Weeds Do grow overnight - I disagree that weeds benefit from a break in 24 light

its someones journal and they have a sort of a game show every sunday to help answer questions people have its just for shit and giggles but it helps people try to resolve their issues also :thumb:
and that would be new city grower
Happy Weednsday :thumb:
Re: Weeds DO grow overnight. I disagree, that weeds benefit from a break in 24 light

realizing that the search engine on this forum is totally worthless (I can't even find my own postings) perhaps you can post something new on that site so that it reappears.

I'd really like to know what was expressed.
theres a glr gas lantern routine
and theres a diminished light schedule thing too
I have yet to give a plant any darkness when vegging.

I am considering it in the near future, a little proof of reason will make me switch to the other (dark) side.

What are your proven thoughts on this subject? :hmmmm:

I am vastly outnumbered in my 24 stance, old school I guess, thanks for jumping in Farang!:high-five:
this discussion has been in other threads and on different forums, usually because people are complaining that their plants aren't growing fast enough while using 24/0; and the suggestion is to give the plants some dark time, on the order of 20/4 or the more common 18/6.

I'm not any sort of expert. I'm still in learning mode. I'd like to hear more arguments from both sides based on some sort of plant biology.
I'm old school and I read all Ed Rosenthals books, he teaches Botany/Cannabis at a large University. He says that vegging should never be dark, plants/weeds, do not need rest, dark makes them stretch in search of the bright light they crave.

Give me your thoughts, thanks.:peace:
those two posts are contradicting each other and I'm going to have to go back and re-read what I've stored on line yet again. I'm more than willing to change my light schedule, if I can find a consensus.
i believe simulating a proper summer is ideal, i start with the 24 when shes a baby. keep that cycle for 2-4 weeks, switch to 20-4 for another 2-4 weeks (depends on growth) then 18-6 untill flower. My plants seem to really produce pollen this way (white crystals) and a stiff deep root system. I believe the 24 makes the plant stronger and possibly increase the potency. I could be wrong but it works for me so i like it :Namaste:
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