Weaseley, friend, a salude and a Heya. Karma sent friend, only the best kind, you know that

Fishing or forestry, I have been debating with me other self which it is you were doing, first I thot fishes but now me thinks trees

Cuz you grow trees I guess

Super fine work there friend

Funny you mentioned ma Thai/pchunk, cuz I just put two of em seeds in a cup, you know, the obviously easiest germ methodI want to expand my sativa selection and that is all I have to do that with.

So,, you like this one? Is is different in ways fron ma Thai/ Thai stik, good ways, or even appreciative ways?

That ma Thai/Thai stik is becoming legendary. Folks askin me about it all over. For good reason too, fine stuff indeed

I gotta ask about a good cbd plant soon too, when you know stuff,,

Salude friend

Nivek so far the PCMTs don't show obvious signs of either the PC or Mama Thai in their families. They don't have the distinctive PC smell, just a sort of sweet fruity generic bud smell. Definitely no hint of that wonderful spicy Thai smell either.
I can't say how much I like them yet. They're just at a fairly generic young adult stage and haven't quite reached that phase where they fill out and gain a bit more character. They seem like nice vigorous plants.
Also, the appearance of the hex plants in general has been tarnished quite a bit by the alleged P deficiency which I was going on about last night. And that kind of reduces the loving feeling I get when looking at them, fickle parent that I am.
The leaf symptoms got much worse since last night- so I think my idea of salts buildup is probably right. I flushed them a bit tonight. I think they'll be happy about that. They'd better be, dammit...

I'll be expanding my sativa seed collection as soon as I can figure out how (where) to do that. The current isolation nook is too cold so far- I'll have to throw a little love into improving it.
Another option is to just say screw it and go ahead and spread a little choice pollen around in the flowering room- taking the risk that I'll overseed everything as usual.
But if I had the right plants in the room
at the time - say some Mama Thai, Panama, Honduras, Malawi, and Golden Tiger - and let's say one of my GT or Honduras plants turns out male and gives me some pollen- I certainly wouldn't complain about having extra seeds of those mixes. So yeah... that's probably the way to go.

I'll be overjoyed if I can say the CBD Therapy works as a painkiller. It'll be a month or so before I can harvest it. I'm thinking of going forth to try to shake people down on the CBD subject. So far it all seems a little vague as to whether the stuff works or doesn't. But why all the fuss if it doesn't? Does anyone know... ? Do you?


The two graft plants (front two in the pic) have been growing a little slow- mainly from me purposely slowing them down, messing around supercropping whichever limbs stick out the most, and trying to keep the separate strains roughly the same size. Also I accidentally busted a couple bits off here and there. No biggie. I'm not in a hurry to flower these ones, I've had my hands full trying to get the veg room a bit emptier.

Speaking of busting things, that reminds me- I guess I bumped the cord for the fan last night so it was unplugged and when I figured it out 24 hours later, I saw that the temps last night in flowering had been up to 104. Everything still looked happy enough.
But I digress


The one in my hand is Panama, and clockwise from that - Mama Thai then Malawi. So far I'm not seeing any of the rumoured 'influence' from the rootstock. All the strains look the same as usual to me and I can instantly see by looking at the leaves, which one is which.


This plant was the first one I grafted - with the Malawi graft where i accidentally/stonedly reversed the direction of the splice joint I cut in the stems.


This was after a week or so after I finished the graft- before the bottom part of the Malawi cutting also started mysteriously attaching itself to the side of the Panama. The line was meant to show the way I figured the plant juices and nutrients were flowing.


A pic from tonight. Now it looks like the fluids are maybe taking a more direct route, though of course I can't be totally sure wtf they're actually doing.
After reading your intro and seeing your results and "seeing" you around, I'm in. Your humility and yet your obvious skill as a grower and willingness to share failure and success, is a positive example for all of us for sure.

