

420 Member
Hi everyone,This is my first grow and I'm looking for some advice to see if my plant is ready to harvest.I'm on day 58 and the strain is an Autoflower Girl Scout Cookies.These photos are from the last 2 days.


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The blurple makes it a bit difficult but from what i can see in the better lit pics shes pretty much there. All down to personal preference now. I like a few ambers in mine so id leave it like 4/5 more days PERSONALLY. You're good to chop when you want though
Right in your prime time, by the time your done flushing you’ll have a slight hue of Amber in there and if you cure it slowly and properly, will be some really nice smoke my friend, cheers
2 week flush is too long mate. To be honest a full on flush can do more harm than good anyway. You are better off just tapering off the nutes and letting the plant eat whats left in the soil rather than clearing ot out. @InTheShed got a lot of info on pre harvest flushing.
from what i have read Pre harvest flushing is still a big debate.. I thinks its for your own piece of mind as most synthetic nute manufacturer add flushing in their schedule... So like i said this could get a big discussion if the people start noticing the question here :p:p
from what i have read Pre harvest flushing is still a big debate.. I thinks its for your own piece of mind as most synthetic nute manufacturer add flushing in their schedule... So like i said this could get a big discussion if the people start noticing the question here :p:p
Haha love stirring the pot ;)
I was going through the same questions last week when i started my flush.
Decided to go with it as i can accept slightly lower yeild but no Chemicals... But i am doing only 1 week flush with removing all the fans leaves
Thats fair enough. The best solution is prevention of excess nutrients and just cutting nutes out for the last 2 waters (thats what im doing anyway) your plants should start fading naturally at the end of flower, if theyre not then theres too much nutes there.
To each their own, I’ve been at this a while as I’m sure you have as well, everyone has their own way to make a cup of tea. I have a family member that smokes my herb that has COPD and the extra flush time makes it easier for them to smoke it without fear of any coughing episodes. I usually have 6-8 plants in a 6x8 space under LED lights with an actual draw of 1260 watts and last harvest pulled just shy of my 2 pound goal by only a couple ounces and would have smashed that if it wasn’t for a single plant that got broken halfway thru flower.. Soo at least on my part I can say flushing has had no impact on my final yeild. You don’t necessarily NEED to go 2 weeks, that’s preference and you can generally tell by watching the plants when they’re ready to be cut
To each their own, I’ve been at this a while as I’m sure you have as well, everyone has their own way to make a cup of tea. I have a family member that smokes my herb that has COPD and the extra flush time makes it easier for them to smoke it without fear of any coughing episodes. I usually have 6-8 plants in a 6x8 space under LED lights with an actual draw of 1260 watts and last harvest pulled just shy of my 2 pound goal by only a couple ounces and would have smashed that if it wasn’t for a single plant that got broken halfway thru flower.. Soo at least on my part I can say flushing has had no impact on my final yeild. You don’t necessarily NEED to go 2 weeks, that’s preference and you can generally tell by watching the plants when they’re ready to be cut
That is true each to their own. But my main point is if you dont push it with the nutrients and keep em where you need em until you start seeing some fade near the end of flower and then flush the soil before they are fully done your plants are gonna miss that extra food. If your plants are pretty much there dropping nutes off is a better finisher than draining everything out of the soil. Im in soil and i get 2 waters/feeds in my environment in a week. Those 2 waters will be sufficient to take whats left out (i water with a little runoff) and still have sufficient food for my girls.
Im against "flush" in the sense that i only wanna drain stuff out if it needs to be drained like overfeeding or PH is way off etc.
As you said though everybody has their reasons and ways
That is true each to their own. But my main point is if you dont push it with the nutrients and keep em where you need em until you start seeing some fade near the end of flower and then flush the soil before they are fully done your plants are gonna miss that extra food. If your plants are pretty much there dropping nutes off is a better finisher than draining everything out of the soil. Im in soil and i get 2 waters/feeds in my environment in a week. Those 2 waters will be sufficient to take whats left out (i water with a little runoff) and still have sufficient food for my girls.
Im against "flush" in the sense that i only wanna drain stuff out if it needs to be drained like overfeeding or PH is way off etc.
As you said though everybody has their reasons and ways
Not a major difference but one worth noting I suppose, I grow hydroponically in hydroton clay pebbles, ones flush methods for soil may differ than from hydro, my brain automatically goes to thinking hydro grow because most all the growers I know are going that route now if they haven’t already. No matter what method you use or how long you flush, may your plants be full and your buds dense and sweet tasting, best of luck to everyone and cheers
Science here:

The buds don't take up nutrients. The plant uses the nutrients to create the sugars that build the buds. It's the dry and cure that determines the smoothness and taste of the harvest.

Bro-science everywhere else!
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