Shishkaberry & MK Ultra Super Coco LED


420 Member
Hey all. I didn't know where to put this journal. This is a legal grow under health canada. I'm flowering Shishkaberry and MK Ultra from an LP in a 4' x 4' room.

They're in 5gal pots with 5 parts canna coir, 2 partperlite, 1 part earthworm castings, 50g/gal Gaia Green power flower 2-8-5, azomite, limestone, oyster shell powder, and diatomaceous earth. I've used a very similar recipe in the past with incredible results.

I recently built a Vero 29 D 3000K 90CRI COB LED light with two 240H-C1750A drivers for 520W of light, about 550W draw. I should have gotten the B drivers, and I vegged the cuttings under a 600W SE HPS for two weeks before flipping. I had a 5000 BTu A/C to keep temp and rH at 24C and 65%. The LED doesn't even need the A/ fact, it's still under 24C. I'm shocked because the room got up over 55C without plants in it! The room went from almost 1100W in veg, to 550W in flower. lol

I give them pH 5.8-6.0 tap water, sometimes with calcium nitrate, epsom, and fish hydrolysate.
Everything is growing very evenly. They're all 28-30" tall and 11 days into flower. The tops are lighter green...some immobile element deficiency. I couldn't see a deficiency last time because of the HPS. These LED have great CRI despite the yellowish photos.

No training this run. I'll prune the lowers and take some cuttings.

I'll transition from calnit to MAP soon to kickstart flowering.

shishkaberry is single cola dominant. I'd love to run 16 or 25 plants next run. MK is much bushier and likes the soil better.


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Shisk is at 36" tonight. Getting ready for a "cation derench" aka MAP. Bought a watering wand to get at the back plants easier.

Took some cuttings as I cleaned the lowers. They're under a 10W LED from home depot.

Added another fan for better circulation. Still at 21C. I have the A/C on low - it doesn't make it any colder and it lowers rH.


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I flipped Aug 17, so today is day 23 of 12/12. Flower development is not where I expect it to be. Shisk is a 7 week flower, and MK is 8 weeks. Next run I'll cut the calnit sooner.

There are 9 total this run. Eight shishkaberry and one MK ultra. Cuttings are super expensive from the LPs...especially if you want more than one variety.

I didn't top them this run. I wanted to see how they naturally grow. Shiskaberry is the strongest and quickest indica WeedMD has.

As it stands, two weeks was too long to veg. They're over 36" now, and the light is as high as it will go and I can't dim them (or want to). I'll do 7 day veg next time with more plants to keep them shorter and compact...I don't like to prune. I have back pain and even pruning the lowers hurt. Least effort for best results. I also really hate pruning...SOG and high calyx:leaf ratios :)

Even with the super soil and "high brix style", I'm adding salts to the feed water and pHing. It's not far off hydroponics. I'm adding 20ppm Mg and 2.8g/gal MAP, plus 15 ml/gal fish emulsion for a couple of weeks in heavy flower.

Note that the super soil gave me outstanding results with straight pH'd water the entire run. I'm just making things complicated :)

Watering the plant in the far corner is a pita (back and knees, actually). I have to figure out an irrigation system next time.
I miscalculated flower time. This isn't bad for three weeks, imho. It's almost half way through. I guess they will fill out very quickly.

The room smells sweet after the last fertigation :) 40" tall, and around 28" from the lights.


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Weedmd says Kish is a 7 week's day 28 and nowhere near done. Leafly says 8-9 weeks.

Trichs sure got a boost this week. Maybe due to the MAP.

I taste the leaves every so often. They were sweet last week. Today they're a little tart. According to the chart they need either Ca, Mg, or K. They should have plenty of Ca in the super soil. I'll keep adding epsom and add K sulfate. I know in the past plants in this soil stalled, and it could be K deficiency.

Temp is still 21C. Trying to keep rH 55-60%.


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I was telling a buddy that it's week 7 and they look like they're in week 5. Then he tells me the "7 week" flower is from the first signs of it's actually a 9 week strain. The lowers needed more light so I defoliated again. Middle two pics are mk.

Otherwise they're sticky and smell nice. I'm impressed. If weedmd grows it and cures properly, it's very nice bud. Nothing from tweed is this good.

The cuttings are growing leaf. I can start them in hugos under the 600 hps so they'll be ready to flower under the LED just as the current plants are harvested. No more soil. They're big moisture source that propagates fungas gnats.

Humidity has been an issue. Temp is 26C now, and humidity is still in the low 60s :S. A couple of the plants are yellowing from the middle to top. I believe it's calcium deficiency from poor respiration.


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Beginning of week 8. They're getting their fall colours. Trichs are milky.

Clones are in 4" cubes ready for their new 4x4 tray with auto fertigation. That will keep me from crawling on the concrete floor.


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Hope all is well in your world.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

I finally took them down at 10 weeks and they still weren't fully ripe.

They had good density fresh and they dried loose and light. :/ I should have trimmed wet.

I'm not impressed with this variety in this setup. It looks and smells nice, and it burns black and doesn't feel like "23% THC".

Planning to turn it all into hash.

I got the 4x4 table with recirc drip system in. I added a couple of valves and lengths of hose. Now I can drain and refill the res in under 20 minutes. No more bending down. I visit the garden every third day.

I took the cuttings two weeks into flower and they're growing funny. They won't even veg to make mothers. I'll finish this run and break out new gear. TGA purple Apollo 13 and Hurkle. I hate pheno hunting, and I think void could be my perfect medicine.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

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