"Be a man not a kid, smoke pot by the lid".......Bucky
Hey man, long time. Glad to see you're still at it, same hectic scene, same awesome journal.
Glad to see we have the same weather, not so glad to see we have a very similar boss. Its a moral conundrum working for types like these.. i try to remind myself (and mrs halibut) that the reason i bust ass is pride in myself and my work, not because I love my boss.
Anyway, im about 17 days into a small grow finally after being shuffled around the country by said boss, and am starting a journal soon. I have to get it half organized first.
Godspeed hexapus, do not go quietly into the dark
I will definitely continue to rage and rage against the dying of the grow light, Halibut. Nice to see you back around. I thought you may have been a 420 flash in the pan. Very common around here, those are.
I think the root of the issues with the boss, when I boil it all down (and I have a feeling I said this already but wtf) is that the guy is insecure as hell. Arrogant, peevish, smug, and insecure. Not that I'm down on insecurities- I've got one or two myself. But ... No... there was no way to work for this guy, he's a toxic mess and after a week with him had us feeling like turds in a toilet bowl, spiralling ever downward. Too bad- because the situation could have worked out so well if he wasn't who he is.
Start a journal. Stick around!
I've been too busy dealing with the fallout from the work change to journal much- but I'll do another driveby soon.
So I take it you pulled the plug on the work situation? I'm too tired and too high to go back and read, but you were pretty clear in that post.

Good for you. :high-five:

Insecurities? You??? I don't believe it. :laughtwo:
Yep we told him we aren't staying on. Still running the show here though- haven't been paid in six weeks and he's done a disappearing act. Whatever. Working on packing up so we can do one of our own. :thumb: Happy to be moving on.
Another option is to just say screw it and go ahead and spread a little choice pollen around in the flowering room- taking the risk that I'll overseed everything as usual.
But if I had the right plants in the room
at the time - say some Mama Thai, Panama, Honduras, Malawi, and Golden Tiger - and let's say one of my GT or Honduras plants turns out male and gives me some pollen- I certainly wouldn't complain about having extra seeds of those mixes. So yeah... that's probably the way to go.

Oh dude... I'm with ya here.
All the crazy dances around replicating genetics.... seems a bit much.
I like the idea of just letting it happen. Plus, it's totally appealing to the lazy gardener.
though- haven't been paid in six weeks and he's done a disappearing act.

