Too hot


New Member
My grow space in my closet is getting up too 100f during day , I know this is too hot but I have exhaust and circulating fan and a chiller keeping res at a cool 66f , any advice muchly appreciated

Peace man
More info better yet all the info from your grow will be useful to help you... Like size, light, fans and a pic off your plants and do you have co2??? But yea 100f is way to hot... If you have a open hood maybe get a cooltube. Or put your ballast lower. Or if you have a led panel that makes it to hot disconnect a few drivers to run I at half power .... There are many options...
You don't want to let your space get warmer than 80 deg F. Turn off some bulbs and lower the lights, if possible without frying your plants. If you can leave the closet door slightly open part of the day, that will also help. This adds passive ventilation without having to purchase any more equipment.
Gramma is correct... you wont make it to harvest at that temp. Better to sacrifice something then to crash the grow or turn it all hermie.

At 100F you can kill a grow in just a few hours. Not guaranteed as other factors come into play but totally dooable.
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