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Thanks MC, I want to do a little breeding and have a bag of seeds in reserve just in case. Plus i'm quite the gorilla grower and love to plant seeds in places they should not be in lol.

That's why I kept my hermi. I figure one day I can try creating femd seeds with the right male ;)
Hey guys. Just here looking for a little help again.

I didn't want to come here first and bother you guys, so I posted my problem where it should be in it's new thread under problems/pests.

Unfortunately it's not getting much action over there, and I was hoping maybe a few of you could check it out for me as I am once again lost. I have come to rely on the Deep Water Culture in times like these!

Seedlings leaves pointing up..not growing?

Thanks to all in advance!
well i took a few pics but some came out blurry so here is the best pic that came out
Welcome all the new members. I won't even try to remember the names since I was so far behind.

Jonny welcome back. You know even if you aren't growing you can hang with us.

If I cough up one more lugee of infection I am going to punch a hole in the wall.

I am doing better overall but very tired and still have infection. I still can't smoke so I am very irritable and the steroids aren't helping.

I guess when I come back full time I will just have to start from where ever you are all at. I am reading this thread my 15 minutes per day but am really behind on the rest. I am not up to answering for the most part.

Quick update on my veggies. One lagged and I pulled the seed to see if it was dead but it had a tap root so I wet the rockwool, put it back and it is finally growing. I was having issues with that rockwool being too dry but not really sure why since the drip was on full. It could have been at a bad angle. I like to keep mine fully open so not adjustment necessary(easy way) and just not butt it into the rockwool. It keeps it moist but not soaked and works for me.

Another think I did wrong but it worked is I didn't soak the rockwool. The seeds rooted faster then the package said. I place the rockwool in a bowl for two minutes and planted. I don't think veggies care about ph so much either. My ph has been really high over 8 and all is good. I did a water change yesterday and adjusted the ph but didn't check it today at all so have no idea what it is. I guess that is why this grow isn't bothering me cause I don't have to micromanage.

I used duct tape instead of covers for the net cups. It works nicely. I will take pics when they get a little bigger. I hope I get some matoes and Zuc.

I found 1 gnat two days ago ug. I killed it and sprayed with the fruit spray.

I will make the dawn and water solution to use on both my indoor veggies and outdoor garden box. i will have to look up the instructions since I forgot. I went out today just to get the dawn since I am not sure you can use any dish washing soap.
hi Deep Water Culture,
just wondered if any of you guys have any experience with adding an airstone/airskirt to the bottom res. of an aquafarm? i've read that it can increase grow spead and yields?

Never have, but I don't think you can ever go wrong adding air stones to a res.
Hello everyone!

I wanted to drop by and introduce myself to you all. I know there are a few of you here that I know from the Journals in Progress boards, SkooterClowns suggested that I look into getting DWC for myself and my husbands MMJ needs. I have a pretty lame first grow over on the Journals in Progress boards, and a lot of your wonderful members have welcomed me with such open arms and have said much kinder words than my feeble attempt deserves.

I saw the Deep Water Culture all over the boards here at 420 and they are just the nicest most helpful people I have had the fortune to run across. As I was meeting these Deep Water Culture, I noticed links to Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial. I was HOOKED, and I must confess that Roseman has become my horticultural muse...:bigblush: Anyway I have just purchased a DWC Starter Kit from Stealth Hydro yesterday, and I can't wait until it gets here!

I am so hoping that with all of the wonderful knowledgeable DWC and Deep Water Culture here will help me become a successful Deep Water Culture.

Looking forward to getting to know you all.


:welcome: to the Deep Water Culture Home!
The new veg room lives!

Got it set up with my 250 with a mh conversion bulb (20,500 lumens). Room temps in the basement never get past 79* in summer. RH is 45-50% but I can fix that.

Popping 4 Jack Herer, 2 Cream Carmel, 2 - Carmel Ice and 1 - Dinafem Diesel (freebie) - all fems. They are soaking as we speak. Will spread them somehow between, the bp tank, a couple of DWC and a couple of soils.

Current grow is zooming along. Almost all are about 22", even canopy and bushing out nicely. Have one runt (no surprise) if you can call an 18" bushy plant a runt. It stays on the edge and I get what I get from it. Added some cfl's for side lighting.

