Sensi and The Bandit - A Grapegod, OG Kush & Mutant LA Woman Journal

Merry Christmas & Hashy New Year from Hash Man & The Bandit!


:xmas: :woohoo: :tokin: :roorrip:;) :hookah:
2011 Winter Outdoor Grow ~ OG Kush

I've always wanted to try this...


These two ladies are OG Kush. They were candidates to be mamas but were outperformed by their sisters.
I did'nt have the heart to kill them so I figured they would make excellent plants to try a Winter greenhouse grow.
They've been in the greenhouse for two weeks in this pic.

They were propogated indoors w/ hydro coco and then transplanted to 5 gallon pots filled with Roots 707 soil for their stay in the greenhouse.
They have endured temps in the low 30s with little if any negative impact. The greenhouse will heat up to about 80 during the hi Sun but for the most part the days of late Fall/Early Winter have been cool & gloomy.
The girls still look content despite the adverse condition though. They do have the stretch thing going on which is a common trait with OG Kush but i'm sure the dark days dont help.
lol, nice post. hey bud just tuning inbut i had a question for ya. someone told me u are using the CO2 cultivator bags? true? how r they workin for u, im thinkin of trying one out for next grow, but was wondering first how they work and if they r worth getting, anyhelp will be appreciated, thanx bro
lol, nice post. hey bud just tuning inbut i had a question for ya. someone told me u are using the CO2 cultivator bags? true? how r they workin for u, im thinkin of trying one out for next grow, but was wondering first how they work and if they r worth getting, anyhelp will be appreciated, thanx bro

High Staffy!
I've used both the CO2 Boost Bucket and the ExHale CO2 bags.
Both use a mycellial mass (mushroom compost) to produce CO2.
They each work and will provide abundant CO2 in small grow rooms of 4'x4' or less. The smaller the space the better the effect.
I never had my plants ripen a week or two early or have a 30-50% increase in yields. I did see nice plants that looked to have more overall bio mass compared to no CO2.
My biggest fear from both CO2 Boost & ExHale is the possibilities of mold spores being released in the house. I did some tests that you can check out in this journal several pages back. Tests dont lie and my test showed several species of mold develop in a petri dish.
I also use a window unit ac in my grow room. Those things are notorious mold incubaters so it could have swayed the test results idk.
The test results made me freak so I dumped the mycellial CO2, sterlized the grow room and added a hepa filter air purifier.
Now my only source of CO2 is fresh air. LOTS of fresh air. I pump it into the room 24/7 and either heat it with the lights or cool it with an ac. The garden seems to be doing just fine without any co2 injection so I'll keep riding the fresh air train! Especially since fresh air is free!!! :Rasta:
Hash Man & Friends

Finally got the holiday hash job pressed and ready to go!!
Overall I got a decent haul from what I washed.
I noticed a lot of trichs still left on the trim after the first washes so I know I can squeeze even more out of it. I think the key to good ice hash is a short wash, refreeze, and repeat until the trim is clean.
The machine will usually get the trichs off leaf with the first wash but ground up buds will take several washes to strip clean.


Hash Man & Friends!!
In front going clockwise we have Pile. Next is Football. He's for New Years day & watching bowl games! After Football we have Log followed by Hash Man, Sluggo, & Wheel!


High Staffy!
I've used both the CO2 Boost Bucket and the ExHale CO2 bags.
Both use a mycellial mass (mushroom compost) to produce CO2.
They each work and will provide abundant CO2 in small grow rooms of 4'x4' or less. The smaller the space the better the effect.
I never had my plants ripen a week or two early or have a 30-50% increase in yields. I did see nice plants that looked to have more overall bio mass compared to no CO2.
My biggest fear from both CO2 Boost & ExHale is the possibilities of mold spores being released in the house. I did some tests that you can check out in this journal several pages back. Tests dont lie and my test showed several species of mold develop in a petri dish.
I also use a window unit ac in my grow room. Those things are notorious mold incubaters so it could have swayed the test results idk.
The test results made me freak so I dumped the mycellial CO2, sterlized the grow room and added a hepa filter air purifier.
Now my only source of CO2 is fresh air. LOTS of fresh air. I pump it into the room 24/7 and either heat it with the lights or cool it with an ac. The garden seems to be doing just fine without any co2 injection so I'll keep riding the fresh air train! Especially since fresh air is free!!! :Rasta:

great, thanks for the info my man, i appreciate it.
I am so jealous of all that hash! Bandit you are one lucky guy. I'll be lucky to end up with enough trim to get a gram of hash, let alone a half ounce!