In a previous life, I was working with an internet start up (one that actually succeeded) with a thief for a CEO. After not being paid a time or two, we all took to spending our work days drinking (well... and the occasional sidewalk bowl) at Lucy's Retired Surfer Bar for almost 2 full weeks. It was right around the corner and we could respond to any urgent work related issues. We ended up being paid for the time after the dust settled. The shady CEO went to fed jail eventually. It helped form part of an interesting introduction to the city and it's citizens in an odd way.
I worried i was a flash in the pan too! Glad im back and growing
Stick to your guns weas! My job is %100 necessary financially, and my boss treats me accordingly. He knows I won't go anywhere since im dependant on the job. Gives the bare minimum to keep us around, with constant promises of this or that which just evaporate.
Glad someone has the balls to stick up for themselves, maybe one day ill get there.
While I was in Mexico...I was following a a lot of journals thru' notifications...funny how many posts there can be between notifications...all caught up now...never a dull moment eh!...lolool...that whole job deal sucks...no pay after six weeks!!??...I know a guy who knows a guy who could prolly fix that!??...lolool...and don't let me start on damn tree rats...after about a hundred tulip bulbs and a couple boat seats...set up my squirrel blind and declared war!!...it's not over...butt...I think I'm winning!...like the graft experiment...I should really make some time to experiment, but the post retirement honey do list never seems end...and it's getting close to fishing season!...and grow season!...looking forward to both...anyways...just stopping by...l8r...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:...
Hey weasel.. no pay? What the.. is it usually weekly? Ah none of my businesss but damn mate. It can't be stealing if they owe you money. I'd take whats not bolted down... :passitleft:
Halibut, you need to locate a better situation too! I'm in something similar, though with friends of many years. Minimal pay for ever increasing duties, I'm not tryna be anyone's prize bull. I gave them roughly 2 months notice about a month ago. 2-3 more weeks and I'm on to something with more opportunity! Growing good buds can get tough. We don't need all that negativity on us at the end of the day because then our ladies suffer some too.
I've done the jack of all trades thing for most of my life, and I'm lucky enough to live in a place that seems to always need those skills. Maybe all places need jacks of all trades? I don't know. I feel bad for those folks who for whatever reason don't have options. But this place I live in isn't totally gripped in the forces of one local factory or any such scenario like that. So I'm probably luckier than some- there's always work. Not that being a jack earns me jack, really, but that's ok. This latest two year stint doing a 'real job' was kind of an unusual tangent. Learned lots of stuff and we'd probably still be doing it, if we hadn't been offered a new boss that we couldn't not refuse. Six weeks of no pay plus out of pocket expenses is a long time to go, for sure. Indications are that buddy is slowly working towards paying us. Not sure how much, and I won't be surprised to see if it's 'as little as possible', but any pay is better than zero. And even if it was zero- it would still be a good decision. For now he's sulking, playing games, and continuing to stall while he finds a way of seizing some semblance of control of the situation. We are currently running his show for him while he has his little sulk, though not particularly energetically to say the least. Mostly just working on clearing out our own belongings.
We do definitely have a whole lot of his expensive possessions in our hands right now. And I have no doubt he's uber-concerned about his precious precious stuff right now too. People keep saying we should walk away with some of it if we don't get paid. We won't though. Not our style, plus we'd kind of be doing exactly what he expects us to do. Just what he would probably do. The whole point is to be free of buddy, not tied to him. So I'd rather make as clean and honest a break as possible and not have any circumstances or mental strings attaching him to me at all. Mental freedom is the sort that matters. Even if it means scrambling to pay the bills this month, which is certainly the way it's looking at this date. I'll still be happier doing that, cause at least I'm working for myself again, not some guy I don't like. :passitleft:
Not much to report in the grow.
Best news is the cloning contraption is back online now, and I've got a bunch of cuttings showing roots. So that frees me up to move stuff into flowering.


Baby Chocolate Mint OG clones.



Unfortunately the vegging plants have gotten so big in the meantime that I only found room for one- the Chocolate Mint. Flowering is full now.



Hex plants are starting to fill out a bit. P. Chunk x Mama Thai are the closest one and the one left of that. The leaf problems didn't progress since I flushed, so I'm calling it 'salts buildup' for now.

I'd been hoping to move the Strawberry Blue in to flower as well but I'm just not seeing the space.
So clearing out the CMOG leaves me with three full sized plants (Panama, Malawi, and Strawberry Blue) in veg, and a full flowering room for another month. Plus the Honduras plants are looking scary stretchy right now. I hate to think about scrogging those two Honduras, and the two Golden Tigers. Seems criminal, but it's a crime I'm probably going to have to commit. The grafted plants ain't getting any smaller either.
Reality is, if I kill the big Malawi and the Panama now, which I shudder to do, especially the Panama, I'll still be overcrowded when space next comes up in flowering. :hmmmm:
More chaos to come. Stay tuned...

EDIT- I just looked at the pics of flowering and thought 'hey look I have space in the middle' :rofl:
damn tree rats

Thanks Dr h00k. It'll soon be time for some tree-rat infestation countermeasures. Moth balls in their favourite hangouts are a good first strike. Then, if that doesn't work, a little pepper spray into some of their nooks on the edges of the cabin should make things too spicy for them to visit. If that doesn't work I may add the spice directly to the rats. But mothballs will probably work. Freezy season is ending- sympathy is running out, time to move back to the forest, ratties.
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