The Rooster's Multi Strain Multi Light - Indoor Outdoor Grow - Mars LED

What da deal is bro!! U got it going on over here!! M subbed up for this GREAT journal!! M here to learn from a vet i c!! Glad we met my man!! Here to learn n drool!!
Outdoor is almost all trimmed up. Couple more big ones to go that are still out. The wife stepped up on her day off. Love her to death.

Grow rooms all cleaned up. Flower rooms empty. Veg is now running under 1000w of LED. Going to bomb the room and bleach everything in the next week when everything is dry. Got new fans new filters. Got a revamp coming up and I'm done with outdoor now so I can focus on my indoor journal and blow this thing up now. Be ready for constant detailed updates and tutorials. Done with cycle growing for a bit. Going to do nice runs for better documentation. It's hard to keep up documenting plants in every stage anyway.

So get ready! Big things coming to the roosters farm
Sounds interesting!! M sticking round!! All i do is indoors need to document my lil indoor grow lil better! Cant wait to see what happens at ROOSTERS!!
U have to do a coco run if u havent already got that in the works! Straight coco dont need perlite or n e thing jus coco! Great medium to grow in.
U have to do a coco run if u havent already got that in the works! Straight coco dont need perlite or n e thing jus coco! Great medium to grow in.

Hey man I was really considering but I hear they are terrible for gnats. I've had gnats in the past and I'm clearing out a very small mite issue right now. Continues to come back in small batches every 3-4 months. But I always cycle grew and continuously harvested every week. Hard to get rid of them that way. Im bombing the room and bleaching every piece of equipment I have. New filters fans everything. Gotta kill this once and for all
The Rooster's Multi Strain Indoor & Outdoor Farm


Got some help tonight from a cousin and the wife. Job well done we just blew threw about 3 pounds and I decided to leave all of these smaller plants that didn't do so well for oil.
I'm Biker Dude and I am interested in starting outdoors. I am in the process of buying a new property that is wooded and very well hidden from the roads and towns. I will have a 1/4 mile drive through the woods to the road that is state maintained road that is kept plowed in the winter.

I have been growing indoors for 3 years and do well at that. I just want to get a place where I do not have to depend on indoors. I need to make a bunch of oil and will need more than I can grow in my tent. I can't grow outdoors where I live now.

:volcano-smiley:I will be watching your grow and I may ask you questions from time to time.
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