White Widow First Time Ever Hydroponics

also, with all due respect, you seem to be more advanced than me and its working for you. Im just givning a scientific point.
No sweat. Think of it as cooling a spoonful of soup by blowing on it. The water is constantly moving and mixing by the action of the warmer and cooling water "trading places". You need air coming in quickly and leaving just as fast
@PK1 I wanted to share this with you. I sorta suck at technical explanations sometimes. This is a pretty good example of what I'm doing, just on a much smaller scale. While this individual moved his water temp a few degrees im moving it more than 20 sometimes. You will see that it isn't about the air temp.

Hope this helps.

i am using 16ml micro grow bloom Advanced nutrients. 2ml cal mag 2ml hydroguard, all in per gallon and in the correct order. my plants have recovered well it seems, with one doing better then the rest. I think it looks good though, what are your thoughts. also, tough question but how much do you think I could yield? It seems like I have a bunch of bud sites and I did a bunch of LST today. Thanks !
@Stltoed i am using 16ml micro grow bloom Advanced nutrients. 2ml cal mag 2ml hydroguard, all in per gallon and in the correct order. my plants have recovered well it seems, with one doing better then the rest. I think it looks good though, what are your thoughts. also, tough question but how much do you think I could yield? It seems like I have a bunch of bud sites and I did a bunch of LST today. Thanks !
Looks good. You got a ways to go yet before you can get an idea of how much you could yield. To be fair I suck at estimating weight. You should do well. But there are so many variables that determine your end weight. For instance, if you gave a bit too much Nitro in flower you may end up with very little.

You'll be fine. You got a couple months left, and you have some homemade goods.

Hey man, thank you in advance for taking your time to help me. Below is a link to my new set-up, I would like to hear your thoughts on it. Also, I have the following questions:
. How far should the light be in each stage of plant development?
. How should the PPM be in each stage?
. How should the humidity be in each stage?
. Will I need to use both a humidifier and a dehumidifier? What are there purposes and when will I know to use them? Is there something that can regulate a certain range for me, I feel like there is.
. How often should I drain and replenish the five-gallon buckets (they are filled with 3.5 gallons of water since that is where the water meets the net pod
. How important is the temperature going to be? It is probably about 74 degrees in the room the tent is in, but cooler in the tent because of the exhaust fan. The temp gauge has not come yet. It is on its way. AKA do I need to buy a portable air conditioner? I suppose in the winter I will almost definitely need a space heater as well. I kind of feel this is a fire hazard at this point lol, but serious. Going to install smoke detectors in this room.

. *** Can you please give me a feeding schedule for autoflower white widow. I am using cal-mag, and flora micro, grow bloom from now on. I have leftover big bud and overdrive too. If you give me a schedule and any recommendations to help yield (which week to LST), I will follow them exactly. I have put it in a lot of time and I want this to pay off. I am enjoying the process though and have high hopes for my next four autoflowers that I am currently germinating in a paper towel.

I spent a lot of money already, especially on the dumb grow box. I want to yield as much as possible growing autoflower...

Much much appreciated,


Hey man, thank you in advance for taking your time to help me. Below is a link to my new set-up, I would like to hear your thoughts on it. Also, I have the following questions:
. How far should the light be in each stage of plant development?
. How should the PPM be in each stage?
. How should the humidity be in each stage?
. Will I need to use both a humidifier and a dehumidifier? What are there purposes and when will I know to use them? Is there something that can regulate a certain range for me, I feel like there is.
. How often should I drain and replenish the five-gallon buckets (they are filled with 3.5 gallons of water since that is where the water meets the net pod
. How important is the temperature going to be? It is probably about 74 degrees in the room the tent is in, but cooler in the tent because of the exhaust fan. The temp gauge has not come yet. It is on its way. AKA do I need to buy a portable air conditioner? I suppose in the winter I will almost definitely need a space heater as well. I kind of feel this is a fire hazard at this point lol, but serious. Going to install smoke detectors in this room.

