TheStonyRoller's Gorilla Glue journal

Good morning! I apologize for the cryptic half post yesterday. I had just sat down to write and was called away, somehow it was posted by mistake. Anywho...

Things are looking great in my neck of the woods!

They have been under 12/12 since the 14th (17 days) first showed pistols the 20th (11 days ago)
My table top seems to have formed nicely :hookah:
I’m going to do a little more defoliating tonight, and then I think it’s popcorn time :popcorn: water when they ask, feed a few more times and take lots and lots of pictures :thumb:

I took some clones a week ago, from my Mom’s garden and mine. They seem to be holding up well.

This was after 30 minutes with the dome off! I’m not expecting a whole lot, seeing as it’s my first attempt. But I’ve been surprised before! I followed some good tutorials, so I’d say my odds are about even:cheesygrinsmiley: I have them on a sprout mat, sitting beside my bearded dragon. My dome is a DIY from a cupcake carrier! I’m keeping the humidity at 90% medium temp at 80 air a little cooler

I’m hoping to get 6 clones to take and work towards a small SOG next grow! Always looking ahead :laughtwo: well that’s all for now, any questions or tips please say the word!
Also a small update on my Mom’s outdoor garden.

Things are getting bushy! Sigh...the things you learn, yet have to wait a year to enact. Next year we’ll space better :laughtwo:

My strawberry shortcake is coming along nicely

And the little tangie is loving her new smart pot!:circle-of-love:

I love how different she looks! My first Sativa heavy girl, glad to have her outside. I will have a full report tomorrow, I’m heading out there to feed :thumb:
Good afternoon everyone! Hope everyone is having a great day so far...I’m doing very well! My main client is in better health this week and that makes everyone’s life better in my little world :thumb: I had a busy session with my girls last night. I gave them one more defoliation round and cleaned them up nicely! I’m really happy with my table top, though I wish I had added a second trellis...NEXT TIME :laughtwo:!
And sorry for the crummy pictures, they will be the last! New camera gets here Monday!! Have a great weekend, I’ll report in soon :surf:

These are the before:


And after:



Ughhhh those pictures are terrible. I vow to have higher quality ASAP!
:yahoo:Good morning everyone! I hope you’re weekend is going well. I’m having my morning coffee and a bowl :roorrip: thought I’d give you a report after my gardening session last night.

Things were looking great after the defoliation the night before. I’m pleased with my job. Definitely getting harder to move around the plants...going to try a SOG next run, hopefully I’ll have a little bit better access. Constantly refining ;)

We’re having a bit of a heatwave, so my temperatures have climbed higher than I would like to see. I adjusted the lights to compensate
and had a 4 degree reduction!:thumb: Back into their happy zone! Still warmer than I want, but I’m doing everything I can...expect not grow indoors through the summer :confused:

I can’t say enough about #Emilya’s watering technique! I had a very enjoyable watering session last night and was able to give each of my girls 2.5 gallons of plain water before I started seeing just a little run off! :eek: They were thirsty!!

I’m starting to see some pistols changing too! Very exciting. The bud sites are really starting to pop! I’m going to start the preparation process for some nutrients tonight.
3 gallons H2O bubbled 24hrs
Add bloom nutrients
Earth Juice bloom and catalyst
Bubble for another 48hrs
Feed to my hungry girls Lucy and Ethel :kiss:
Well that’s all for today. I’m heading to the outdoor garden this afternoon, I’ll likely update on those bushes tonight or tomorrow morning. And I get my new camera tomorrow!! Last of the IPhone photography for a while :laughtwo:
Have a great day :thumb:
Good evening everyone :roorrip:

I hope you all had a good weekend! If I’m being honest, my Saturday was kinda crummy. Today totally made up for it though! I spent the afternoon swimming with my mom and son and roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. :surf:

I capped it off with a nice outdoor gardening session, which always blows me away! Things are looking pretty good over there, though the big girls are starting to bump up against each other. I’m going to help her get some better training methods up this week. I’m not too concerned with defoliation, as I keep reading that it’s pretty unnecessary when growing outside (though I’d love to hear various opinions on the subject) but I definitely want to start training them to utilize the space and sun as well as possible!

The potted ladies are looking great...we’l the strawberry shortcake is looking great

I took a few clones from her today, but that’s about the only training or trimming I plan on doing. She’s already taking on that Xmas tree shape, I think I’m just going to watch her grow naturally and study the development.:nerd-with-glasses::idea:

Last but not least is my little tangie.

