Topped plant, what next?


Well-Known Member
Hi people, am I posting these questions in the right place ? , just as lost here as I am with growing lol, right, if anyone can advise please, iv left it late but topped my plants today, I don’t mind the wasted time but I’m a bit confused, iv topped at the third node, and intending to top twice more, but as you can see in the pic I have bud sites from the second node, I was wondering if I can top them to save time or is that gunna be crap smoke and do they have to go ? Thanks for all your help so far people :thumb:


Hi Kaldean - kind of depends on how long you're going to veg them and how big you want them to grow and the traits of the strain to some extent. I usually aim for 6-8 main colas, but just my thang
Unless you're going to push it and grow it out fully, it's a toss-up between fewer, larger colas or a greater number of smaller ones. I don't want one fat cola but I don't want popcorn, either
Plant is looking very nice indeed, so whatever you're doing, carry on doing it :cool:
Welcome to the realms of growing ganja :ganjamon:

Depends on height & width... aka size of total grow area & what you can do with it as this may effect on training style of which you may wish to achieve.

I think you might need more than one tent as ya got some clones going on by the side assuming this is a photo period related cannabis plant ?

Once topped you might have a few options to play with !

A. Let said branches grow up forming several main colas & these may be a little smaller than the main cola there could be a little bit of side branching as well some minor lst or low stress training can be applied you could get away with a few more plants than the next option.

B. Train those branches out horizontal & at each new node point new branches will sprout this might take a little longer in veg to do but has a potential to yield more than most other methods for a single plant.

C. Trail & error you will come across many conflicting opinions & some where along the lines of growing ya own you will discover your own :green_heart:
Thanks for the reply growing and fuzzy duck, and this is the problem I have, my space, got a very small tent and this is my first attempt to grow. So iv made some errors, I was aiming for 8 colas, but I don’t know if I’m doing right. The tent I have is 2.5x2.5x5 foot, so I don’t know if I’m going to need bigger for what I’m aiming at, , I intend to pin the branch’s flat so they go out then up, and the clones was the tops of the plants, thought I would try em to see if I could get them going. Don’t really know what I’m doing here lol, so was worried if I use the colas from the second node would it be crap weed ? And I have 2 plants, northern lights and og kush , and I’m not really bothered about how long it takes, just want to get some decent quality stuff, not too concerned about the amount either, just need steering in the right direction :)
Thanks growings, I was thinking that myself, 4 main colas sounds good. I can always double in the future, when I get more space, do I cut off any others thou as to keep just 4 main or just let it grow out now ?
Just leave her grow for now, too recuperate from the topping.

You should start a journal to make it easier to follow along and help when you when need it.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Thanks Tokin roll, I will do exactly that, let them recover, I did try a journal before but it got moved, I will give it another go, thanks for your advice :)
Thanks for the reply growing and fuzzy duck, and this is the problem I have, my space, got a very small tent and this is my first attempt to grow. So iv made some errors, I was aiming for 8 colas, but I don’t know if I’m doing right. The tent I have is 2.5x2.5x5 foot, so I don’t know if I’m going to need bigger for what I’m aiming at, , I intend to pin the branch’s flat so they go out then up, and the clones was the tops of the plants, thought I would try em to see if I could get them going. Don’t really know what I’m doing here lol, so was worried if I use the colas from the second node would it be crap weed ? And I have 2 plants, northern lights and og kush , and I’m not really bothered about how long it takes, just want to get some decent quality stuff, not too concerned about the amount either, just need steering in the right direction :)

Cheers for the tips :thumb:

Going to be a tough call as ya got the propagator in the same tent with the clones in so time frame, space is an issue in less you may wish to consider perpetual style of grow with two tents, it is an idea worth thinking over ?

Mmm 5 footer ah 2 x plants 4 colas each = 8.... I did see another pot in their :)

It might be a little tight for space but only time will tell, if all four branches are pinned flat depending on on length of veg some of these girls will fill that tent alone being a single plant.

Next question is length of veg = how much space these beauties will fill, ye this is good one to ponder over.

Basically as the branches grow in length you will get new nodes or points where other leaf's & branches form from this all takes up space.

2x plants with 4 branches pinned down a tough call in less you might want to try a micro grow I'm not even sure if that is a term ?

But decision need to be made to pull this off.

I'm reasonable sure both OG Kush & Northern lights have a very similar flowering time.
Cheers for the tips :thumb:

Going to be a tough call as ya got the propagator in the same tent with the clones in so time frame, space is an issue in less you may wish to consider perpetual style of grow with two tents, it is an idea worth thinking over ?

Mmm 5 footer ah 2 x plants 4 colas each = 8.... I did see another pot in their :)

It might be a little tight for space but only time will tell, if all four branches are pinned flat depending on on length of veg some of these girls will fill that tent alone being a single plant.

Next question is length of veg = how much space these beauties will fill, ye this is good one to ponder over.

Basically as the branches grow in length you will get new nodes or points where other leaf's & branches form from this all takes up space.

2x plants with 4 branches pinned down a tough call in less you might want to try a micro grow I'm not even sure if that is a term ?

But decision need to be made to pull this off.

I'm reasonable sure both OG Kush & Northern lights have a very similar flowering time.
Hi fuzzy Duck, and yeah iv been thinking about my space, I can get another tent quickly if I need too, and your right, I have 2 pots in there lol, hope you wanted a challenge lol, the clones I was just experiencing with, ain’t too concerned with those, unless they root and then I am in trouble lol, I don’t know about the perpetual style of grow, will have to look it up, I just planted seeds and they come up, been winging it since with the help iv had from here, and yeah the northern lights is 7-8 weeks flower and the og kush is 8-9 so I don’t know what I’m gunna do there, iv created a journal, just my name, kaldean, journal, would greatly appreciate your help and advice :) And thank you:)
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