The Mountain: Grow Support From The Over 50 Club

Just got my extraction bags last week, 5 bag set. 25, 73, 90, 160, 220 mesh count, made in Germany. Gotta figure out how to use `em, so when I get some trimmings I can. No directions.

Hey bro its a very simple process, all you need is 3 5gal bucket, ice, paint mixer (drill with paddle) water

Step 1 put some ice in bucket
Step 2 put trimmings in bucket
Step 3 put more ice and water till bucket is close to full
(Don't fill to much you will make a mess)
Step 4 mix well with mixer
Step 5 run trimmings and ice through strainer bag or first bag if none and remove
step 6 run fluid over the bags all together then sift sift sift take your bags out get new bucket put bags in remove one pour again
do this till satisfied with your work

GOOD LUCK chime in if I missed something or your ways are better
OH the bags should be in order of biggest to smallest/finest bag last
Yoop Kilo describes what the Hippie does !!- I want to try the dry ice method-- good video on YouTube ! The diff. Is the hash has to be dried with ice/ water extraction -- the dry ice method produces dry ready to use product !! -- end result is the same !! Anything coming thru that 25mm bag is scary and I like it !!
I have also done the dry ice method but this requires a pollen press or you just have a big bag of justkeef lol (pun intended) but also a very good and fun method to do
dry ice use the 90 rest are used with regular ice. but with dry ice just the 90
Just got my extraction bags last week, 5 bag set. 25, 73, 90, 160, 220 mesh count, made in Germany. Gotta figure out how to use `em, so when I get some trimmings I can. No directions.

put pot and dry ice in bag and shake above glass. I use an old storm door window.
Still playing with the hash bags-- haven't had enough weed to do a good run yet-- gonna do what Bozzo said next time !-- had plans for pollen press anyway thanks for confirming that !! Now on to Keef's Holy Grail search for the PERFECT E- Cig-- Vape liquid-- tried some not happy with results-- most promising recipe I've found uses one part hash -7 parts vegatable glycerin-- put it in a jar and shake daily for 3months - filter and Vape -- Any suggestions comments or better recipe-- I'm having trouble getting the THC to dissolve into the glycerin !!
the PERFECT E- Cig-- Vape liquid-- tried some not happy with results-- most promising recipe I've found uses one part hash -7 parts vegatable glycerin-- put it in a jar and shake daily for 3months - filter and Vape -- Any suggestions comments or better recipe-- I'm having trouble getting the THC to dissolve into the glycerin !!

I too am on this quest and would also love any info anyone can share if they have a good experience and recipe they would like to share with us
Kilo -- I'll keep U posted ! The 3 month 1 to 7 recipe is my next project !! Be awhile before I can even begin !! Haven't been weed independent long and excess is still hard to come by but it's a plan -- I'm looking for 3 hit juice can it be done ?
I too am on this quest and would also love any info anyone can share if they have a good experience and recipe they would like to share with us

This was a topic of conversation i overheard the other day.
The main point was that the dissolving of the THC into an alcohol base first, that evaporates once the gentian/substraight is added is a better way to isolate the thc into the vap-fluid than directly infusing it into the oil.

I was also told that their is an alcohol based mineral oil that is better and better for you than any plant based oils.

Just adding in my 2Cents.
Hey Klondike! You have a couple of issues. Lets start at the beginning. A vermiculite, perlite peat mix is alright but if your percentages are off or if you use coarse un screened peat it is easy to get microbial nitrogen tie up. Your feeding schedule is excessive so you have the unusual situation of over fertilization yet still showing Nitrogen deficiency. The extreme cuppin of the leaves is often a sign of feeding problems. Do you have a moisture meter? I would rceommend some extreme therapy to see if you can pull a decent crop out of these plants. It would include repotting in a balanced commercial mix. Re-veging and and then slowly re introducing a more reasonable feeding schedule.I would also consider an epsom salt application and even a couple of club soda waterings. I would probabaly also do some stimulative pruning.If you have questions please don't hesistate to ask. Best of luck, don't worry we can do alot better!
Good morning weed everyone. Dam sit back and mind my own business and miss this great thread. I have 6 autos growing and I'm having a mixed bag of growth. One of the Bubblelicious went into flow 2 weeks ago and the rest are just slowly growing. the other 3 Bubblelicious are doing pretty good but one is still very small. The Northern Lights are all doing good. the thing is that they are already 53 days old and actually the one that went into flower is more on track than the rest. Kind of strange because the rest aren't showing anything as far as flowering. Time will tell. Happy Weedsday
Good Morning Over the Mountain,

So my first grow is doing exceptionally well and coming close to finishing. (Taps foot harder and harder everyday) Trichomes are still clear and I have a leaf turning purple. Not sure why and its the only one. Don't think it is temp as my tent only gets down to 68 with the lights out. Been battling PM so when these are done, I will be cleaning the tent. (10% chlorine solution?)

My next set of girls are chomping at the bit to get into the big tent. Couple of weeks veg, then flip the lights.

Hey Klondike! You have a couple of issues. Lets start at the beginning. A vermiculite, perlite peat mix is alright but if your percentages are off or if you use coarse un screened peat it is easy to get microbial nitrogen tie up. Your feeding schedule is excessive so you have the unusual situation of over fertilization yet still showing Nitrogen deficiency. The extreme cuppin of the leaves is often a sign of feeding problems. Do you have a moisture meter? I would rceommend some extreme therapy to see if you can pull a decent crop out of these plants. It would include repotting in a balanced commercial mix. Re-veging and and then slowly re introducing a more reasonable feeding schedule.I would also consider an epsom salt application and even a couple of club soda waterings. I would probabaly also do some stimulative pruning.If you have questions please don't hesistate to ask. Best of luck, don't worry we can do alot better!

Hey there uptheholler, Are you talking about a moisture meter for the soil? If so then no I don't. I would be interested in the club soda watering. Does that bring oxygen to the roots? Also the pruning, should I remove the lower or upper leaves? And what about new tops that are coming in that are quite small? Should I remove some of them as well? Repotting isn't an option at this moment in time, but I did flush them the other day and realized that my ph was to high for a soil-less medium. Hopefully I can get these girls looking better in a week or so.
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