Your High Transition


New Member
I have this theory that everyone transitions from normal state to high state in a different manner. First time was really amazing for me it really changes your perspective on stuff.;) But for me it starts in the lower throat, then slowly down till it reaches my toes then finally to my upper senses ect. hearing, smell, taste, sight. Is that the same for everyone? Or does it define us all as original?:smokin:
Depends what type of bud it is tbh, i think the best one i've had it started at my head and then went down from their, could really feel it in my hands and then it hit my legs and i felt like i was floating, gotta love it ^___________________^ Could definatly feel the transition though (for that one) other times i either haven't felt it or just hits in immediately.
when im high i transition in emotions and it never starts until after about 15 minutes after im done smoking. i go from regular to lyrical and poetic, to attentive, to goofy, to hungry, to sleepy. and that all depends on how many times ive came down and got high again
Mine generally starts in my head, and moves down from there. I have cerebral palsy which, in my case, causes spascisity of some voluntary muscle groups. Less than 10 minutes after that first hit, I I can feel those tight muscles start to relax, from the neck down!
Lately I've noticed this feeling of my Cannabinoid receptors that aren't satisfied opening up shortly after the THC hits my bloodstream. It's sort of a couch-locky downer / blood-pressure-drop sort of feeling. It makes me breathe in deep breaths...helping disseminate the THC from my blood to my organs, I guess. Before I know it those receptors are happily filled to the brim, and a feeling of comfort and euphoria may follow. If I consider the physical affects as the drug starts to take affect it's as if everything visually gets very clear, and a sense of self and extra sensory awareness flows from the back of my head out through my eyeballs. I think I'll go smoke some of that fresh lemony bubble hash and consider the outcome.
intresting thread... never really thought about it,
for me it starts in the head then down though the arms
I never really thought about it, and it depends how much I smoke, but if I had to say what it's normally for me... I get my head in the clouds, quickly followed by the heart beat, and everything else kinda just falls into place without me noticing :]
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