The veg room will allow for a perpetual grow. One week into flower on the current grow and all have hairs at least 5 nodes down and some a lot more. Main colas look like they are growing beards! If I let them all stand instead of supercropping the BP tank heavily, the bp tank plants would be about 7" bigger than the soil.

I know what you mean! It's a race to make the 7-8 o's I get to last till the next harvest. By the time I give away to some med patients and use it for family consumption I'm usually down to my last O. That's one of the big reasons why I set up the seperate veg room! Well that and it's just so much fun to grow shit! I'm hoping that the 6 I am growing now will provide a buffer.

I see my general problem as having too many smoking devices. LOL! 4 glass pipes, a 419 pipe, a one hitter, a nice new bong, and a vapir 5.0. I'm a sponsor's dream!

So how about a layout of how your perpetual will run including time frames. I've been doing some calculations for myself and figure with a mother/cloneing room & veg room & bloom room, I could be harvesting every 2 months if I really wanted. What is your plan Big Chief Budmeister?
And good to see all the familiar faces still, I always get a little worried when I don't get on for too long.
I'm a lucky guy and work has been real good to me lately. I'm a big fan of karma and I was starting to feel a little run down and beaten the last couple months. Like i was constantly running uphill behind the crowd and getting rocks kicked down on me. Couldn't seem to catch a break. I had a decent spring, very busy in bursts and then things got slow and drawn out. Not dead but just slow enough that I had to drag out jobs to the point where I was just covering my costs and keeping my truck and mortgage going.
Then two weeks ago I caught a real break. The Supervisor who lied about me at my old job because he was jealous and nervous I was going to take his job set me up and stabbed me in the back. I got stuck paying for a bunch of classes and licenses that I couldn't even get (even though I passed the tests) because they wouldn't insure me anymore. And they won't mail you State Certifications if your uninsured. Then they laid me off. Then he told our boss that he saw me smoking on the job (even though I HAVE NEVER smoked at a job working for that company, he just knew I smoked) and demanded a hair follicle test. I told him no way, then i quit. He told our Boss I tore it up in his face. Basically did everything he could to make me look bad.

ANYWAYS ~ So the plant health care/pesticide company that did all this work for this giant company I had worked for started screwing them. Upwards of $75,000 more then they should be charging or so. Just raising prices and giving my old supervisor the kickback of 15% I found out about it, told our old boss what was going on and he fired the company and warned my old supervisor that he was on thin ice, MADE HIM get his pesticide license and do all the lawn care/ pesticide stuff for all 68 accounts. He's an idiot. He lost 12 accounts because he was doing everything wrong and the yards were looking like crap so I called the old boss, took some pictures, explained the red thread, dollar spot, over fert stripes, how all the lawns needed to be cut higher and watered more and within two weeks of taking my advice they started to come back. We're talking about 44,000 sq foot lawns on the average DYING because of fungus problems and such. That can make a very large landscaping company go bankrupt. So, he gave them too me.
And warned the supervisor if he loses one more job he's all done. Even though he tried so hard to hurt me, I've already saved his job twice this week. Tell me there's no such thing as karma :)

I'm not going to say exactly how much this contract was for, but lets jut say it's like hitting the lottery.... I'm a very lucky person.

Rose and MC you've done so much for so many... I'm sure you've got a whole lot of good fortune in your future my Good Friends!

:peacetwo: Glad to see you back and hear all is well.
Alright, well I believe it's time to soak the seeds! Kept a steady pH overnight so everything appears to have been cleaned sufficiently. Still tossing up where I want everything. Need a new seed order soon as well. Attitude still as good as it used to be? I'm also thinking about trying out Sannie's seeds. Killing Fields in particular - One of my favorite slayer songs ;)
Well Agent Green since you asked. Pretty simple really. Right now my plants have finished their first week of flower. They are a 7-10 week flower strain. The plan is to veg them under a 250 with a mh conversion bulb and my 5000 and 6500k cfl's. Should take about a week max to get the seeds popped and to the seedling stage. They will stay next to me in my office in a dome covered plant flat.

This time all will be in rockwool. When the time comes I will bring them downstairs to the veg area and since I'm using less lumens than this time they should grow slightly slower and be ready by the time my flower plants have finished. If they get too big I can always start them on 12/12 downstairs.

May take clones while they are downstairs and may not. Either way about every 8-12 weeks I should have a harvest.
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