Uncle Roach Clip's First Ever Grow Journal: GG#4 Auto

Greetings to my first grow journal. I provide a summary of the relevant specs at the end if you want to skip over all the details, which I provide here just for context.

About me: this technically the 2nd solo grow I've ever done, but it might as well be my first. In 2001-2 I tried to guerilla grow 10 plants outdoors in eastern Canada. I bought clones off a friend but have no idea what strain they were. I was over-zealous about camoflaging the plastic buckets with moss and stuff to prevent detection and most got eaten right away by bugs before they were over 30 cm. The ones that survived the bugs eventually got eaten by deer. The following year I bought more clones and partnered up with a friend who followed Cervantes' book and got pretty good results, again doing guerilla planting in another location. But I kind of just helped him with the labour and didn't learn as much as I should have about the process.

So now that it's legal in Canada I'm giving it a try by myself for the 1st time. I have a backyard vegetable garden that gets lots of good sun and I intially bought an 8x6x6 greenhouse as a nursery for our veggie seedlings. But the rules here require cannabis grown outdoors on municipal properties to be in a covered structure, so I will house my plants in that for the duration of the grow, once it's warm enough to leave them there overnight. Until it warms up I have them under a 600W Likesuns LED growlight, in a homemade grow tent I cobbled together from 2 cardboard boxes, gorilla tape, Velcro tape and tinfoil.

Since I'm a noob I'm starting with only 2 plants. I did some research and learned that autoflowers in general are easier for beginners, and in particular GG#4, which is one of my favourite strains to smoke, is said to be pretty straightforward. So I ordered 5 of cropking's GG#4 auto fem seeds to start with (plus 5 WW fem and 5 OG Kush fem, for later grows). I germinated them with the paper towel method. They went into a glass of mineral water i May 11 and 16 hrs later I poured them onto the paper towel on a plate and followed the rest of the instructions. They seemed to crack pretty quick but it took a while for the taproots to come out. I think I had them in too cool a spot at first but when I put them on a heat pad they came out pretty quick. All in all from putting them in water to planting them in soil it took 5 days. If anyone has any suggestions or comments about how long this took I'm grateful for all feedback.

Today the taproots reached roughly 1cm so I decided to put them in their pots. I read that autflowers are more sensitive to stress and anything that stalls them out will cost in yield and potency because they more or less grow on a fixed schedule that is coded in their DNA rather than induced by the hours of sunlight they receive. So I potted each of the germinated seeds in a 10G plastic pot, which I had previously filled with a DIY soil mix consisting of 3 parts peat moss, 3 parts composted sheep manure, 2 parts perlite and 1 part vermiculite. I potted the soil mix about a week in advance and after soaking it through I took a few pH readings. It came out just about in the 6.5~6.7 range.

I don't know if I needed pots that big but I figured I had better err on the side of caution. I'm grateful for any feedback on my chosen pot size, soil mixture, and current soil pH, though I suppose the most important feedback will eventually come from the plants themselves.

I used the thick end of a chopstick to make a 1.5cm hole in the surface of the soil and planted the seeds with taproots facing down, and covered them without pressing down too hard. I put them under full light with Veg + Bloom both turned on. Is this correct?

I also put a mason jar upside down over each seed because I was reading a blog by someone who recommended doing that until they sprout, or even until the cotyledon appears. Anyone have any opinion on this one way or another?

My plan is to start them in this set up and then as it warms up at night over the next 3 weeks or so, to move them outside for good after hardening them off a bit. But once they're outside I still plan to use the lights on them in the morning and maybe even after sunset because the greenhouse doesn't get much direct light before 12 or after 8 pm.