. *** Can you please give me a feeding schedule for autoflower white widow. I am using cal-mag, and flora micro, grow bloom from now on. I have leftover big bud and overdrive too. If you give me a schedule and any recommendations to help yield (which week to LST), I will follow them exactly. I have put it in a lot of time and I want this to pay off. I am enjoying the process though and have high hopes for my next four autoflowers that I am currently germinating in a paper towel.

I spent a lot of money already, especially on the dumb grow box. I want to yield as much as possible growing autoflower...

Much much appreciated,

Ok...let's do this...

A lot of these questions are situation specific. How far for the lights for instance... if your using very powerful lights like a 550watt fixture from HLG, you may need to be 30 inches or more from the top of the canopy. A cheesy Mars light might let you get away with half that. What I would do with new light. Lets say it has 3 QBs in it, is start high, lets say 40 inches. I then lower is 10 inches at a time till i get withing 20 inches or so and watch the plant. If its praying, leaves slightly pointed up and "grabbing for the light", you'll know when you see it then your in the zone so to speak. Its not the best idea to push this distance closer your plants may not appreciate it and you'll wind up with bleached buds. If i had to guess 18 or 20 inches would probably work well for you, but it depends on your light. Unfortunately I don't know autos too well. I read Lowenfels book on them, but im no master. I would find the spot, and leave it there, raising the light as the plants get taller. But I wouldn't fuss over light distance in regards to the stage in life because autos really only have one stage.

I rarely go over 1000PPMs during veg, and only go over 1200 when I'm deep in flower and I know the plants can handle it. Im at 1500 right now, but my plants are going apey and very aggressive right now. When you are full on flower maybe 3 weeks in, cut the Nitrogen way back to 1/3. Forth to 6th week give it 10 percent of the original dose. None in the last few weeks. Now, again, I dont know anything about autos, this is what i would do with a photoperiod plant. Be aware that there is usually Nitrogen in your Micro, and Calmag. You could cut out Nitro all together in mid flower and be just fine

Humidity can be hard to control. I dont think you will ever need a humidifier. I live in Southern California where the humidity can be 10 outside and im still using my dehumidifier.
Best case environment is 50 or 60 in veg, and under 40 in flower. Veg is easy if it goes past 60 its not the end of the world. If you found yourself at 20 in your tent (which wold probably never happen if you have plants in it) again its not the end of the world. The best case several is to keep your environment steady.

A dehumidifier is much more important than a humidifier. Its not so much because your ambient air is full of water, its because your plants are transpiring (breathing through the stomata) THEY are seeding the air with moisture.... a lot of moisture. My dehumidifier pulls out 2.5 gallons a day. In my opinion you will need one. Don't go out and buy one now. Watch the relative humidity, if you gotta have one, 75 for a week, it may be in your best interest. If not maybe grab one for next time.Remember that the water collected by a dehumidifier needs to go somewhere... 2.5 gallons a day for me. There is usually a catch basin on the machine, or a drain on the back. A lot of these drains have the threads that mate to a garden hose.

You can automate anything. Environment is no different. I know a guy that can measure any part of his grow room with Aduino and it will turn on the AC if any part isn't to his liking. If you were to buy an AC or dehumidifier, they will have some sort of controls to them. You may want to keep it simple for now. Especially the important stuff. Automation sounds cool, till it goes down. Im DIY.

I'm kind of a lazy ass I guess. I went 13 days without changing nutrients last time. DONT DO THAT. Its a bad practice. Nutrients lose steam after a period of time. Not only do they get taken up but the plants, they actually fight with each other locking out the stuff you need. To be fair I do add some nutes over time the older they get. I just added 25 teaspoons of Bloom yesterday. But there are nutrients you shouldnt add to a res full of nutrients. Silica is the worst. Never add it to anything but clean water, Calmag can give issues, and the same with Micro. In a new batch I add these nutrients in this order. I start with fresh RO water, add Silca and will let it run over night. This nutrient is kind of a cocksucker and deserves some respect. Then Calmag, then Micro.