Thanks Smokey!
I'll be testing it here shortly :Rasta:

When 14 popped up on there i was floored!! The loose pile weighs .7 so the whole batch nearly rang up to 15g!! The 1st batch pulled somewhere around 5-7g so that's over 20g pulled on the first two runs with the washing machine.
I have to say that the machine is a great buy already paying for itself several times over.
I already need a new washing bag and i'm wearing out my press fast so those will need to be replaced but that's no biggie.
The cool thing is that there's still plenty of trichs on the stuff that's already been washed! By the time it's been cleaned thoroughly I bet I pull over an ounce all together!
Thanks Staffy!!
Here's a few pics from the holiday weekend...












I also placed an order for a box of Quantum TriPhosphor T5 bulbs to try in the new Sun System lights in the bloom cab. I had to buy a box of 8 because they dont sell them individually. I only need 4 so I guess I'll have more than enough back ups lol

I DIGG that Blue Sherman Bubbler with the 3 Blue Horns,, thats thing is BADASS.. !! .. Heck ALL of the Glass you have is BADASS,, the Crush Bong is KRAZY too.. !! .. Also very curious about the Quantum Bulbz,, is there much of a difference.. ?? .. Keep me UpDated once you get them and see for yourself if you dont mind Sir,, I may have to Order some of them too depending on your Opinion.. And do you know if they make Bulbs for the 4foot T12VHO's that I have.. ??

Much Love and Respect to you and yours,, Brother.. ..

I DIGG that Blue Sherman Bubbler with the 3 Blue Horns,, thats thing is BADASS.. !! .. Heck ALL of the Glass you have is BADASS,, the Crush Bong is KRAZY too.. !! .. Also very curious about the Quantum Bulbz,, is there much of a difference.. ?? .. Keep me UpDated once you get them and see for yourself if you dont mind Sir,, I may have to Order some of them too depending on your Opinion.. And do you know if they make Bulbs for the 4foot T12VHO's that I have.. ??

Much Love and Respect to you and yours,, Brother.. ..

Thanks Brother Dawg!
collecting fine one of a kind pieces of glass is another passion that runs deep in my veins. I'll get a few more pics up of my other bongs soon but yeah that three horn Sherman is one of my faves... The artist is a deranged madman but man can he work some glass! :Rasta:

For the bulbs i dont have the numbers on hand but the Quantum bulbs are supposed to be a better plant bulb compared to regular T5HO tubes.
They are designed to be used in the Quantum T5 BadBoy but I dont see why they cant work in my Sun System. Connectors, wattage, and length is the same.
Unfortunately the Quantum tubes only come in T5HO 4' lengths. They need to get to steppin' and come out with da 2 footers already!!
Thanks Brother Dawg!
collecting fine one of a kind pieces of glass is another passion that runs deep in my veins. I'll get a few more pics up of my other bongs soon but yeah that three horn Sherman is one of my faves... The artist is a deranged madman but man can he work some glass! :Rasta:

For the bulbs i dont have the numbers on hand but the Quantum bulbs are supposed to be a better plant bulb compared to regular T5HO tubes.
They are designed to be used in the Quantum T5 BadBoy but I dont see why they cant work in my Sun System. Connectors, wattage, and length is the same.
Unfortunately the Quantum tubes only come in T5HO 4' lengths. They need to get to steppin' and come out with da 2 footers already!!

I was all excited about those bulbs until I just read this last sentence! Of course they don't come in 2 footers ... my luck wouldn't have it any other way!! :tokin:
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