Basic specs:
Indoor/Outdoor grow (1st 3 weeks in homemade 18x36x24 cardboard tent, after that in 8x6x6' UV resistant outdoor greenhouse)
Strain: GG#4 auto fem
Number of Plants: 2 to start
Breeder: Crop king (I think)
Medium: DIY soil mix (3 parts peat moss, 3 parts composted sheep manure, 2 parts perlite, 1 part vermiculite)
Potting: 10G black plastic
Light: 600W Likesuns LED grow light (veg + bloom) for 1st 3 weeks, then natural sunlight + supplemental LED light afterwards
Target temp/humidity: 23-26 celcius, 40-50% humidity

Thanks for reading, and sorry for writing so much for my first entry. It's quarantine though - what the hell else do I have to do?? Haha. Any and all feedback from the growing community is much appreciated. I'll attach some photos below in case anyone is curious to see what my setup actually looks like. And if anyone notices in the photos that the thermometer is reading 13 degrees celcius it's only because I had just brought it in from the greenhouse where it's pretty chilly today.
I just realized I didn't include anything about nutrients because I obviously haven't added anything at this stage. I'll post about that in the coming days as I (knock on wood) start to see some progress above ground.
Today is Day 01, I suppose. The seeds sprouted overnight last night under 24 hr Veg + Bloom light. I'm going to switch to 18/6 at the end of the day. I've been spraying the surface of the soil with water in the morning and again at night before bed, getting it nice and moist at the center. I'm still keeping the tiny seedlings under glass jars for now.

If anyone is reading this, I'm grateful for any feedback.
Hi Uncle Roach Clip!

Welcome to 420 Magazine! :welcome:

Wow you gave a stellar first post with all of the pertinent details. Jars should be ok for a bit but I would probably yank them a day or two after the seedlings stand up. My only suggestion would be keep em inside for a couple weeks to control those temps properly. You are well on your way!

Looks good Uncle Roach Clip. My recently harvested grow included a Gorilla Glue auto, I managed to get just under 4oz from her. I haven't really given her a full testing yet but early samples are promising, it has a certain aroma, it is dank, but with a, perhaps, 'diesel' edge to it. This is my first experience of a GG (this one is from 420).

Re the jar, I am a bit wary about jars over the sprouting seedling as I have seen a mate's who got 'damping off' a nasty fungal condition from soil too wet/humid.

Good luck!
Hi Uncle Roach Clip!

Welcome to 420 Magazine! :welcome:

Wow you gave a stellar first post with all of the pertinent details. Jars should be ok for a bit but I would probably yank them a day or two after the seedlings stand up. My only suggestion would be keep em inside for a couple weeks to control those temps properly. You are well on your way!


Hi 013! Thanks for your reply and the advice. Glad you thought my first entry was on point! I'm going to yank the jars today, and yes I will watch the temps. Right now with the lights on 24 hrs a day in the tent, the levels are very steady - 46% humidity and 25 degrees celcius. I'd like to switch to an 18/6 schedule but the basement where the tent sits is pretty cold, and I'm wondering if it could get too cold in there when the light's off. I read that you generally don't want a difference of more than 10 degrees between 'daytime' and 'nighttime'. I'll probably have to just check the temp periodically when the light's off, and turn it back on if the temp drops down 10 degrees. That way even if they don't get a full 6 hours of rest they'll at least get a bit, and I've read that lots of people run their autos on 24 hr light so in this case I feel like controlling the temp is the more important issue here. Would you agree? In any case thanks again for your feedback!
Looks good Uncle Roach Clip. My recently harvested grow included a Gorilla Glue auto, I managed to get just under 4oz from her. I haven't really given her a full testing yet but early samples are promising, it has a certain aroma, it is dank, but with a, perhaps, 'diesel' edge to it. This is my first experience of a GG (this one is from 420).

Re the jar, I am a bit wary about jars over the sprouting seedling as I have seen a mate's who got 'damping off' a nasty fungal condition from soil too wet/humid.

Good luck!

