How to become member of the month!

How to become Member of The Month.

It is not about being the best. It's about being out there! Let your passion show and hide your identity.

- First read and understand the 420 Guidelines. You should not break any of the rules if you want to become a member of the month.

- Be active: You don't need to spend all day on the site. You can still do it with 30mins - 1hr a day and still have a chance. How you spend your time is the key. Looking at too much bud porn will not get you the title.

- Build up your reputation points! Rarely you see members being nominated having only one green square (100 points). Before anyone know who you are in the sea of growers, you need to stand out some how by having lots of reputation points is one of many ways. People have to see how helpful you are before they can nominate you or even vote for you.

How to gain reputation points?

- Report Posts that contain spam, negativity, any that break the forum guidelines and you will gain some from the moderators for helping out. There are only a hand full of moderators (volunteers) so they need all the help they can get. Click the "Report Post" button on the left under the avatar in the post of which violated the guidelines.

- Help out new growers in the Frequently Asked Question. They got plenty of questions. Help them out from your experiences. It's ok if you don't have a solution to the problem just try not to give bad advice (no real life experience, theory, not yet proven) that could cost them the grow. Put yourself in their shoe. You can still provide basic info to get them started after you've done your extensive research on the question. However, experience is hands down the best teacher. You can provide what not to do if you're not sure about the solution yourself. Giving support will make the journey less lonesome and will encourage new growers to advance. Reputation points will be given to you if your post has quality and is helpful from the original poster and/or from others who have read your reply.

- Another way to gain reputation points is by running your very own grow journal. Make frequent updates a few times a week or once a week on your grow. People will learn from your mistake and accomplishments, and the rep will come.

Give back to the community

- Showcase your talent/skills with everyone. If you are a cook share your recipes and teach us how to cook with cannabis. If you are crafty built something (DIY projects) that can go into the grow room, provide the steps so we can make one ourselves.

- Subscribe to new grower's journals. Most often they don't stick around too long due to low number of visitors to the journal, and they give up. Having someone experience along for the ride help answering any question they may have, personal mentor (unofficial) if you will, and when the times comes you'll gain their vote. You'll become friends in the process.

- Subscribe to experience/advanced grower's journal will help you learn so you can apply it to your grow and help the new growers. You'll become friends in the process.

- Run experiments from your/others theory so the myth is out and facts are in. If you think indica grow better with HPS and Sativa grow better with MH, run it and document the results. Do live test so everyone can see the progress as they come. Whatever your theory in Cannabis growth/flower test them out, who knows you'll might be changing the way we grow Cannabis after that. This is a sure way to get your title.

- Give likes and reputation. They are free. Others wanted to be recognized for their quality post, accomplishments so give them likes and rep when appropriate. It's about giving, the more you give the more you'll get back in return.

- Provide positive feed back. Not everyone of your post should be a solution to a problem. They can just be a positive post for someone's new journal update. Giving a positive feed back help to know that you're still around, and there's still an audience.

- Stay positive. Even if someone is not liking what you are doing, or disagree with you, stay positive. Step away and come back later if the person really upset you. I've seen other grow forums where people are very nasty to one another because they have some elite strain, have a few thousand harvests under their belt, or have more funds than others to start up a big elaborate grow and that gives them the right to put everyone down. No need for that. That's why this community stands out from the rest due to the high energy, and positivity we have for one another. In order to fight this unjust war on drug we have to join forces.

Basically it boils down to:
- Give back
- Stay positive
- Help out growers with questions
- Share your talent

- Have fun!

I think that should cover the basics of becoming a member of the month. Thank you for reading. I'm not a writer so hope it was easy to read. This guide is coming from my experience, I'm also a 420 Member of the Month - October 2011. :Namaste:


Spoken like a true poet my friend :bravo:

Since I've been here I've never even given thought about becoming a member of the month, I've just done most of those things because their just the right thing to do.

It's all about treating people the way you want to be treated your self.

I was a noob grower once my self just looking for someone to walk me through the growing process when my ole friend Smokin Moose stepped in and made me feel like I had been part of this family for years.

I think that's when I found out just how passionate I truly was about the cause.

Another thing you are spot on about is the treatment you receive here at our beloved 420 Magazine which is to be found at no other site on the net that I've ever found and I joined several before my last google search for help led me here and I'm sure glad it did :high-five:

Sorry I'm so long winded, I just always have a lot to

Nice blog, very positive :thanks::Namaste:
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Dude, you rawk!!! lol

Anyone considering buying this guide should know that it helped me win this month's MOTM contest. You must buy this guide!!! In short.....BUY THIS GUIDE!!!

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Even after his MoM win, he still is here to help! He can't get nominated again for half a frikkin year and yet he is still here for us! That's a true "pay it forward" kinda guy. I'm so glad to know him and to have access to his breeding knowledge, I didn't even realize that this lurked within him.:thumb:
Thank you 12 for your continued support of the community, even though loot will not be forthcoming for at least another 6mo.:thanks:
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