Smart Grow Box, Still Testing, Second Grow


Active Member
Well this my previous grow was a failure, as I started to panic that my plant was getting root bound, and had to water it very frequently or else the leaves would look gloomy. So transplanted it outdoors and ... My scumbag gardener ripped off the plant at 10 days flowering! I hurts, but I have dealt with it.

But I am planning to start another grow, but this time completely indoor, and well monitored, as I have built a grow box, which has an intake and out take fan, which are basically cooler master cpu fans, temperature and humidity sensors, a moisture sensor to detect the soil moisture, and an lcd that while display all the required data! Dope ain't it?

I have programmed the whole setup with a Arduino micro controller, and when the moisture of the soil falls below a threshold that I have set, a water pump will water the soil to it's optimal moisture.

For lighting, I have two types of LED lights, one with a warmer hue and another with a colder hue, I have my doubts whether these will suffice, so added a cfl just in case. I will attach all the pictures here.

And I can control the light cycle from my mobile app using Bluetooth, and even separately turn on off each lighting unit.

All I need is advice whether this setup is sufficient for a micro grow.

If this grow goes successful, then I will try to apply machine learning based on the data I get from this grow. Basically this is a research project needless to say.

Thanking in advance! I will try posting updates in this thread now on.

And yeah it's not cannabis in the pictures, it's a Tulsi plant. Very aromatic little guy. Planning on keeping him along the whole grow!


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Next time, add a net around the plant, gardener saw weed and cleared weed...
The cfl, in order to help plant, needs to be as close as it can be. Yours look like it us to high and out of the way?!
Next time, add a net around the plant, gardener saw weed and cleared weed...
The cfl, in order to help plant, needs to be as close as it can be. Yours look like it us to high and out of the way?!
I am trying to use those LED lights for the grow. Well If that fails then I will bring the cfl light closer, or just put one of those small 3$ led grow lights in place of the cfl.
Will you top her to spread her out like scrog type (without the net) and grow her wide? And after looking closer, light can stay where it is and be used when she is bigger.
Will you top her to spread her out like scrog type (without the net) and grow her wide? And after looking closer, light can stay where it is and be used when she is bigger.
Thanks a lot for your feedback! I have kept my seeds for germinating using the paper towel method, as the first time I did it, was a success, but now... Meh, it been kept for around 2 days and still no sprouts
Did you pop them in water first?
If they don't sprout for you, before throwing them out, squeeze them gently with your fingers or bite softly, like you would on a sunflower seed...
I followed your advice and kept it water for around 8 hours, after which I saw on one seed cracking up open, like it's about to sprout, and they we're sunk at the bottom of the glass, so I shifted it the same setup with moist paper towel, and a pad heater underneath to keep warm. After a day, the crack seemed to have closed up loosely, and no sprouts..

The one on the right had cracked open

The one far right is smaller than the others, but doesn't appear such on camera
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