Topping autos

I previously topped all my reg plants before only because I was limited on height. I have an extra foot now so with reg plants I will do some topping and let others grow normally.

With autos I'll let them do their thing. I'd rather have a fat main cola with smaller side branches than all same size branches but not as big as a main cola.
There is a lot of misconceptions about Autos. And I find it frustrating how growers think that Autos require special attention. As seedlings maybe they're slightly more prone to stunting, but almost any plant can get stunted as a seedling, from my limited experience.

I'll say this, I'm not a highly experienced grower, but I do grow Autos exclusively.

Those of you bashing Bob, well...take a good look at some of his grows, and how much great information he has contributed on here. Dude knows his stuff, and it's OK to disagree but keep it at disagreement, no need to escalate.

We all find our style that work best with us. I've topped, and fimmed Autos. I've taken stunted runts and brought them back twice (though I may only get 1 Oz off the 2nd).

It comes down to Genetics, environment, nutrition, and training.

You can not top a Auto and grow a monster (IMO) using a scrog and LST. And personally i think this might be the best method as it's the least stressful on the plant (though I still top). You also need a proper sized container for the roots.

Read this over, Multivortex nailed it better then I can write.

And here is a single Auto that yielded me 221g dried (at rough 2 weeks into cure).

Here is the 2nd runt, she was germinated at Slightly before the pic above, she hasn't been harvested yet...she's 137 or so days old? (They're different strains, but both capable genetically of being large)

Here's my last 2 of this grow. At about 125 days. The left is pineapple express, and the right is amnesia. Both autos, both topped. You can see the water jug for size reference. I love to hear people say you can't grow big autos, lol. PE coming down this week. Amnesia is soon after, Amber coming in slow.

Here's my last 2 of this grow. At about 125 days. The left is pineapple express, and the right is amnesia. Both autos, both topped. You can see the water jug for size reference. I love to hear people say you can't grow big autos, lol. PE coming down this week. Amnesia is soon after, Amber coming in slow.

Beautifully done! And I totally agree, growing big Autos can be done easily enough if the basics are covered (Genetics, etc)
Here's my last 2 of this grow. At about 125 days. The left is pineapple express, and the right is amnesia. Both autos, both topped. You can see the water jug for size reference. I love to hear people say you can't grow big autos, lol. PE coming down this week. Amnesia is soon after, Amber coming in slow.

Friggin mind boggling friend. I don't have the space even if I could make that happen,,, rock on!
Here's my last 2 of this grow. At about 125 days. The left is pineapple express, and the right is amnesia. Both autos, both topped. You can see the water jug for size reference. I love to hear people say you can't grow big autos, lol. PE coming down this week. Amnesia is soon after, Amber coming in slow.

125 days, eh? Looks like a popular day!


I planted 4 GG autos and topped them. I did myself no favors having four plants in a 2 x 4 tent but they handled it really well. Three of four have been harvested now but 2 of them were 40” and those two had stems like yours - long and falling over without support. I am really impressed by how well they did.
Ok,,, the subject of "topping or not" has been drilled in the ground for this post and hopefully opened some eyes and helped out those in need. This is my last comment,, I know You're all glad to hear that,,,, he-he!

This is my latest indoor "Black Water" girl,, she has been topped about 9 times from early on and IMO it's kind of obvious that she has more cola's than she would have,, I'm talking about 14 all together! OK fire away my grow friends?????

Black Water at 4 months!  8-9-21.JPG
Ok,,, the subject of "topping or not" has been drilled in the ground for this post and hopefully opened some eyes and helped out those in need. This is my last comment,, I know You're all glad to hear that,,,, he-he!

This is my latest indoor "Black Water" girl,, she has been topped about 9 times from early on and IMO it's kind of obvious that she has more cola's than she would have,, I'm talking about 14 all together! OK fire away my grow friends?????

Black Water at 4 months!  8-9-21.JPG
I'm not here to argue with anybody about how they grow their weed - whatever floats your boat
I do think it has been proved that topping plants increases yield though
Gorilla glue about a week into flower “auto” and the blue dreams fem…. White widow fem baby….. training was and is alot of fun and very relaxing. Even though I have a 8 foot tent, keeping them trained was a-lot of fun….

Ok,,, the subject of "topping or not" has been drilled in the ground for this post and hopefully opened some eyes and helped out those in need. This is my last comment,, I know You're all glad to hear that,,,, he-he!

This is my latest indoor "Black Water" girl,, she has been topped about 9 times from early on and IMO it's kind of obvious that she has more cola's than she would have,, I'm talking about 14 all together! OK fire away my grow friends?????

Black Water at 4 months!  8-9-21.JPG
Beautiful girl, auto’s where’s my main concern due to a lot of people saying it’s to much stress but I did do it as well as lst and she seemed to respond well… a little over a week into flowering…. Thanks for the info.


Beautiful girl, auto’s where’s my main concern due to a lot of people saying it’s to much stress but I did do it as well as lst and she seemed to respond well… a little over a week into flowering…. Thanks for the info.


Awesome job, some great looking girls there and it's obvious that the training's a bonus. Thanks for the return post and the back up friend!
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