Van Stank's Nukehead Sponsored Grow

I'd say, and I'm no expert, but I do play one on tv

Flower them till they are done


Im here all week folks, be sure and tip your waitress

LOL, I get that Einstein.....but for a scheduling perspective relating to strain selection and sequence it is helpful to know the flowering time of my initial strains.
LOL, I get that Einstein.....but for a scheduling perspective relating to strain selection and sequence it is helpful to know the flowering time of my initial strains.
No matter what you plan, it will change

I think my plan is on point..... Murphy is one of my best friends, and he isn't even a lawyer

I'm in, here to watch Van Stank's magic at work

Hey Webuilt....great to see you over here. Hope you are staying warm and out of that brutal weather we are having brother! Will also be posting a link to my perpetual grow journal that I will be starting within the next week or so (or earlier if I am bored....which is a likely possibility).

No matter what you plan, it will change

I think my plan is on point..... Murphy is one of my best friends, and he isn't even a lawyer


Oh I know that things will change....but I still like to have a solid plan heading in! Call it the Marine in me, but I like to have back up plans for every possible contingency LOL. And Murphy is a life long friend.....we know each other well!!!

Dude same here I got up and there was a blizzard!

We are getting hammered where we are at.....about 2 inches per hour right now. They are saying some people are getting bands that are dropping up to 3 inches per hour. The winds are insane as well. They are guessing 12-16 inches over the course of this thing here. Fun times....guess Ms Stank and I will have to figure out some way to stay warm!!
Do you have a generator if power goes out???

No we don't.....but the landlord does. If worse comes to worse I can start a fire and move the seeds over by the fire. The good thing is I don't have any plants I need to worry about lighting.

Hmmm that should be easy lol

It was for me....but apparently Chris' mind goes to generators while mine goes in the gutter LOL!!
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