Temps.... my answer to this one may bring a fuzzy eyeball from our peers. My room, right this second is 90 degrees. Its 100 degrees here in the Inland Empire, and I grow in a shed. Heat can be a problem. My target is 85ish, and this is where people flip out. The truth is a hotter room and good lights will raise the plants metabolism so it will feed more. If i was running C02 i could go as hot as 97 with no issues crazy huh? My plants were raised in the heat, the room is only under 80 at night. My security blanket is the venerable Silica. Take some time to read about Silica. Its the most amazing additive we have. I always use it. Since I really can't recommend 85 degrees until your read stick to the temps you have. If you plants show color get then to 60 degrees or slightly less at night and it should bring that color out

A portable AC. I can't say if you need one or not. I NEED AC. But if your temps never break 80F you'll never need one. If you do decide to get one you will need a vent... probably a 6 inch duct for the exhaust. Its best to exhaust outside of where the tent is because the exhaust is warm and humid. It won't do you any favors to vent straight into your room.

Yeah, about the heater. Im not sure i would put a space heater IN the tent. If you can bring up the temp of the room the tent is in it would be much safer. Or heat one of the walls of the tent . Just be careful. There are a ton of guys here from Canada. Im absolutely positive someone has figured this one out. Maybe a thread called heating a tent in a cold room would bring you answers.

This is another Auto question. I dont know how they feed. I dont know if there's a definite transition where flower nutrients come it to play. Maybe an auto guy can give you info on A PK booster, bud hardener, or finisher. Theres so much to this stuff, some of it hotly contested. Heres my 2 cents, hopefully its info you can use. Sorry about the lack of auto knowledge.

Here's a peak at what I'm up to. 3 plants in hydro. 1 in a 3x3 closet. The strain is Wembley from Pyramid. Closet plant is over due. The hydro stuff is about a week younger but one plant is still all white pistils. The big plant with the ragged buds should get pulled in a week or so.
@Stltoed @Rifleman
Thanks for all of the help guys... here is the link that I was talking about my new setup and new questions...

If the link does not work right away wait a minute I am posting this post before the video has rendered.

. How can I keep my water temps down? Without AC or a dehumidifier, I am at 64 RH and 77-degree temp, as high as 82 in last 24h.
. Should I do anything besides LST in since it is an auto flower and roughly when is it ideal to start LST.
. Is it worth is to set up an AC unit and dehumidifier, would have to run the duct work out the window which would be annoying and not ideal for my set up. I feel like the 80 degree and 65% humidity is alright...Maybe I should get silica...

Attached is some photos of my current and first grow ever, not too proud but maybe I am being a perfectionist haha.



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get a fan to blow on the water,
i would keep the ac outside of the tent. Gives you more room to grow and it keeps the heat of the machinery of the ac outside of the tent while the cold air goes into the tent.

You will use the AC or its dehumidifyer through out the grow.
in veggetive stage you might use the AC allot while in flower you will use the dehumidifyer more.
I am running in the same issue right now. I do have a AC but no dehumidifyer
@PK1 do I "have to" use the AC though? I am seeing people grow in hotter climates like @Stltoed . I am not really opposed to running it just would need to run the ductwork out the window, somewhat compromising the anonymity of the grow. I really just do not wanna have a million different things running at once (if not needed).

And when you say put a fan on your water, how do you go about doing that? Is there any cheap remedies like adding ice once a day haha. Thanks for the help I am really new at this.
@PK1 do I "have to" use the AC though? I am seeing people grow in hotter climates like @Stltoed . I am not really opposed to running it just would need to run the ductwork out the window, somewhat compromising the anonymity of the grow. I really just do not wanna have a million different things running at once (if not needed).

And when you say put a fan on your water, how do you go about doing that? Is there any cheap remedies like adding ice once a day haha. Thanks for the help I am really new at this.
Putting the fan on the water. Basically you have a sealed box with water in it. You add 2 holes to the lid, 1 is an entrance for the moving air the other is an exit. As air is forced through the box it causes evaporation. This action cools the water as if you were blowing on soup. Since the action is evaporation it doesnt really matter what the temperature of the incoming air is.

