Synthetic vs Organic


Well-Known Member
Okay but hold on, let me explain first.

Last few times I have used Flora Nova, some Fox Farms and Humbolt County's Own bottled nutrients. They've got me some pretty frosty nugs.

Well, my friend gave me this organic mix that he puts together and sells. I mean it seems like it has good stuff in it, and he seems like he knows what he's doing, and he's given me a bunch of this stuff for free... But I am kind of like, a little dubious about how he calculated the NPK rating and by the fact that he's basically just buying a bunch of base nutrients from various manufactures and throwing them together in his own "formula", and since the time I've known him he's changed the recipe like twice...


So which one would you choose? I can't tell if I'm just being too afraid to try new things or doing the "It's not broke so don't fix it" thing.
Try a side by side experiment. Fully organic grows tend to produce amazing tastes and aromas and a crazy smooth smoke from my experience, much better bud than something grown with synthetics. However I do not know your friend nd have never used his mix, but try it out! the plants will let you know if he got it right or not. :high-five:

Good call, I used it last time and felt like they were getting underfed and that was mixing into a 1 gallon jug. I just mixed in the amount he suggests for 5 gallons of water into a 1 gallon jug and it read like 500 ppm :/ So that seems kind of odd, don't they calibrate these things from the factory? Or maybe trying to use a ppm meter to measure an organic nutrient solution just doesn't work the same?
Good call, I used it last time and felt like they were getting underfed and that was mixing into a 1 gallon jug. I just mixed in the amount he suggests for 5 gallons of water into a 1 gallon jug and it read like 500 ppm :/ So that seems kind of odd, don't they calibrate these things from the factory? Or maybe trying to use a ppm meter to measure an organic nutrient solution just doesn't work the same?

Most of those ingredients don't break down immediately so they won't show up in a PPM reading.
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