Stay High Lime

Thanks! its a Mystery Kush, Indica dom. Bagseed I grew
Hi Lime. Welcome to 420 ! Nice looking plant. I've got a question for you. Wouldn't a bag seed mean that seed came from a Hermied plant ? Wouldn't a seed from a hermie plant tend to be hermie's also ? Just wondering what your thoughts are on this as I've heard different opinions. I only grew a bag seed 1 time & I did get seeds so I never grew another one.
Hope to see a journal soon.
Hi Lime. Welcome to 420 ! Nice looking plant. I've got a question for you. Wouldn't a bag seed mean that seed came from a Hermied plant ? Wouldn't a seed from a hermie plant tend to be hermie's also ? Just wondering what your thoughts are on this as I've heard different opinions. I only grew a bag seed 1 time & I did get seeds so I never grew another one.
Hope to see a journal soon.
Hi @Lime and welcome to the forum! I am looking forward to seeing a journal from you.

Regarding bagseed... Buds, sorry to hear about your bad experience, but you never really know how the seed got there until you grow it out. I have grown out some wonderful pot from bagseed... I just had no idea what it was, so I have never kept one going.

Seeds can occur all over a grow room if pollen accidentally gets into the air or onto a pet and then transferred to the plants. Pot can be grown outside, and partial pollination of buds is common when there is wild pot growing in the vicinity, and a few seeds will sometimes show up. All of my mistakes have been while attempting to pollinate a plant, but then the pollen got away from me.

In my own gardens, when any of these unplanned events happen, is this the pot that I personally smoke? Nope, I give it away to friends and relatives... the bagseed gets out into the public. Were any of mine from hermies? Not one. You just can't assume that all bagseed automatically means it came from hermies... that could be how they were created, but probably not as often as just careless gardening and management of pollen.
Hi Lime. Welcome to 420 ! Nice looking plant. I've got a question for you. Wouldn't a bag seed mean that seed came from a Hermied plant ? Wouldn't a seed from a hermie plant tend to be hermie's also ? Just wondering what your thoughts are on this as I've heard different opinions. I only grew a bag seed 1 time & I did get seeds so I never grew another one.
Hope to see a journal soon.
Thank you!

Not exactly, depends on if its a true Hermie, which has both male and female parts, which will just produce more hermie seeds.
If plant throws out a few nannners, which is usually brought out by stress or going to a lil too long during flowering, then in a last ditch effort will grow a few nanners, which then it will either self pollinated itself or another female if present, which are not true hermies.

If its just a few nanners late in flower they can be plucked and let plant finish flowering, as they don't produce many seeds if caught before pollen is released.

Thats the joy of growing mystery seeds, never know what your going to get til you grow it out and see. I was lucky and didnt get any hermies, and I basically started with just bagseed from my personal smoke. I liked not knowing, then its a

But now I'm growing only known strains, those were to learn and just start and see. Now Im growing only known genetics.

What it did teach me is to treat all plants differently, and even with known genetics we still get different phenos which at times can almost seem like different plants, so knowing this I still treat each plant as its own, and have their own schedules, which has benefitted me in my garden.

So not all bad ;)
:welcome: to :420:
When I started growing i basically tried to follow the K.I.S.S. method. Started with the least possible to see if I could grow with the smallest lights and space I could.

Started with badseed, T5 for veg and a small 150w hps for flower, in a small 2x3 closet, Soil MG with time released fertz. I know not the best, but its what I used, as so many bashed it thought I'd see for myself if it would work, and it did!

Did ok on my first plant. Didn't get alot if bud but still success. As a first time plant I at least made it to the finish. Learned how to clone and grew them out. I knew I could do it!

Pic of another bagseed I grew
I love bag seeds. I've got enough seeds from the stashes i've smoked. lol
Right?! Lol
I kinda liked not knowing what I was going to get, love the mystery mj, never know if its going to be good or bad, so can be a bit nerve racking to say the least.

I've learned alot growing them, to the point that I treat all my plants differently, even same strains grow different ;) this has helped me in my garden more than a few times now!
Hey lime, have you had a chance to look at the journal section? perhaps starting your self one wouldn't be bad idea and you can copy the url of your journal and past it into your signature for member to find you easier.
The signature option is in the black menu bar where your username is.
Sure did @PK . I Will be starting Journal soon, just wanted to let people get to know me a tad first...When I do ill make sure to add link to my signature.

Thought I'd share a few of my prior grow pics before showing what I have on the go atm.

Plus I need 50 posts to receive full privileges, so if I start a journal and want to Pm someone, I won't be able to until I have 50 posts?

I Was messaged by staff and they suggested moving my intro thread as a Journal? So still waiting patently....
as im not one to post alot of random stuff just to get my post count up.
Sure did @PK . I Will be starting Journal soon, just wanted to let people get to know me a tad first...When I do ill make sure to add link to my signature.

Thought I'd share a few of my prior grow pics before showing what I have on the go atm.

Plus I need 50 posts to receive full privileges, so if I start a journal and want to Pm someone, I won't be able to until I have 50 posts?

I Was messaged by staff and they suggested moving my intro thread as a Journal? So still waiting patently....
as im not one to post alot of random stuff just to get my post count up.

Never be shy in tagging somebody, especially if you need some help. Just use the @ symbol in front of their name I.e @Lime

Edit, just saw afterwards that you tagged OK :hmmmm: :rofl:
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