UG's Utopia

sorry for the bump shit lol

Update. Day 24

sorry for such a hiatus guys but things could be better over here. I've been pretty depressed recently and work/school hasn't made life easier. To top it all off, I've got a bit of a scare with someone knowing about my grow. I decided to trust my best friend since childhood but it backfired. The cops told me to tighten up security even more than what's going on (I have alarm now but will deadbolt all doors and set up an 8 camera surveillance system just for back up.

Now...for the grow shit I've been dealing with.

1. Watering has been a f*#$@!% nightmare!!! I have zero space this round and am paying for it
2. I still have plants vegging for outdoor this year and they have no filter on the of course they have mites....well now of course my flowering plants have mites. I would say it's past the beginning stages. I was thinking of raising humidity to around 40-50% and keeping my nightime temps around 68F (72F now)
3. My motivation has been holding me back ten fold. I use to smoke a joint and want to do everything I could in the room, now I smoke a joint and just want to sleep or watch t.v. I'm really not a lazy person, but my life has been so messed up the last year or so and seems like everything has gone downhill. I've thought about going to a counsellor or something, but well see.
4. I have a some over/under fed plants. F#$%

So 1/4 strength flush, but what should I do about the mites? I know environment has a lot to do with it so hopefully +rh and -night temps will help but should I spray them? I was thinking either neem oil, scotts bugs b gone or Doktor Doom Botanics

chin up..
it's 4/20!!!

Sounds like the pressure of growing for others is pressing down pretty hard on you my friend.
You're undertaking a HUUGE job running a grow as big as you are, with almost no help.
So you should be very proud of yourself for how much you've accomplished so far, in a relatively short time.
I know what you mean being so busy, when it's hard to muster up the energy and motivation to get shit done.
Even little tasks can seem like a major pain in the ass. Especially when dealing with bugs/mites.

But bottom line is: it's gotta get done, or the mites will do it for you..

I don't know, but maybe you should think about downsizing your grows over the next few.
And work on getting back to the basics.
Simplify things a bit perhaps?
I know how much it sucks when you go in to water a ton of plants, and you have to move so many around to get at them all.
Don't blame you, for wanting to watch TV or sleep when thinking about the major task involved with feeding in a packed space like that.
Maybe build some tables like shottafire did, to make things easier to work around?
Or knock down your numbers a bit? (I'll take a few off your hands, :))

As for the mites:
I had to deal with the same thing about a week ago.
I didn't want to go the chemical route, and have been waiting for my package from SNS. Since the main ingredient in SNS's mite spray is Rosemary, I researched how to make a good Rosemary oil.
I tried the extract that you can get at aromatherapy stores. Didn't work.. plus it's not food grade, so not good to use on the plants.
So I decided to make my own. double boiled 5 packs of chopped Organic rosemary in Oil for 6 hours.
mixed about a half ounce into a 900ml spray bottle with PH'd mosquito dunk treated RO water, with a few drops of dish soap to emulsify the mixture. Shook it all up, and took each plant aside and sprayed their undersides down really good.
It totally worked..



Well it got 98% of them anyway. Last night when I did a major inspection I couldn't find 1. But you know there's a few hiding somewhere.
I'm going to be doing another spray here in a few days to make absolutely sure they're gone for good, as I progress into flower (day 10 now). But with something else, like Safers or the SNS 217 when it gets here.
As I'm sure you know, using the same thing repeatedly on the same flock of mites can produce "supermites" that become immune to the treatments. So switching it up is smart.

I know the last thing you probably want to be doing right now is making your own mix. So if I was to pick from something you mentioned, I'd go with Neem or Scott's, better yet both.. in 2 seperate treatments.
Or, if you PM me, I'll express post you a little bottle of the rosemary oil mix I made. (made about 10 ounces worth to last a while..)
Also, if you're scared to spray this late in flower, you could give them lethal doses of CO2 which totally works too.
Predator mites?
many options for you.
I guess it's just a matter of picking one that's easiest for you handle.

I'm running pretty much the exact same night time temps as you right now, 69F night.
And the dehumidifier is keeping things between 40 and 50% RH.
So I wouldn't change much with your environment.
Keep the buds happy, send the mites to Hell

Hope you figure it out my friend.

remember, my offer still stands.
I don't mind taking a drive to help a brother out..
Fuck man, I can't thank you enough for all your support. Since I first joined this site, I've been so fortunate to have met you.

Yeah the expanding definitely will not happen till I can get this all down pat. Even 75 clones was way too much, so next time I'll be going with 30-50 and perhaps veg for 2-3 weeks. I 100% will not grow again until this watering shit is figured out so I have to get brainstorming.

About the mites...I think they've built a good immunity to the NPS strip/Neem so I called a buddy and he said if there's good signs of mites then use a pyrethrum based product. It looks like the big guys all seem to use this Doktor Doom Botanics, which apparently can be used until harvest day (obviously I wouldn't do that though lol). I just got to avoid the buds so I might take some paper and cover while I

I also have an SNS package with some 217 in it, but it's been sitting in the sun for about a year so I'll prolly stick with the Botanics.

Honestly bro...I would fucking love for you to check my grow out, and give me your advice on everything but I just had a pretty fucked up situation that is still healing. It's 100% absolutely nothing against you bro, just imagine being in my shoes. But at the same time, I know if you visited, we would have a great time and I'd learn even more than I already have from you. Once I get the 12 cam surveillance installed I'll have no problems having you come over. Again, I'm not stating that I don't trust you at all, I would just have a lot more confidence/peace of mind you know?

nuff said bro.

I totally understand.
for real.

I just had to throw it out there again in case you felt like you had no other options..
When my friends aren't doing good, I do everything I can to jump in and help out. It's just how I've been my whole life, and will continue to be. (Thanks Ma & Pa!)

Yeah the more I read about Neem, the more I don't think I'll ever use it.
Maybe do one big spray with the Dr. Doom, then 5 days later spray with your old 217. I'm sure it would still work even being that old.
Hitting them with both will lessen the chance of immunities for those that are still alive.

I just got my SNS prize package last week.
Soooooooo stoked on it.

Anyway, let me know if you need anything bro.
If you want, PM me with a buddy's address I can mail you some of this crazy Rosemary oil I made.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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