Stunted plant growth


420 Member
I am a first time grower, and am running into a bit of an issue with one of
my plants. I have two one that is growing well whilst the other seems to have
stopped growing. I have put both in mid sized pots , the one that is growing
well is vegetating well. Should I report them into bigger pots? What should I
do about the stunted one?
I am giving them nutrients every two weeks, watering when needed. They are
outdoor potted plants, took them outdoors when they started vegetating.

Your help would be appreciated
Hiya @Teebud flop that baby over and let it drop out of the pot, see if it's root bound!

Repot them, try and loosen up the rootball is all you can do i think? If it's just that, up potting to something bigger should solve your problem. If there is some rot in there which will be yellowy, mushy, not healthy looking roots I'd cut that out if it wasn't too prevalent. Not quite sure on that though, maybe @Emilya can give us a idea on that?
Hey guys.. ok, so I repotted her as suggested yesterday. I was worried cause some of the roots fell off while I was doing it, but she seems to be doing ok.. ur advice helped @Pbass and @Emilya . Just wondering should I just repot the other one? Although it’s doing good I am thinking the space may do it good. What say you?


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if you could tell me what the wet/dry cycle was doing I would have more of a clue. Does the one in the small pot use up all the water pretty quickly? It looks like it might and if so, then your ability to have that container of soil act as a buffer has been reduced and it is time to uppot. In hydro you have to constantly touch the plant or water periodically but soil buffers you from that, so you can actually walk away from your grow for days at a time.
I agree that it is probably time to uppot... the roots below are roughly the same size and shape of the plant above, at least unrestricted in soil... and in a container just a little more cramped. By the time the plant is as tall and as wide as the container, it is usually safe to uppot to the next size, and if you really want to work the roots, you wait for a 24-36 hour wet/dry cycle before doing so.
if you could tell me what the wet/dry cycle was doing I would have more of a clue. Does the one in the small pot use up all the water pretty quickly? It looks like it might and if so, then your ability to have that container of soil act as a buffer has been reduced and it is time to uppot. In hydro you have to constantly touch the plant or water periodically but soil buffers you from that, so you can actually walk away from your grow for days at a time.
I agree that it is probably time to uppot... the roots below are roughly the same size and shape of the plant above, at least unrestricted in soil... and in a container just a little more cramped. By the time the plant is as tall and as wide as the container, it is usually safe to uppot to the next size, and if you really want to work the roots, you wait for a 24-36 hour wet/dry cycle before doing so.
The soil is damp. I’m in beirut, (a Canadian in Lebanon), and she seems ok. But I will take ur advice and uppot tomorrow, since the stem is pretty steady and seems to be able to take the trauma , the other one was pretty frail but seems happier. Like a crazy cat lady I talk to them, and seems the one that wasn’t uppotted May have pot envy. They are getting outdoor light, so it’s about 15 hours of light right now, with approx 4 hrs of direct sunlight. Is that ok?

Really appreciate the help
That sounds like a good plan crazy cat lady! lol Pot envy! :rofl: with the light, that sounds like it should work fine, but you won't bud out (bloom) until the dark period approaches 14 hours or so. Until then they will just keep vegging and getting bigger unless they are autos.
They are not autos, quite honestly I don’t even know what these kittens are as I germinated seeds from some local grower. Thus far I know they are both females, and hopefully will flower at some point. I will uppot the other just so she knows she hasn’t been left out, as a put cat nut will do. Any other tips oh wise one?
Hi guys @Emilya @Pbass so I’ve transplanted both plants now but one thing I notice is they aren’t really leafy. They have another month of vegetating but not sure how they will turn out if they aren’t really growing leafs. Any advice?


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I haven’t yet as I thought i’d give them more time to settle into their new pots. I was thinking if I did that it would stress them out. Then again, what do I know
thats what training is... scientifically applied stress. It is a perfect time to top, and then you have two main kolas... almost doubling your final yield. Top again after a week or so and you can turn those two into four. A leafy bushy plant with lots and lots of buds doesn't just happen... you have to make it happen.
Noted.. just not sure where to top from as there are no much inner layers at this point, just little leaves sprouting here and there, which I topped. Should I take the top branch off u think? I did some minor trimming to the new leaves coming out so they double up.
I learned to top and water from Pot Yoda up above, Emilya knows her @#$% we are lucky to have her! I saw pictures of someone doing LST early on so I started on my first run you can see how that went in front end of my journal. Now I top, let them grow out, top again (maybe a few times) then supercrop. I don't bother to LST, just force lol! It's a preference thing...quicker results but riskier I guess. I don't care if I hurt the plant or even kill it though, I just grow more! Sometimes I go pretty extreme, my success rate is really good though, these plants are really hard to stop!

I just got some clones gone wild returned to me, they were going odd oudoors and they made my buddy nervous...not me, but they were too tall muhhhahahaha....

These will work like hell to grow straight again, and it seems to make all the sprouts along the way go holy crap I gotta grow too! I used masking tape and a old dried stem to hold the main stem horizontal, soon it will be a big knot and the tape and splint will come off. Before I know it I'll have friggin forest!:yahoo:

Ok so I better tell you I think my batting average is going to go down...I knocked the crap out of all three plants I got back and I have a feeling I'm gonna be about .333. This was a bit extreme, I see that now :D If I weren't so lazy I could have just moved my lights up too lol!
Oh hey one other thing...and this might be extreme for you also, but that thing is tall enough to top down a long ways which would give you 4 main shoots...grow to 5 nodes then top at 2nd node or soemthing right @Emilya?
Ok so I better tell you I think my batting average is going to go down...I knocked the crap out of all three plants I got back and I have a feeling I'm gonna be about .333. This was a bit extreme, I see that now :D If I weren't so lazy I could have just moved my lights up too lol!
Hahahah .. well as long as you get a yield. My issue is I only have two plants and doing anything that prevents a yield is scurry.

And yes I agree @Emilya has been extremely helpful and supportive .. thank you oh bud helper you!

Now all I need are these plants to branch out.. they look anorexic although I do give them nutrients every couple of weeks and a good watering when needed. Maybe they just scurred and know, I don’t know what the bejesus i’m doing half the time.. I’m going by green thumb instinct only. So I really really appreciate the help guys!
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