Hey Stunger, thanks for reading and replying. That diesel smell you mention has become my favourite indica terp profile. That's basically why I chose the strains I chose to grow. I don't know if you've ever had Death Star but it really has that smell and taste. Too bad the seeds aren't easy to find, if they're available at all. But you're the second poster to suggest removing the jars so I'm going to do that first thing this morning. Thanks again for the reply and the advice. Much appreciated!
Looks good Uncle Roach Clip. My recently harvested grow included a Gorilla Glue auto, I managed to get just under 4oz from her. I haven't really given her a full testing yet but early samples are promising, it has a certain aroma, it is dank, but with a, perhaps, 'diesel' edge to it. This is my first experience of a GG (this one is from 420).

Re the jar, I am a bit wary about jars over the sprouting seedling as I have seen a mate's who got 'damping off' a nasty fungal condition from soil too wet/humid.

Good luck!

By the way Stinger, what kind of setup did you grow your GG#4 auto in? Was it a pretty straightforward grow or did you run into any problems?
By the way Stinger, what kind of setup did you grow your GG#4 auto in? Was it a pretty straightforward grow or did you run into any problems?
I grew in soil outdoors on a balcony, LST'd her, it was pretty straight forward, had to spray for caterpillars a few times, I got just under 4oz from her. There is more in the journal link in my signature.
Yes the environment is extremely important, low temperatures can and will stall a plant out fast or cause seeds to not pop. You mentioned tent in basement, can you jack the plants up or get them off the floor? Heat rises upwards, cool air sinks downward. Also the concrete floor stays at about 55 degrees year round, concrete can suck the life out of a plant because of the low temps. Concrete floors are considered a heat sink meaning they will pull the temps downward. Elevate those plant containers off the ground by a foot or two. Put a chair or couple milk crates for the plants to sit on. Also if you have hygrometer check the temps inside the tent at floor height and then recheck inside the tent at top of tent.... pretty big temp difference huh?

All right - I’m going to slip back 8nto the shadows, you have a great day!
I grew in soil outdoors on a balcony, LST'd her, it was pretty straight forward, had to spray for caterpillars a few times, I got just under 4oz from her. There is more in the journal link in my signature.

Great journal Stunger! I just perused it and without reading it word for word still managed to pull a ton of great info from it. The stuff on heat stress and pest control from those two other posters seems like it deserves a lot of attention. I was surprised by how long it took to grow out the GG#4 as the breeder info on the GG#4 autos I got said 55-65 days. Do you recall what timeframe the breeder suggested for your auto? Anyway I'm assuming it wasn't 111 days or whatever yours ended up being, so it's good to know to listen to the plant itself more than anything that's written on the package. Thanks again - by the way how did you enjoy the smoke from that auto? Which out of the 3 plants you harvestedis your fav to smoke? Just curious!
Yes the environment is extremely important, low temperatures can and will stall a plant out fast or cause seeds to not pop. You mentioned tent in basement, can you jack the plants up or get them off the floor? Heat rises upwards, cool air sinks downward. Also the concrete stays at 55 degrees year round, concrete can suck the life out of a plant because of the low temps. Concrete floors are considered a heat sink meaning they will pull the temps downward. Elevate those plant containers off the ground by a foot or two. Put a chair or couple milk crates for the plants to sit on. Also if you have hygrometer check the temps inside the tent at floor height and then recheck inside the tent at top of tent.... pretty big temp difference huh?

All right - I’m going to slip back 8nto the shadows, you have a great day!

