Join the 2L DWC-H Experiment

2L = 2L Soda Bottle
DWC = Deep Water Culture
H = Hempy

The 2L DWC-H setup has evolved in my grow room during the time I was running the 2L SOG (inspired by 420fied) back in Feb 2012. At the time I had some plants 1/2 way through and had to shut down the operation in haste (long story). I could not gather the final data to see if this setup is worth keeping.

This is where I need your help. If you have extra space in your flowering room, give a 2L DWC-H a try to see how effective it is.

Illustrations on how they come together.


Items needed:
- 1L or 2L bottle
- Scissors
- A drill for making holes. If you don't have a drill then a stake knife or a nail will do (heat up the knife/nail).
- Grow medium; works best with Perlite & Vermiculite, Coco Coir. Not sure about hydroton or soil. Feel free to test them out.

•Take the bottle and cut in 1/3 off the top (5in down from the cap). You'll be using both pieces. The top to hold the plant above the reservoir, and the bottom is the reservoir.
• Put holes all around the top piece with a hot knife or nail for roots to grow into the reservoir. Remember to save the cap, add some holes in it too.
• Sit the top piece inside the bottom piece upside down like a cone. No need to secure it the weight of the medium & plant will push it down with the help from gravity.
• Make a hole for hempy on the bottom piece (3-4in down from the top). This acts as a "flood control" device, like those in hempy. I wanted the hole to be high enough so the reservoir holds more water, and low enough that the water line does not touch the top piece, to prevent flood and over watering.

At minimal your clone should be cut at 5-6in and root for 2 weeks to allow abundance root mass to develop before going into the 2L DWC-H. The grow medium I've used was 100% coco coir, but you can use anything that suits you.

This is what it looks like.






Best to place these in a tray to catch the run offs. Try not to lift the top piece too often it can dry out the roots. Flush/feed accordingly.

Become the pioneer in this growing method! To sign up let me know what grow medium you will be using and the strain you'll be growing along with a link to your journal, and you're all set. The adventure awaits.

Question/concern? Post them on this blog.


2L DWC-H testers: :welcome:

JuicySoil - [Perlite & Vermiculite] 2 L DWC-H Test Grow OneLove
SpiriTHC - [Coco & Perlite] - 2L Hempy vs DWC-H
Astonr420 - [Soil] - Afgoo 2L DWC-H
SurfBuddy - [Coco] - 2L DWC-H Lowryder, Big Bud, BubbleGum, Northern Lights
Pierce89 - [Perlite & Vermiculite] - Adventure starting soon
teSmp - [Perlite & Vermiculite] - Hydro/Hybrid Experiments - BPN
seagem - [
Perlite & Vermiculite] - Adventure starting soon
Mrgivemethat - [Prelite & Vermiculite] - Adventure starting soon
ilikebike - [Prelite & Vermiculite] - Bagseed 2L DWC-H
bigirishdoode - Bid 2.0 Grow

Thank you testers. It really means great deal to me that you guys are putting time and effort in testing this grow method out on my behalf. May the Bud God provide you with high yield, potency, and density. :love:


Arright gettin ready 2 do this. I'm gonna do this 2L DWC-H with hempy mix 25\75 Vermiculite, Perlite.
I just think my holes are too big that in time the mix will seave through the holes while watering, and end up in the res. So thinking about pulling a silk sok over the top piece 2 hold in the hempy mix, roots should have no problem penetrating the silk..
What are your thoughts on painting bottom half black?
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What are your thoughts on painting bottom half black?

Painting the bottom half is recommended. However leave one without paint for testing purpose. That way you know if painting is necessary. Although I've ran mine with and without paint both had no issue with root or algae.


That's one sexy 2L DWC-H
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I only have hydroton, no V/P. or CC...

Also, I have seedlings instead of clones for the time being... all in DWC. I could have them running side by side in the same veg room.