She’s recovered from the transplant and growing, but it’s pretty slow compared to the others. That’s okay, I believe in her :thumb:

Everyone had a nice feeding today, and we still have almost a month before flowering will be in full swing. Hopefully they all get as big as possible!

Well that’s all for today. I’ll see you guys up the road a bit.


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Your outdoor plants are looking great! I've seen people trim some of the lower growth to help with air flow. I've also seen them do some LST by spreading the branches out through the wire mesh. That should help get more light to the center part of the plant. Kaligrownbudz on YouTube does that to his outdoor plants.
Keep up the good work. :thumb:
Your outdoor plants are looking great! I've seen people trim some of the lower growth to help with air flow. I've also seen them do some LST by spreading the branches out through the wire mesh. That should help get more light to the center part of the plant. Kaligrownbudz on YouTube does that to his outdoor plants.
Keep up the good work. :thumb:
Thanks! I’m itching to do SOMETHING with them :laughtwo:
Well, get to it brother. Scratch that itch. :)
Good morning everyone! I have been playing with my new camera :idea:

Things are going well, by my amateur appraisal :thumb: fed Monday night with an immediate swelling in the following two days :yahoo:

Round two of clones is doing much better than round one! Looking perky after a week, fingers crossed.

Kinda in auto pilot for the next few weeks. Sitting back and watching the colas grow :popcorn:

I’m heading to the outdoor garden tomorrow...tons of pictures to follow, I’m sure :laughtwo:
Good morning fine people of 420! I’ve been busy a a one legged man in an ass kicking contest this past week. I’ve been preparing for a Jiu-Jitsu tournament this weekend, so my time to post has been diminished. That doesn’t mean I haven’t had time to spend with my girls though :ganjamon:

I’m 28 days into flowering give or take. These pics were taken over the course of the week... I added the second trellis the day after I fed them, so it’s easy to distinguish.

Things are really starting to pop. More crystals every day, and the sugar leaves are coming in nicely! Watching the buds grow post feed is nutso_O I can see why some could get greedy and over do it. I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing though, give them a drink tonight of pure h20. Boy they get thirsty at this stage!

Other than adding the trellis, I’ve been playing with my camera and photography lighting.

I’m having fun, and starting to get some pretty cool pictures!

Going by the nursery timeline, I’m at the half way mark. My prediction at this point is 4-5 Oz dry...Might be optimistic should this heatwave persist :rolleyes: but I always knew it would likely be a light run. More about learning than a large harvest...The out door garden will take care of that

This strawberry shortcake is looking awesome! I’m mostly letting it grow ah natural, I’m loving the Xmas tree shape:thumb:

The tangie is doing well considering her rough start...hopefully a few good ounces.

My biggest hope for these is the next generation. I’m going to try cloning them both and doing a micro SOG run that’s quality based, since the summer takes care of quantity.

I’m building my cloning bubbler at the moment, but hit a few snags along the way ( going to make a thread once I finish ;)) but I’m hoping to take them Monday! I’ve dabbled with cloning with no real success so far, but I believe I have identified wear I’ve gone wrong and I’m ready to rock it now!:hookah:

Well that’s all for now folks! Stay groovy, I’ll catch ya round the bend
Good morning people of :420:

Sorry for the delay in posts, busy busy busy!
Things are getting stinky in my flower tent!:yummy:

I’m in week 5 of flowering. Feeding or watering about every 3rd day. I’c been using Earth Juice organic nutrients and I’m loving them! Little more work goes into preparing them then others I’ve read about, but my plants have really responded well. The Bain of my grow has been heat. I’m in a closet that I have walled off with cardboard and sealed with 2 layers of plastic and two tarps. I’m bringing in air through a 6in intake with a small desk fan at the tent end. Exhaust is a 4in filter followed by a 203 cfm fan, then assisted by a 100 cfm in-line fan. It vents up through the ceiling and out with the bathroom exhaust. With all of this, my heat is sitting in the high 80’s lights on and low 80’s lights off...:confused: while this has by no means killed my grow, it sure isn’t helpful! I’m also fighting Mother Nature, as it’s in the hundreds here all week still. Hopefully my winter grow runs cooler...I don’t think it could run hotter:rofl: anyway, I’ll quit whining, I have some awesome pot growing inside, and outside...

Things are going swimmingly in the garden, looks like mid October. Should work well with our weather, supposed to be a warm dry fall! Well that’s about all for now. I have some babies coming along that I will post about tomorrow...Stay Tuned :thumb:


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