Your website is extremely difficult to use


Well-Known Member
For all my growing related inquiries, your website is VERY difficult to use. I think feeding & nutrients is one of if not the most important aspect of growing cannabis, yet there isn't a dedicated subsection for administering nutrients to your plant. Why is this?

I have to opt to lump a question in to the 'frequently asked questions' with the rest of the grow inquiries that either have their own dedicated subsection OR are almost completely unrelated to the actual practice of growing cannabis. Understandably, my query gets buried underneath all the rest of the questions being asked that have their own dedicated subsection. I should not have to wait for my plants to turn yellow before being able to post a picture in the 'problems pest & disease control'
How is it going @bobj

Most of us just start a grow journal with lots of images.
That way if I have a question or a problem it is easier to get a response directly related to my question.

Do you know how to tag members? @screenname

Do You have a grow journal going?
I believe I have come across your journal before; I will have to take another look.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,
For all my growing related inquiries, your website is VERY difficult to use. I think feeding & nutrients is one of if not the most important aspect of growing cannabis, yet there isn't a dedicated subsection for administering nutrients to your plant. Why is this?

I have to opt to lump a question in to the 'frequently asked questions' with the rest of the grow inquiries that either have their own dedicated subsection OR are almost completely unrelated to the actual practice of growing cannabis. Understandably, my query gets buried underneath all the rest of the questions being asked that have their own dedicated subsection. I should not have to wait for my plants to turn yellow before being able to post a picture in the 'problems pest & disease control'
There are 1000's of ways to feed our plant. This immediately gets broken down into hydro and other methods as two major categories. Then, what type of hydro... there are many. On the other path, are you using soil or non soil? Two more paths and each of them go in many directions.
Then there are the types of feed, natural, synthetic with salt chelation, synthetic with amino acid chelation, and then the several distinct types of organic feeding.... the list goes on for miles.

There is just no way to have a big section called feeding and nutrients. There are too many brands, too many methods and too many ways of application to be able to speak to that broad category. Once we narrow down the exact specifics of your grow, only then can we start talking about your nutrients and how you are using them. The one category that neatly handles all of this, is the problems section.

Yes, this is a very complicated website. That is necessary so that we can try to meet the needs of thousands of visitors per day, not all of them growers. Over time, the site does get easier to navigate. One thing you can do to help center folks on the problems you specifically are having, is to create a grow journal. Ask your readers the questions that are bothering you, and oftentimes they will refer others to come in to help you and to give you advice. The ability to call in others with the @bobj tag (with their name instead of yours) is a very powerful tool. With neighbor helping neighbor, this forum actually becomes very easy to use and help can easily be found. Any time I am called like that, I sit down and attempt to give very detailed help. Also take time to become familiar with how the advanced search function works because with just a couple of key words you can find mountains of information on most any subject... this place will surprise you sometimes!

Have a great evening Bobj, and if I can be of any assistance, I am just a tag away.
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