The Mountain: Grow Support From The Over 50 Club

And now I have a question to the seasoned growers at The Mountain :)

I got one male, the only survivor from 16 yr old O.G. Kush seeds which I got from my friend. I'd like to collect pollen basically to use next year when I find a suitable female, but I'm thinking about the method that would keep it viable. I read about baked flour, vacuum-seal and freezer technique, which is supposed to be ok, but I've never done it before, so if someone here would confirm its effectiveness, that would do for me. Optionally someone might point me the other way.
does anyone know of a small bright red and blue bug thats attracted to cannabis plants? they're really cool looking but im not sure if they are hurting helping or neither. I think they might be called a red striped leafhopper or candy stiped or something along those lines? thanks for the help all. nothing better than having a mountain to go to ;)

good evening weed listen2marley. If they look like this then it's a leaf hopper and there's no worry.

yeah thats them. I read they can suck on the leafs and leave stuff behind? I personally like em. they are by far the coolest looking bugs iv ever seen. i call em my spiderman cannabugs lol. but if there more bad than good then there is plenty of other leafs around for them to be hopping on
wow what a wealth of info on this thread .. took me multiple hrs to go thru it

im not 50 but i will be one day lol..glad to find the mountain ...
hey everyone i came to the mountain for a little of your wisdom,

to all of you with years of experience does this look like a hemp plant or a cannabis sativa plant? someone told me it was a hemp plant or looked like one but i just cant believe that now.... its 9 weeks into to flower this week and has very good trichome production and the flowers are getting nice and fat now and look great but i guess im worried it might be a hemp plant... the plant also recently hermied on me and i didnt catch it as its my first grow and there are so many flowers so i do have some very small seeds in some of the flowers so i will be harvesting this week, please let me know what you think and thank you for your input

hey everyone i came to the mountain for a little of your wisdom,

to all of you with years of experience does this look like a hemp plant or a cannabis sativa plant? someone told me it was a hemp plant or looked like one but i just cant believe that now....]

It would be hard to tell by just looking at the plant. Where did the seed come from? If it was "bag seed" did the bag it come from have any value? Hemp has no or very little THC so it will not get you "high" like a good sativa so if the bag was good so should the seed. Sativa plants go long and frequently hermi towards the end in a last ditch effort to propagate. Either way this plant has gone all the way and you did a great job. If it is hemp you got a great learning experience... if it is a nice sativa you got a great learning experience and full fall jars :cheesygrinsmiley:
Wow, that's one big beautiful plant. Great photo progression, too. Does "hemp" produce that much resin? Oh well, there's only one way to find out...snip a bud and try it! Then let us know.
Hi I'm want to make oil for cancer, I have pineapple chucks using hydro, does flushing the plant help to make a better oil;
thanks I hope I asking in the right place as I don't want to offend.
Hi I'm want to make oil for cancer, I have pineapple chucks using hydro, does flushing the plant help to make a better oil;
thanks I hope I asking in the right place as I don't want to offend.

You can't offend the old farts easily, so ask away.
How are you extracting your oil?
Flushing makes for a less harsh and tastier smoke,
but it would depend on your extraction method if a flush would make a difference.
I have never done oil extraction, but I was going to use alcohol way, but on saying that I'm open to any idea that will make the best product as this is being done for friend with prostate cancer. I would also like to know how much will it smell doing the process. I do hydro with Canna aqua and all the other Canna stuff, 2 pots, 40 Lt res, 600 watt light, carbon filter, in a cupboard. I have pineapple chunks and bubble yum. I was going to quick dry the pot so I can make first batch fast so he can start using it. By the way he has never used pot before either which I worry about too, not knowing how much to give him. I'm sorry about so many questions but doing this is very important to me and more important for my friend. thanks guys.
I have never done oil extraction, but I was going to use alcohol way, but on saying that I'm open to any idea that will make the best product as this is being done for friend with prostate cancer. I would also like to know how much will it smell doing the process. I do hydro with Canna aqua and all the other Canna stuff, 2 pots, 40 Lt res, 600 watt light, carbon filter, in a cupboard. I have pineapple chunks and bubble yum. I was going to quick dry the pot so I can make first batch fast so he can start using it. By the way he has never used pot before either which I worry about too, not knowing how much to give him. I'm sorry about so many questions but doing this is very important to me and more important for my friend. thanks guys.

Quick dry smell look at my odor free method
get him a vaporizer.
ISO can be harsh if not done right and vaping
will be a better way to start for someone that has never done anything before
hey man thats very nice of you to help someone like that not easy to find good friends like you these days. wish I could help you out on some answers but Im still fairly new to growing and have never made oil. I have a question of my own though. Im getting close to harvest time for my plants but I have an issue. I only have a 10X magnifyer which usnt strong enough to see if the trichs are clear cloudy or amber. What other ways are there for me to know when my plant is ready besides the trichomes? Any other methods at all that anyone knows of would be greatly appreciated. Dont want all my time and effort to get screwed up just because I dont harvest at the correct time so any help would be great. Thanks all... have pictures of the plants i speak of in my journal which is in my signature so check it out if that helps you help me! Thanks to all at the mountain!
Hey again listen2marley, you can order a decent magnifier (jewelers loupe) on Amazon for around ten dollars, or you can use a small cheap, easily purchased microscope. The kind that kids use in grade schools. Of course you will have to clip a very small sample in order to use the microscope. I have several cheap loupes that I use, the most powerful one is the Carson 60 -100x hand microscope with a LED light, it is cheap, but like dadums said, it is hard to use.
Wish I could help dadums. While I have 30 plus years of outdoor growing, I do not have much experience with indoor hydroponic growing or cloning. I just began my third DWC and Top feed grow, and while I have found it to be easier than I thought it was going to be, I still have much to learn and cloning is the next thing on my list. One thing I definitely like about indoor growing and hydroponics in general is the speed with which I can do a complete grow. That gives me the ability to try different strains and techniques without committing to such a long grow season. Although, I do still have a couple of really nice sativas growing outside, after all the Texas sun is just screaming "grow something in me", and who am I to say no to the sun. :riskybusiness:
OK it's been almost a week and where are my roots?
The tops are nice and green, but no roots yet?
Should I cut back on light, they are getting more than
they probably need. (4 tube T5 HO) I guess that can go over MAMA
I'll change the water today and set the heater higher.

i let my pump run 24\7.
i was like u on my first clones it was over a week and the tops looked good and strong but i had no roots .it took 14 days in my homemade bucket cloner but then it was on!i see people get roots in less than a week .. guess its all about the genetics . i read big bud genetics are hard to get roots but skunk plants seem to root fast .
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