What is the ph of distilled water?


New Member
I am about to soak my rockwool with distilled water..I have added a rooting nutrient and my ph is about 9.5. Before I bring my ph down to 5.5 or so can anyone explain. I worry that perhaps my ph meter is off. I thought distilled water was 7.0 ph
i used to hate setting the ph in my rockwool plugs when i made clones becouse if you dont get it right 5.8 to 6 they tend to lean over. so i started to use tree bark plugs and problem solved..
LEDMan is right - when distilled water comes into contact with the atmosphere it absorbs carbon dioxide and that decreases the PH to as low as 5.0. It depends how much carbon dioxide the water absorbs. The distilled water I've bought has been around 5.4 to 5.8.
The distilled water I purchase is always right at 7ph. I calibrate my tester once a week...
Absolutely pure water would be pH 7.0, but even distilled water is not pure. It still contains lots of ions. Totally de-ionized water would be pH 7.0.
i get 7.0 also on my distilled. after adding nutes it drops to like 6.0. or less depending on nute strength.
good to up the soil ph. i think. my soil is 6.7. RO is a little lower 6.6 to 6.8. i like that for just watering/ folair better. just my opinion.:peace:
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