When to switch both switches on?


420 Member
I have a 1000w Bestva growlight. She is at day 37 and looking real healthy other than the light falling on her last week. It has a veg and bloom switch and am needing to know when to switch both switches on. I have veg on for right now. The strain is Goo.


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In my opinion, the answer is, "As soon as you want to start supplying your plants with as much light energy as you can," lol, which equates to about the time that they stop looking like little seedlings.

In order words, some time previous to the point in time at which you took that picture.
Welcome to 420 Magazine BGSbuds.
I think what you are concerned about is... "will the bloom switch have any adverse effects on my plant even though I am not ready to go into flower yet"?
The answer is no. You will only increase growth. Worst case scenario you find you need to raise your lights a little after adding the bloom lights due to extra PAR depending on how close the fixture is currently.
Welcome to 420 Magazine BGSbuds.
I think what you are concerned about is... "will the bloom switch have any adverse effects on my plant even though I am not ready to go into flower yet"?
The answer is no. You will only increase growth. Worst case scenario you find you need to raise your lights a little after adding the bloom lights due to extra PAR depending on how close the fixture is currently.
Thank you sir, that is what I was wondering to the “T”!
Nothing more than grow a bit faster. In a nut shell... the bloom spectrum these lights use is slightly better suited for the bloom phase that our plants go through and more closely replicate the sun in the later part of the summer. A plant will not go into bloom or do anything other than increase growth when combining the two spectrums. You are basically creating a "full spectrum" by combining the two. That's a good thing.
Nothing more than grow a bit faster. In a nut shell... the bloom spectrum these lights use is slightly better suited for the bloom phase that our plants go through and more closely replicate the sun in the later part of the summer. A plant will not go into bloom or do anything other than increase growth when combining the two spectrums. You are basically creating a "full spectrum" by combining the two. That's a good thing.
Ok so i know I’m asking a lot of basic questions but about how much water should I be giving her per day? Especially now that I’m using both switches.
If it's in soil... Most folks don't water every day - they give their plants a good watering and then wait on their buckets/containers to dry back out. Lift a container full of wet soil and then one full of soil that's pretty dry. Notice the difference in weight? That's one way to tell when it's time to water. So is the "stick your finger all the way in, pull it back out, and see if your finger has traces of damp soil stuck to it or it's clean/dry." But the weight comparison is better, IMHO, because your finger doesn't go all the way to the bottom of the container (but the plant's roots might, lol).

And, of course, there's the trusty old method of watching to see when the plant's leaves start to droop/wilt. That works great as long as you're not starting from a point of having seriously overwatered the plant in the first place, lol, since waterlogged soil doesn't allow for sufficient air in the root zone (which will cause a droopy plant... along with root rot, lol).
I agree with Torturedsoul on the watering technique.
I have not used fabric pots yet but as HugeP said they are supposed to be great and allow extra oxygen to get to your roots.
The only cons I have seen or heard with them is that it's best suited for the final pot as it's not easy to remove your root ball from them. or so I have read...
Alright I’ve also got a Tangerine Dream going next to her that is a month behind but is gaining quick


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Ok so the strain I have going is called Goo. Does anyone know how long the veg stage of this strain?


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