I know these don't fit the params for your DWC-H, but I can still try it as is or wait until I have your proper ingredients...
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SurfBuddy You can still give it a go with hydrotons. It require more frequent watering, few times a day for the first 2-3 days allowing roots to established itself in the reservoir. After that, once every other day should be ok. As long as there are premix in the reservoir it shouldn't dry out. Use the 1L or 2L bottle with same setup design and you can report back how effective it is with the use of hydroton. Want to give it a try?
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Ah, GLR!
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I'd like to try this, but I'm in the middle of flowering in my box. Do you recommend this method for a straight 12/12 grow(no pun intended)
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Pierce89 high, thanks for your interest in the experiment. If you have space give it a try. Yes, recommended to flower straight after clones are rooted. However, you can veg them out more if you like.

Run a few 2L DWC-H to compare with and also to get the average yield from your environment and setup. Then compare that with your other growing method and we'll get an idea of its effectiveness. Let me know what grow medium you will be using, bottle size, and I'll add you to the list.
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i picked up a coco block today--it was close to the cost of two bricks, so...
how much should i cut off for each 2L?
Also, I read your post from Ed about Coco, are there other resources you can recommend? I've not used it before.
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Whats good everyone,

General Astonr420, reporting in.

Whats good Twelve12, PSing my first shots right now and will have it up within the night. I have seen the first little root pop out of the soil and is crawling down the side of the bottle now.

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SurfBuddy Sounds great. Basically the guide you've read should cover everything. Coco coir is really easy to use. If you need more Feel free to read this post. I can also answer any question you have with it. Been using them for almost a year.

First, soak the coco coir in water and let them expand. You can use your hands to break them up or just let it soak the water on its own (30min approx). For 1 brick use 1 gal of water. Add more if needed. Then rinse it out to get rid of any salt that may still be in there.

After you have made the 2L DWC-H, get your rooted clones and place them in the center and pack in the moist coco coir around it. Fill it up to the brim and you're all set. Remember to pack them down firmly. Water/feed till there is a run off from the hempy hole. Repeat again daily until you see roots sitting in the reservoir. Then cut back the feed/watering to every 2-3 days. Though daily feeding wouldn't hurt.

I've used the 5kg block (that's approximately 60-70L of expanded coco) and with that I managed to get 40+ bottles filled. With 1 brick you should get enough for 4x 2L DWC-H.
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Astonr420 awesome the general is here! Looking forward to it! I'm very excited to see how it will work with soil and organic mix!
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Yeah, I got the block... so I'll just cut a brick size and sink it in a gallon.

My seedlings are currently in rockwool, that shouldn't be a problem, should it? sticking the rockwool into the coco?

I just got some new seeds, so I could try one straight into the 2L DWC coco choices for seeds are: the three i already have going, Bigbud, Northern Lights, Bubble Gum, or
two ?Mystery seeds from banks, one that's supposed to be pineapple, and lowryder- suggestion?
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SurfBuddy Rockwool in coco shouldn't be a problem. Any of those will be good, but try the lowryder for sure would like to see how auto strain perform in this setup.

Pierce89 I have no experience in P&V, from what I've seen the pro growers like 420fied uses 75-25 Perlite/Vermiculite mix.
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Pierce89What up ;)
I dont think you should have any problems at all going 50\50. In fact i think it would do you some good with the extra Vermiculite to hold moisture for the roots, while getting to the res.
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Hmm, I have some questions about the preparation.. the post mentioned to rinse with hot water to remove the salts after soaking, but is that with pH water? Or just hot water, then use pH after to flush? I'm guessing that since it flushes easy, I can just use my tap water then re-flush with pH or nut water? or both?
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SurfBuddy keep it simple with plain tap water for flushing, and use pH premix for feeding. Nicely done on the bottle.

teSmp the res temp is usually cooler than the room temp, so if you have your room temp controlled (optimal at 65-75F) it shouldn't be a problem since the premix in the res does not stay long. You'll be adding in new mix every other day as the plant uses more and more of it as it mature.
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