was hoping to get 2 outdoor grows ,! from now till January and like last year Dec and harvested end of March.
Ok. If you are in South Africa or near abouts you might have an issue with your plants revegging. My absolute latest to finish a spring harvest(flowering in Sept and Oct is mid November. Anything that is not done by then will reveg and f your shiz up wholesale. Unless you are going to light dep? I've managed 3 harvest in the last year all outdoors and the 4 will be done in a month. Then it's only vegging plants on deck until Feb when they will flower naturally.
Yeah ,I haven't started a grow in spring before so was thinking alot about the extra hours of daylight mid summer and how that will affect flowering if some of them arn't auto's .I watched a vid on a huge grow in the U.S and they Blacked out their tunnel house for the 12/12 was thinking of doing the same .
Cheers makes sense ,so when he says less light how many hours ?? and temp ?? getting my head around it !lol

Beats me. I did have some suggestions - and personal observations - written down in a little spiral notebook, but that was... IDK, 20 years ago? In the time since then, I had the woman I was married to suddenly and without warning tell me that she "just didn't feel comfortable being around cannabis stuff any more." Well, f*ck, okay, I wished you had said something earlier, like before I bought all those new lights, lol, or at least before we'd turned in for the night. But I'll make a quick phone call, I guess... (My buddy, who lived roughly 42 minutes away - and who had a severely physically handicapped wife he would have to wake up, explain what was going on, and tend to - after himself having just being awakened in the middle of the night and hearing (among other things) "Sure, you can wait until morning - and come pick up whatever is still piled up out by the road" :rolleyes: - made it to my door in 29 minutes.) With his truck. And trailer. Oh, that was a sad night, and I felt really, really bad. But... you know... wife.

Of course I felt even worse - as you can probably imagine - about a week later when I discovered that she wanted a divorce, but didn't want to end up looking like "the bad guy" (which... FFS, if you want to split, I'll try and talk you out of it - but if you're determined to go, then just GtFO, lol, no subterfuge necessary, this isn't the 14th century). So she handed me that line of bullsh!t thinking I'd flip out, refuse, and she could play(?) the part of the wounded spouse or whatever. I got back at her for that by pretty much telling everyone that, while I had no clue what it was that I'd done wrong, or hadn't done right (whichever applied)... I was the guy, so the fault must have been mine.

She, of course, got back at ME by taking everything that she could use. Or that her friends could use. Or that she could sell. Or give away. Or throw over a hill, for all I know. Or even none of the above, if she thought I might have a use for it, if it was especially durable :rolleyes: . Most of the rest ended up getting broken during the whole clean-out activity. Let's see... She left me a bunch of pets (but nothing to put their food in, which she probably justified when she took all the pet food). Left one plate, one fork, one skillet (which I appreciated - it was my cast iron skillet!), and one coffee cup (handle broken off). Took the trash can, left the contents of same. Like that, only more so.

So either I gave all my notes away to my buddy, who wasn't a grower, but had the means to transport everything elsewhere and who promised he could find people to take it "pretty quick," or else it disappeared shortly afterwards.

And he did - it was all gone by the time I f*cking became aware, except for some miscellaneous jugs of nutrients.

That was the first time I sanitized the place. The second was simply paranoia. At least that one kind of made sense.

The sun is about to rise here, which means I've got about an hour and 15 minutes that I could be sleeping, or trying to. So y'all have fun - I'm out. . . .
Beats me. I did have some suggestions - and personal observations - written down in a little spiral notebook, but that was... IDK, 20 years ago? In the time since then, I had the woman I was married to suddenly and without warning tell me that she "just didn't feel comfortable being around cannabis stuff any more." Well, f*ck, okay, I wished you had said something earlier, like before I bought all those new lights, lol, or at least before we'd turned in for the night. But I'll make a quick phone call, I guess... (My buddy, who lived roughly 42 minutes away - and who had a severely physically handicapped wife he would have to wake up, explain what was going on, and tend to - after himself having just being awakened in the middle of the night and hearing (among other things) "Sure, you can wait until morning - and come pick up whatever is still piled up out by the road" :rolleyes: - made it to my door in 29 minutes.) With his truck. And trailer. Oh, that was a sad night, and I felt really, really bad. But... you know... wife.

Of course I felt even worse - as you can probably imagine - about a week later when I discovered that she wanted a divorce, but didn't want to end up looking like "the bad guy" (which... FFS, if you want to split, I'll try and talk you out of it - but if you're determined to go, then just GtFO, lol, no subterfuge necessary, this isn't the 14th century). So she handed me that line of bullsh!t thinking I'd flip out, refuse, and she could play(?) the part of the wounded spouse or whatever. I got back at her for that by pretty much telling everyone that, while I had no clue what it was that I'd done wrong, or hadn't done right (whichever applied)... I was the guy, so the fault must have been mine.

She, of course, got back at ME by taking everything that she could use. Or that her friends could use. Or that she could sell. Or give away. Or throw over a hill, for all I know. Or even none of the above, if she thought I might have a use for it, if it was especially durable :rolleyes: . Most of the rest ended up getting broken during the whole clean-out activity. Let's see... She left me a bunch of pets (but nothing to put their food in, which she probably justified when she took all the pet food). Left one plate, one fork, one skillet (which I appreciated - it was my cast iron skillet!), and one coffee cup (handle broken off). Took the trash can, left the contents of same. Like that, only more so.

So either I gave all my notes away to my buddy, who wasn't a grower, but had the means to transport everything elsewhere and who promised he could find people to take it "pretty quick," or else it disappeared shortly afterwards.

And he did - it was all gone by the time I f*cking became aware, except for some miscellaneous jugs of nutrients.

That was the first time I sanitized the place. The second was simply paranoia. At least that one kind of made sense.

The sun is about to rise here, which means I've got about an hour and 15 minutes that I could be sleeping, or trying to. So y'all have fun - I'm out. . . .
Hah. Mine tried that shiz with me too. I told her there is no chance that I'd ever give up something that gives me so much pleasure and joy. She should have told me before we got married and I would have broken it off right then. Anyways she divorced me after months of couples therapy (me trying to save the marriage) tried to get the therapist to tell me to stop the, therapist got my back and told her I've have not changed since day one and medically it doesn't make sense to stop. She told me if the therapist said it's fine she would never bring it up again. Well she divorced me with no explanation and then decided to try make my name kak. Unfortunately her friends took my side and not hers. She couldn't play victim. Met current partner and she encourages me to dry in the bedroom so she can smell the weed all the time . Doesn't smoke too much but occasionally and it's never been a issue. I feel for you TS. F that shit.
Here's a bit of an update on this grow ,Well the weather has been hot and cold all over the place ,had a cold snap last week max of 2-15c for 3 days and nights were 7-9c so I think that as affected the growth (very slow) ,here's a pik from today ,and one of a strange looking one that popped up .
Cheers Kev


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Hi All,just an update ,had a few snails try and get stoned so Iv'e sorted them out ,so last week I topped the 6 good plants I'll explain 12 left 6 have weird traits so I have separated them fro the good plants .So the good plants I have also started LST with a bend and tie down ,boy are they starting to look good :snowboating: I just wish the bloody weather would sort it's self out temp up and down ,but it is spring . I'm giving them about 300mls feed every 4 days ,is that to often for CoCO ???
Cheers Kev
PS Go the AllBlacks !!!


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