TheStonyRoller's Gorilla Glue journal


Well-Known Member
Hello one and all! I'm starting a bit later than I wanted to, but ALL my free time has been taken up by my new "hobby"
so let's begin! I've been enjoying cannabis for the better part of twenty years, attempting to grow a few times along the way with varying degrees of success. This is my first legal attempt, inspired my mom's successful outdoor garden last summer ( I may throw some of her pics on from time to time, it's looking great!) And I'm hoping to get into a nice perpetual rythem! I'm growing for myself, my wife and also my clients. I am a home caregiver, managing the medical care and households for 2 disabled vets (MS, Quadriplegic) both of whom use cannabis to treat their afflictions.
I'll get into the details of their preferred methods of consumption in a later post...time to get to the good stuff!

the facts: two gorilla glue girls grown from clones
Growing in soil (royal gold kings mix)
Currently in 7 gallon smartpots
Using earth juice nutrients
Currently 4 weeks into veg
Both plants were topped two weeks ago
added a Scrog lattice yesterday
Feeding 2X a week

Equipment: bloomspect 600w led
40x40x80 grow rent
203 cfm extraction fan
4in carbon filter
195 cfm intake fan
8in oscillating fan

Stats: temps sit between 78°-83° with an rh around 50%
24hr light schedule. Shifting to 18\6 tomorrow (heatwave coming)
I plan to run 18\6 for a week to ten days and make the big switch!

This site has been a huge recorce so far in this journey, I can't wait to hear some input and feedback! Thanks in advance


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Welcome Stony to :420:.
Very nice looking plants and great start with your journal.
Thank you for taking care of our Veterans.
Looks like you're on the right track.
I'm going to pull up the lazy boy and kick back and watch your grow.

Have a safe Indepence Day and please lock your pets up.


Wick :morenutes:
Happy belated 4th of July everyone! I’m down with a migraine:( (one of my main reasons for growing!) but I did spend so quality time with my girls! They seem to be liking the Training. My MacGyver MacGyver trellis seems to be working well :thumb: Giving them a few more days in veg, while I finish smell proofing my room ( I guess gorilla glue is a bit odorous :D) then making the switch! Just in time to beat a heatwave here too.
Any preflower tips would be greatly appreciated!
Greetings everyone! Sorry for the delay, but I’ve been BUSY! Things are moving along very well, I’m happy to say! My girls took to training well, it’s an awesome thing to watch :eek: I was surprised at how fun it became, delicately threading and moving tops. Decided which fan leaves to keep or go for light penetration...etc and while those girls have been growing, I’ve been prepping for the fall/winter seasons when I’m hoping to have the cloner, veg tent and flower tent all rocking along and just not run the heater :yahoo:

Now that I’m 4 weeks into veg, trained into the table top style I was attempting and looking healthy I am ready for the big switch! I had read a few different schools of thought about this period and decided to shoot the middle and cobble together my own pre-flowering procedure. Here’s what I did:

Gave them an extra large drink of pure H2O (I have some earth juice nutrients on the bubble, getting ready for feeding time on Sunday):morenutes:
They each got a haircut (probably could have been heavier, but I’d rather error on the side of caution)

I also smell proofed the living crap out of my space! I’ve almost got the finishing touches done, I’ll post some pics of my hard work when it’s ready!

Today put them to sleep and plan to keep them in the dark until tomorrow night, at their new 9pm wake up time. That’s roughly 36 hrs of dark. I have a two fold reason for trying this. 1: I have read a lot of interesting thoughts regarding the build up of flowering hormones when flowering is induced in this way. 2: the practical side, it’s supposed to be like 105 here the next 48hrs sooooo let’s turn off the lights for two days!! I’m pretty damn excited to have gotten this far, now I’m ready for the fun part :Rasta:

Also, my moms outdoor garden is looking awesome! She has 2 Sativas and an Indica of unknown strains, gifted from a neighbor.

Well that’s it for today! Hope everyone is well, thanks for reading! See ya down the road


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Lookin' good!
Good morning everyone! Well, I’m two whole days into flowering!:party:

I gave them 48hrs of darkness and am two days into 12/12. I knew the “stretch” would start pretty quick, but damn! I think they’ve added about 4 inches in the 2 days since the switch!
I gave them a nice drink about an hour after the long dark. I had been aerating some earth juice nutrients for the 48hrs, so the H2O was ready to go!

With the heat starting to really set in, I’m happy to be cutting my light time in half. Looking back, I’d have been wiser to have started in October. I believe I’m going to take a reset period in between grows. Plus, October is always a busy month in NorCal :Rasta:

I’m heading out of town for the weekend to attend a Jiu Jitsu seminar, so I’ll be leaving my babies for two whole days :eek: I’m excited to see what they look like when I get home :thumb: I’ll be sure to share some pics! Have a great week everyone!
Hello everyone, I’m back from my trip with a head full of Jiu Jitsu knowledge! My girls were hard at work while I was gone, they’re officially flowering!! Pistols all over :yahoo: So I have read about the stretch, seen plenty of pictures in the journals, but I was STILL blown away by how much they have grown :eek: I have yet to start blooming nutrients, been giving them straight H2O. Properly oxygenated and ph’d of course ;) I have some water oxygenating now, and will add nutrients tonight to start brewing for 48hrs before feeding time on Thursday :morenutes:

Here are some pictures of the last week or so, as they came out of the 48hr dark:

That’s all for now, tomorrow I’m going out to tend the outdoor garden! I’ll give an update on that situation after :Rasta:

Have a ricin day everyone!
Good afternoon everyone. Hope all is well. Things are getting stretchy in my neck of the woods :D I’m 2 weeks into my switch and 1 week since pistols popped. I gave them a haircut and a feeding Friday night, last night they seemed to have responded well!

The outdoor garden is looking great too! Hard to believe how big they’re getting :eek: totally planted too close...lessons for next year :Rasta:

I had to relocate the tangie into a smart pot...just wasn’t getting enough sun behind those big ladies! Looking better already though. The strawberry shortcake is doing well though! Still a few weeks before they kick into flowering, so hopefully we get some cooler temps and lots of growth :thumb:


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