I dont know of anyone using this method for cooling water. Its used all day long on aquariums, but not so much in hydro. Most don't believe it will work. I have a friend try it with computer fans but it didnt work. You can imagine the difference in force between a little computer fan and a 6 inch inline... so it didn't work, and he never came back to it.

The bottom line is you need to get your water temp down and keep it there. You may get away with it for awhile, but sooner or later your roots will melt off the bottom of your plant.
sorry just saw your video. I love how 420 doesn't always give a heads up on the threads your watching.

So, adding a fan to the bucket your plants are sitting in may not work because it will dry out you roots. Looks like you have a 5 gallon res, or 2) placed remotely. Put a 4 inch fan in the lid and add an exhaust. It may not work very well with your tiny feed lines. It would be like cooling a swimming pool with a garden hose.

You will probably need to put the AC inside the tent, then run a duct for the exhaust. If you could add a duct to the front that would be cool as long as it didnt cover the sensors. This is also why you want the AC inside. Theres probably at least a thermometer which tells the machine is at the target temperature has been met instead of running all day.

The dehumidifier aspect is a byproduct of cooling the air. All ACs do it in some respect. You will need to collect and do away with the water.
This is my first grow ever. It started out fine when it was a seedling and I was just giving it water for like the first week or so. I started off with 2 ml / g of micro grow bloom and cal-mag and the leaves did not respond well. They yellowed and withered. I will attach photos soon. I think my plants may now be in the flowering phase. The roots do not look great at all. One plant seems to be doing way better than the others and the root system shows. I started off using tips and tricks from youtube but when my plants nearly died, I decided to give them way more nutes in a last-ditch effort for my first grow. They responded pretty well I think, relative to what they looked like in the past, I will add pictures from then also. Any advice you guys could give me would be much appreciated. P.s. I used to check and attempt to adjust ph but stopped doing so since it is supposedly Ph perfect and it seemed to fluctuate greatly once I ph'd it.
NIce looking rootball there. Im a big fan of pushing plants to eat more..If they can use it, I keep adding it, You can always dial it back if you go over the sweet spot a little..Im old school and a little weary of these extremely low NPK fertilizers. Im not saying I don't believe or doubt them. I just dont understand them fully. Old habits die hard I guess. I use 5-12-26 fertilizer with 15-0-0 Calcium and epsom salt for my nutrients with several different suppliments of humic, aminos, and something else from House and Gardens, but forget the exact name...You seem to be doing a great job, I wouldn't sweat the other plant (s) being smaller. Unless your lighting is out of whack, its probably the genetics
im going throuhg your thread here and @Stltoed suggustions and vidoes is what i am refering too. I also post a picture which is in page one of your thread here of how i chilled the res water to 19c which was based on what i set the temp on the ac on. The AC does few things. bring constant fresh air into the tent and in my case also chilled the res water i had for my hydro plant.

If you don't want to have duckt work than fans could work. Your goal is to reduce the temps in your res water.
You could have a bottle of ice and put that bottle in the res. you might just need to constantly change the bottle but it could work. Don't throw ice in the res water as it will mess with your ph
im going throuhg your thread here and @Stltoed suggustions and vidoes is what i am refering too. I also post a picture which is in page one of your thread here of how i chilled the res water to 19c which was based on what i set the temp on the ac on. The AC does few things. bring constant fresh air into the tent and in my case also chilled the res water i had for my hydro plant.

If you don't want to have duckt work than fans could work. Your goal is to reduce the temps in your res water.
You could have a bottle of ice and put that bottle in the res. you might just need to constantly change the bottle but it could work. Don't throw ice in the res water as it will mess with your ph
If he could find a larger container than the one he's using. He puts a hole in both sides of the larger bin then, he could use AC. He could then place his bucket inside.... but this has nothing to do with a fan in the res. Completely different. Your absolutely right. The nute water temps need to lose some weight
I just posted a DIY cheap air conditioner (its not a real air conditioner) thread in the problem part of the forum. They're awesome and easy to build...
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