Awesome, thanks again for posting. I appreciate every bit of advice. Thankfully I can say after reading your comment that the only place that I was able to fit the tent was on top of the washier / dryer. It's well off the floor and the top of the tentis closer to the ceiling than to the floor. Hopefully that'll allow me to shut the light off for at least 4 hrs a day while they're inside. Once I move them to the greenhouse I suspect the problem will become humidity and not temperature. Anyway no need to reply to this message, just wanted to say thanks again. Feel free to pop in any time you like and offer any thoughts you have. Enjoy your day!
Great journal Stunger! I just perused it and without reading it word for word still managed to pull a ton of great info from it. The stuff on heat stress and pest control from those two other posters seems like it deserves a lot of attention. I was surprised by how long it took to grow out the GG#4 as the breeder info on the GG#4 autos I got said 55-65 days. Do you recall what timeframe the breeder suggested for your auto? Anyway I'm assuming it wasn't 111 days or whatever yours ended up being, so it's good to know to listen to the plant itself more than anything that's written on the package. Thanks again - by the way how did you enjoy the smoke from that auto? Which out of the 3 plants you harvestedis your fav to smoke? Just curious!
Breeder grow time: It is my belief that the LST training I carried out on the Auto caused it to spend a longer time in veg. The breeder's timeframe was quite a bit less than mine took, but as I said before my growing mate's plant was sprouted same day as mine and from the same seed batch, his plant wasn't trained and seemed maybe 2 weeks ahead of mine. I think many breeders suggested times are probably less than a lot of folk would find in practice, especially if they're holding off harvesting until a percentage of cloudy or amber trichomes are showing, if you want them to be clear then their times are probably not far out. I view the breeder's suggested timeframes as for loose reference only, I always go on how the buds/trichomes are actually looking where tend to prefer a little amber showing, somewhere in range of 5% - 30%.

Re early smoke evaluation: I only finished trimming and jarring my harvest today which came in at 23oz. So far I have only used some quick dried buds for early testing. I need to carry out a more thoughtful appraisal of the cured buds over the coming weeks. But my initial feelings are that the White Widow gets you really effectively ripped, the Gorilla Glue seems very similar and as the first auto I have ever grown I am impressed, not just with the usefulness of it's high, but the ease of growing and it's contribution of nearly 4oz to the harvest. The 3rd plant, the White Widow/Gorgonzola cross seems a little bit special and may turn out to be my favorite, on smoking (or vaping in my case) it lifts you to a lovely elevated level of 'enhancement' but yet allows you to feel very comfortable with interacting with others, on my first early test of it I immediately felt like visually everything suddenly got great depth, a sort of zoomed out vision and if an interaction intruded it was comfortable because your field of enhancement was zoomed out to comfortably encompass any interaction, whereas the WW & GGa 'whacks' you and in that experience proximity closes in a bit, where should a sudden interaction like a phone call or person intrude the feeling is a bit of a scramble to cope/deal with it. That's my early thoughts, thanks for asking! :hookah:
Breeder grow time: It is my belief that the LST training I carried out on the Auto caused it to spend a longer time in veg. The breeder's timeframe was quite a bit less than mine took, but as I said before my growing mate's plant was sprouted same day as mine and from the same seed batch, his plant wasn't trained and seemed maybe 2 weeks ahead of mine. I think many breeders suggested times are probably less than a lot of folk would find in practice, especially if they're holding off harvesting until a percentage of cloudy or amber trichomes are showing, if you want them to be clear then their times are probably not far out. I view the breeder's suggested timeframes as for loose reference only, I always go on how the buds/trichomes are actually looking where tend to prefer a little amber showing, somewhere in range of 5% - 30%.

Re early smoke evaluation: I only finished trimming and jarring my harvest today which came in at 23oz. So far I have only used some quick dried buds for early testing. I need to carry out a more thoughtful appraisal of the cured buds over the coming weeks. But my initial feelings are that the White Widow gets you really effectively ripped, the Gorilla Glue seems very similar and as the first auto I have ever grown I am impressed, not just with the usefulness of it's high, but the ease of growing and it's contribution of nearly 4oz to the harvest. The 3rd plant, the White Widow/Gorgonzola cross seems a little bit special and may turn out to be my favorite, on smoking (or vaping in my case) it lifts you to a lovely elevated level of 'enhancement' but yet allows you to feel very comfortable with interacting with others, on my first early test of it I immediately felt like visually everything suddenly got great depth, a sort of zoomed out vision and if an interaction intruded it was comfortable because your field of enhancement was zoomed out to comfortably encompass any interaction, whereas the WW & GGa 'whacks' you and in that experience proximity closes in a bit, where should a sudden interaction like a phone call or person intrude the feeling is a bit of a scramble to cope/deal with it. That's my early thoughts, thanks for asking! :hookah:

Thanks for this reply Stunger. Some interesting observations about the quality of the buzz from the plants you grew, and some good information about breeder grow times. Really good to know! I wonder if you know off hand how much bud your growing mate's GG#4 auto produced in the endl and whether they did any LST or just let the plant grow how it wanted? I'm curious about how much LST affects the final yield from autos. I've read stuff before saying that you don't want to stress them at all because if they get stalled then you just lose that time and can't get it back, because they're on a fixed schedule. But your experience suggests that if the plant stalls out for a certain time, it will just veg for that much longer in the end and you'll just end up with a longer grow time instead of a plant that starts flowering when it's still tiny. I'm grateful to hear any thoughts you have on this. For my part I'll probably just tie mine down a bit, at most, to get a fuller canopy but I'm thinking that's it for these autos.
Thanks for this reply Stunger. Some interesting observations about the quality of the buzz from the plants you grew, and some good information about breeder grow times. Really good to know! I wonder if you know off hand how much bud your growing mate's GG#4 auto produced in the endl and whether they did any LST or just let the plant grow how it wanted? I'm curious about how much LST affects the final yield from autos. I've read stuff before saying that you don't want to stress them at all because if they get stalled then you just lose that time and can't get it back, because they're on a fixed schedule. But your experience suggests that if the plant stalls out for a certain time, it will just veg for that much longer in the end and you'll just end up with a longer grow time instead of a plant that starts flowering when it's still tiny. I'm grateful to hear any thoughts you have on this. For my part I'll probably just tie mine down a bit, at most, to get a fuller canopy but I'm thinking that's it for these autos.
My mate's plant was untrained (left to grow how it wanted), it yielded 2.5oz whereas mine was nearly 4oz, but his started to get some nute problem in the leaves so I don't think his reached it's potential so it is hard to say whether I got more from mine being stalled in veg for a bit longer from the LST training. But from my experience of this grow and being able to compare it to his plant that was started on the same day, and having read posts of others more experienced than me, it seems that if you train in veg then some/many auto strains will stall their advance to flowering, i.e. they will be in veg longer and grow more. I have also seen many posts by people who against traditional advice regularly top/quadline/manifold their autos too, once again if that was done I'd imagine you'd want to get it done early before flowering starts. From memory (it's in my journal somewhere), I think I started LST training on my recently harvested GGa when she was 14 days (or was it at 10 days? :hmmmm:).
Day 22 - Moving Day.

So exactly 3 weeks after sprouting them indoors in my tent, I decided to move my GG #4s out to the greenhouse where they'll stay for the duration. I moved my makeshift grow tent and light set up out there too so I'll still be giving them some supplemental LED light on days with less than full sun. I have also popped 2 more photoperiod seeds (1 OG Kush fem and 1 White Widow fem) to grow out through the end of the summer after the autos have finished. The OG Kush cracked within 12 hrs in water, and after another 18 hours in damp paper towel on a plate with a heating pad under it the taproot was almost a full cm long. So I planted that in a 1L plastic cup full of 80% Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, and 20% Pro Mix and will keep it on full Veg + Bloom light in the grow tent for 24 hrs a day until it sprouts. The WW seed is showing a tiny little taproot poking out at this point but looks like it'll need another day or 2 to come out.

