Smoking bud hairs


New Member
Hey, anyone try plucking just the hairs off of your bud and toking them up?
Honestly, I think it would be quite a chore to pick all the red hairs off of a bud, and I am way to lazy to do that... methinks it would also take a LOT of hairs. Sounds like fun to smoke, not so much to pack, hehe. peace
Yes I have done this. Takes a while but its fun if your bored! Kief that shit--yeeeahhhh, thats what I'm talking about!
ok so those that tried it did you guys get high or what?.... cause i always though hairs dont have thc but i could be wrong
Smoky420 said:
why do you think really good bud is covered in red hairs? because that part contains alot of THC :cool: ok time to go smoke my last bowl :grinjoint:

you want to see red hairs because that means that the bud came to matureaty and not picked early the red hairs are no indication of good weed i have tryed bad weed with loads of red hairs and no hairs have no thc they are just there to catch pollen from a male plant to make seeds but wither and turn red when its near the end of budding. so hairs have NO THC. sorry but im sure it true
I've done this before when i had a bag which had collected a bunch of red hairs on the side, I actually capped the bowl with the hairs. It looked really cool and required minimal effort on my part. I'm not sure it did anything but look cool though. Has anyone ever seen bud with white hairs? its pretty crazy.
There's def. thc in hairs. Pollen sacs explode and cover everything in thc, including hairs.

In an effort to keep the information disseminated on this site regarding cannabis accurate, and with all due respect, I'd have to say that exploding pollen sacs covering everything with THC is not true. How could this have anything to do with the THC content of the pistils?
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