When to flush?


Active Member
Bag seed, closet grow, not sure on timeline. Got 2 300w led lights. When should I begin flushing? Sorry for the blurple lighting I dont wanna fuck up the 12-12 cycle



You don't gain anything by flushing, except depriving the plants of nutrients when it needs them. If you have a lockout issue, then flushing is necessary, but trying to "clean" your buds by witholding nutrients has been proven to be ineffective.
So typical knowledge of flushing to limit smoking harshness is bs??
Ah so dry/cure process has a bigger effect on harshness rather than nutes?
Absolutely! You can grow the best weed in the world, but if it’s not cured correctly (and it isn’t hard) it will be harsh and nasty, it’ll still be stony, just won't taste/smell as good. And, IMHO, taste is at least half the enjoyment.
Ah so dry/cure process has a bigger effect on harshness rather than nutes?
Check out the links in my signature about harvesting, curing, holding over, washing.

Curing is the most important step.
Cannabis buds are the flower

If the cannabis plant is grown with synthetic chemical fertilizers or Organophosphates insecticides and not flushed from the plant prior to harvest will be ingested.

When smoked cannabis should not crackle, snap and shoot out spark like a lit sparkler.

When lit cannabis should smell as a flower and not rank hot road tar.

I harvest flush cannabis pants depending on the grow medium. I harvest flush my cannabis plants in Hydroponics for 4-7 days, soilless (peat moss and coco coir) for 7-10 days and soil for 10-14 days before harvest to ensure any nutrients have been flushed from the plant to allow the smoothest quality of smoke. I would not feed your cannabis plants nutrients if you will harvest in 10 days.

Here is a recipe for a home made Clearex Flushing Solution

I mixed up the Clearex Flushing Solution suggested by Goldengoose7

in a large pot I combined:
1 gallon of distilled water
240 grams of Dextrose (Used for Beer Making)
120 grams of Sucrose (White Table Sugar)

the Clearex Flushing Solution was allowed to cool and returned to the 1 gallon container.

will use 15 millilitres per gallon of this Clearex Flushing Solution during my final flushing.





the final Clearex Flushing Solution

Sorry for the blurple lighting I dont wanna fuck up the 12-12 cycle
All that is needed is to turn off the LED lights for a couple of minutes and turn on a regular room light or a table lamp. Set the camera to 'always flash' and that should give a photo with colors closer to natural. It makes it easier to see what you see when you look in the tent.

After taking the photos turn the LED lights back on. No way will doing this change the 12/12 light schedule.
A flush can rinse nutes from your media or fix some soil problems but it doesn’t remove nutes from your buds.

In maritime industry the last link where a ships anchor chain is mounted to the hull has a specific name, that singular link is called the Bitter End.

I’d suggest flushing the toilet…. but feeding your crew to the bitter end.

A lab study shows no difference between flushed buds and un-flushed. If there’s no benefit and it’s a PITA then why bother? InTheShed No Flush Club 2
I use florescent lights mounted in the grow area to also avoid eyesight damage for use when performing maintenance.

Surely you can not recommend smoking chemicals or insecticides?

Proceed as best your perception allows.
I give plain water for the last 4-7 days in coco
Since I can buy stuff to enhance the flavour, or make it taste like banana it stands to reason that there must be something residual in the leaf material, sap or resin that affects taste
Drying only releases pure water, so that's all I want in my plant before I dry it
Perhaps it's the term 'flush' that causes all the arguments, coz that's not really what you are doing
Rather you are giving plain water to force the plant to use up all its stored starches from the leaves - not 'flushing' anything out of the plant at all since, as we all know, that is not possible
Harvest fasting may be a more appropriate term. I would call this a necessary step to reduce any synthetic chemical fertilizers which only become harmful contaminates in harvested cannabis buds.

My first grow and harvest was a great disappointment and the harvested cannabis buds were full of chemical fertilizers and when smoked a throat choking misery. My throat bleed when attempting to smoke this failure. I can not recommend anyone expose themselves to these harmful contaminants.
Harvest fasting may be a more appropriate term. I would call this a necessary step to reduce any synthetic chemical fertilizers which only become harmful contaminates in harvested cannabis buds.

My first grow and harvest was a great disappointment and the harvested cannabis buds were full of chemical fertilizers and when smoked a throat choking misery. My throat bleed when attempting to smoke this failure. I can not recommend anyone expose themselves to these harmful contaminants.
Please give @InTheShedno flush” write
up a read. You’re stuck in the ole wife’s tale land. We all were at one point. I’ve never flushed and my smoke is as smooth as a tree frogs ass.
Your weed tasted harsh most likely because of the cure.
Not feeding towards the end can help start getting the chlorophyll out I believe but as far as nutrients out, that’s not how it works really, the nutrients r used to grow plant material, it’s like if u eat a snickers that snickers isn’t floating around inside of your bloodstream, it becomes a part of u, crackling and sparking weed might b if something crazy that shouldn’t b used, but that’s just my understanding, I could be way off
Please give @InTheShedno flush” write
up a read. You’re stuck in the ole wife’s tale land. We all were at one point. I’ve never flushed and my smoke is as smooth as a tree frogs ass.
Your weed tasted harsh most likely because of the cure.
Why not give a few days of plain water? Any nutes in the last few days won't have any effect on the bud anyway since the plant is not growing any more, the resin is simply maturing, which continues even after the chop and not reliant on roots/input at all at the very end - I frequently drought/dry in the pot
Is the idea to feed til death to wring another gram or two out of it? Don't think so

I prefer to flush and h2o2 wash my buds so in my mind, they are as 'clean' as possible, even if it is somewhat psychosomatic, illogical or erroneous - or just plain pointless as it makes so little difference either way
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