I'm not sure how to feel about the progress of my GG #4s. They're pretty stunted for where they're at - Day 22 and still just working on their 3rd set of leaves. One of them is only about half the size of the other too, even though they're both the same in terms of nodular growth. I'm not sure if I overpotted going with these 10G pots, or if it was too cold in the basement where I kept them (minimum temp with light off 16-17 C, 23 with light on). One thing I did do at about the day 4 mark was to switch them from Veg + Bloom light to just the Veg, because I started to see some discolouration on the smaller plant's first set of real leaves, had a bit of a panic, and started to second guess my initial set up. Reading up I saw many people saying that in the 1st 3 weeks it's fine to use less purple light on them, but maybe that advice was specific to photoperiod strains? I switched them back to Veg + Bloom 2 days ago and they seem very happy now, and are not showing the discolouration I saw before. I've also been feeding them Bio Vega organic nutrients twice a week, more or less. I started out giving them about 25% of the recommended dosage and worked my way up to giving each plant 2ml of solution in 1 L of water. I'm not using super precise calculations or paying much attention to how much run off I'm getting because I've been mostly worried about overwatering, with the being so small in such big pots. So the problem could be related to watering/nutrients as well.

Of course all of that is assuming there's something wrong with them at this stage. It's possible they're still just doing their thing underground and about to blow up. I'm pretty sure I'm already starting to see pistils on the bigger one, suggesting that it's already in pre-flower. I'm kind of bummed about the possibility that I messed this up and might not see more than a few grams of dried bud from these two. In any case I'm committed to growing them out and learning from whatever mistakes I've made. We'll see.

As always I'm grateful for any and all suggestions, advice, criticisms etc etc from the growing community. I'm hoping that if I just throw enough manure at the wall this summer at least 1 of my plants will produce. Not expecting great things from these autos at this point, but fingers crossed.


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Day 37

Quite a lot of upward growth from my GG#4s in the past 15 days. The size discrepancy between them is still there but the runty one is starting to grow more rapidly, though it is still very stunted for where it's at.

I still am unsure about what caused or is causing it to get stalled out. Soil pH is regularly between 6.5~6.9 every time I've checked both pots. Overpotting seems like a probable contributor if I had to guess. Another possible factor is that nighttime temperatures during the first 3 weeks above ground for these two were pretty chilly. And lastly there is a chance that it could have had to do, at least in part, with nutrient deficiency. In addition to the stunted growth the smaller of the 2 started yellowing at the bottom set of leaves, and developing orange/rust coloured spots on the middle set of leaves. I had been feeding both plants Bio Vega organic nutrients, and the bigger one seemed to like it, but maybe the little one didn't. This seems more likely especially, since I went out last week and bought some Fox Farm Grow Big liquid nutes, which has a slightly higher % of NPK in it, and after feeding a 1/2 strength dose to the runty one, and picking the yellow leaves off the bottom of the stem, it seems to have really started to grow and its colour has turned to a deeper, more healthy looking green. No solid conclusions to be drawn here but these are my thoughts on what could explain the slow growth rate.

I've also germinated some more seeds to get my plants lined up for the 2nd half of summer. I've had pretty mixed results with Crop King's in-house genetics. I popped one of their White Widow feminized seeds and it germinated quickly but came out mutated, with an elongated cotyledon on one side with a white streak down the middle, and no real leaves to be seen. I let it grow for a week and when no real leaves came out after that I trashed it. On that same day I popped one of their OG Kush feminized seeds and it seems to be doing okay, growing well, but the leaves that have started to form are mutated looking and not at all symmetrical. Anyway I see tomato plants start that way all the time and come out looking fine after they've put out more sets of leaves, so I'm hopeful that one will work itself out over time as it grows. But once I started to question whether my problems were related to genetics, I figured I'd better play it safe and get some seeds from more reputable breeders. A few days ago I popped a feminized Master Kush seed from Nirvana, and a feminized White Widow seed from Dutch Passion. The MK has popped and sprouted and is off to a great start on day 4 now (I think?). The first White Widow seed I popped germinated halfway and then got fried by the heating pad I was using over night, so I had to start over. Fingers crossed for that one.

The bigger GG#4 is in its 2nd week of flowering and I'm planning to switch to Flowering nutes after just a couple more feedings with the Grow Big stuff from Fox Farm. I'd like to see if I can get it a bit (or a lot) bigger before it starts really budding. Right now it's still only 14 or 15" tall.

