Thrips/spider mites - an ounce of prevention...

is certainly worth a pound of cure no?

I am getting ready to start my 1st grow and was advised by a local that both of these pests are a big problem in our area. So in an effort to prevent the problem before it arises I did some research and found this: Natural Garden Pest Control: Repel Pests with Plants, Ladybugs and Home-Made Pesticides |

Basically stating basil for thrips, chives for spider mites, planted near the grow. And since I'll have 2 empty baskets in each of my DWC totes, right in the middle, I thought maybe I could just add one of each of these to each tote.

Any thoughts or experience on this?

*I have also sprayed Home Defense 3 times over the last week in my clean grow room (carpet) and hallway up to the room.
You could give it a try and post your findings here as to its effectiveness.

I recommend searching the sponsors, I'm not sure of the top of my head, of any that are meant as prevention. I mean I'm sure it could work.

I like Azamax as a prevention, SNS-217 as knockout if things get bad.
I had thought about this same thing some time back. But decided not to for now. I wouldn't think planting in the same planter or DWC tub would work too well. Especially on your first grow. Different types of plants use different nutrient levels, so they might screw with the cannabis. But it wouldn't hurt to slip in a small pot with a rosemary plant growing. I never had room for that.

If I was growing outside, I would certainly plant basil, rosemary, and mint around it.

I know CaptKronic has mentioned that you should always have bug strips hanging around on a indoor grow. Keep an eye on them and you should see the problem pest before they do too much harm. Doesn't work though for thrips. By that time its too late and you will have been fighting them already.

Another thing is to think about how they get into the grow. I think in one of Ed's books he mentioned a grower that takes all clones and dips the whole plant (not roots) in a mitecide and a fungicide. Only then are they allowed in the grow room. You can also carry them in. If you have been working/playing outside, they can ride on your clothing and be brought to paradise (or hell from our side).

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