Taking a break from weed


Well-Known Member
I cannot remember the last time I did not smoke weed for longer than a day. I'm spending way too much money on it and blasting through 1g just to feel a little bit of a buzz. Wasteful and expensive.
But I can't not be high. I think we're all grown up enough to admit that this beautiful plant we love so much can have a gripping effect on your head. I use cannabis for medical reasons, mostly, but just love love love smoking a doob and getting out my head a little bit.

But it's time for a break. I have a tent with a baby girl growing away in it so in a couple months I'll have more weed than I have had in a long ass time, since my last grow.

Any tips on how to get over the craving? Distractions aren't working as everything I do seems more fun high :laughtwo:

Hope you're all well
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