Things are looking a bit more promising than when I made my last journal entry, at any rate. As always I'm grateful for any advice or comments from other growers.105998831_701755140612313_8599934774098542019_n.jpg105274376_1717795891708669_6738978497021574852_n.jpg106287324_306825607016381_6118107994517171860_n.jpg105285446_2801746026604076_8025803303808693776_n.jpg
Day 49 for these GG#4 autos. Neither is anywhere near being finished but they're both looking very happy and making some good progress.

The one that I previously thought was stalled out and looking nutrient deprived has taken off in the past couple weeks, starting to stretch. The colour of its leaves is a much healthier looking, more uniform, and deeper shade of green since I started giving it Fox Farm Grow Big, and clipped its bottom set of real leaves, which had yellowed. It looks to be in the first week or so of flower now, and is still putting on rapid vertical growth. A few days recently it's grown over 2" in 24 hours as the weather has been quite hot, and in the greenhouse it's gone up above 40 in the day several times. It's currently between 15~16" tall and just starting to put out hairs at the armpits, while the other one, which was healthy all along, has recently slowed its growth at about 24" and started to pack on white hairs with just the slightest dusting of trichomes on them. The buds are still pretty small and I just gave it its first feeding of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom yesterday. I kept it on veg nutrients for the first couple weeks of flowering because it was still only about 1' tall and I wanted it to get bigger, but who knows if that was the right decision.

After the first day or so of really sunny summer weather I saw how hot it could get in the greenhouse, and bought a fan for the ladies. I've been keeping it on rotate at the lowest setting, and I've noticed the GG#4s' stems have thickened up nicely since then. I've been watering them both every 2.5~4 days depending on how hot the weather is, giving them about 3L of water each time, with nutrients added every second watering (both FFGB and FFTB @ 4ml/L). Every time I water them I give them some foliar spray, also alternating between regular water and a weaker nutrient mix (2.5ml/L of water, as per bottle instructions), according to the schedule that I water the soil on.

I also did a bit of LST on the bigger one, but just on the branches, to pull them down and out of the shade of the fan leaves at the top.

This is also Day 24 for my Crop King OG Kush, which a few weeks ago I was thinking about giving up on. It was very scraggly and asymmetrical. Although it was growing like mad none of the sets of leaves it was putting out were regularly spaced. It was almost putting them out in a spiral pattern going up the stem like a corkscrew. But at the base of this stem I notice that there was a tiny set of regular looking, symmetrical leaves growing next to it. I took a chance and snipped the big weird looking growth and so far the stem supporting the more regular leaves has started to grow taller and put out nice, broad, symmetrical green leaves. In the photo of the 3 plants that are still in the seedling stage, it's the middle sized one. Also, I'll upload a photo of the weird looking growth that I amputated. I cut off some of the bottom leaves and put it in a glass jar of water to keep it alive long enough to get a picture of it.

It's Day 15 for my Nirvana Master Kush plant, which is doing great. I think it got heat stressed a bit last week when it was mega hot in the greenhouse, but it's looking very hardy and still getting visibly bigger every day, with good even colour. In the photo of the 3 seedlings it's the biggest one. I recently gave the Master Kush and the OG Kush their first, 1/2 strength dose of Bio Vega, which I'll give them for a few weeks before repotting them in 5G buckets and switching to FFGB.

And it's Day 9 for my Dutch Passion White Widow plant, which I sprouted in a cup of 60/40 Promix/Fox Farm Ocean Forest (pH 6.6~6.7) It's looking like it's off to a healthy start. It's the smallest in the photo of the 3.

Thanks to anyone who's reading this. Any and all feedback is welcome!107770099_213437023140554_9063566235553704453_n.jpg106614657_559109704781662_395044504419194318_n.jpg107017659_318198792645993_3443056667871097995_n.jpg107735175_652516945349115_7870139290570980050_n.jpg107695164_323654229034460_5281396378536398306_n.jpg107035285_278725449876212_6940737949963314532_n.jpg
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