What's causing this?


Active Member
Hey everyone! So I'm trying hydroponics with one of my clones and the bottom of the plant looks like this and the tips of the leaves are turning up and are practically dead. This is my first hydro run here are the details.
Strain- Pineapple Express
Light- 600w led about 20 inches above plant
Temp- 74°F with RH around 45%
Ph- 6.5
Nutes- sensi grow part a and b with CalMag I have been adding 5ml of each once a week
Km using a 5 gal bucket with two 5 inch bubble stones for aeration it has been 2 weeks since I put the clone in the bucket. Thank you in advance for your help!


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pH is way high....try 5.8-6

Has it been two weeks since it had fresh water as well

I'd suggest max at half strength nutes, add full strength calmag and get an enzyme cleaner like hydroguard or z7, I use both

Also a pic of the roots, full plant and buckets always helps
Alright so I changed the water added half strength nutes with full strength CalMag and dropped the water level a few inches as well as adjusted the ph to 5.8 here are pics of the roots and the full plant


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