
  1. W

    Weedhead's outdoor grow

    Hello all this will be my first truly serious outdoor grow i want a constant flowering setup .Im going to fill up allthis space with more cannabis .Got a huge bag of potent mystery bagseeds and had a gcs bagseed ,orange crush bagseed,asian orange bagseed plus some strains from the web .The...
  2. J

    Sour Diesel & Northern Lights - 100 Gallon Smart Pot - Outdoor Grow

    Hey everyone this is my first post here. I am doing a grow journal for the 2 monsters I am growing this year. Tell me what you think please and enjoy. Here is the setup. : Location is a very far hike off the beaten path that leads to a field next to a tiny stream. I found it a month ago and...
  3. P

    Pollination question

    How do I stop/prevent an outdoor plant from getting pollinated ? :skeptical::skeptical:
  4. N

    Granulated nutrients for outdoor?

    This will be my first year going outdoor with my crops and i was curious as to what type of nutrients to use. i heard from a few of my buddy that i should go with a granulated nutrient for out doors to best feed the plants so i was thinking on using the happy frog tomato and grow and bloom...
  5. A

    Outdoor First Autos Grow

    Hi to you all in lovely 420 magazine ! :Love: Been here for a while reading alot of great information and decided to share my grow with you basicly to hear some thoughts and advices. So, strains are Auto Great White by SeedsMan and Auto purple sirius kush by FlashSeeds. I started this two a bit...
  6. OttawaGreen

    Which autoflower strains recommended for outdoor Canadian grow?

    I have some friends who want to do two outdoor crop this year so they can do an early harvest with AutoS and a late harvest with photos. What autos do you guys recommend for outdoor growing here in Canada? Very interested in dark devil auto as it is quite the beautiful plant that everyone seems...
  7. H

    Hillbilly Outdoor Grow

    Hillbilly420 outdoor go around:goof: What strain is it? Auto Night Queen Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Indica dominant over 20% thc Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seeding If in Veg... For how long? N/a If in Flower stage... For how long? N/a Indoor or outdoor...
  8. TarheelGrower

    Tarheelgrower's 2016 Outdoor Growing Adventure - 20+ Strains

    Hello to all...its time I start my much anticipated outdoor journal. It will still be a few weeks before these babies get to bath in the rays of natural light, as I live in the mtns and the weather can be crazy here. So anyways...here are a few of my babies that just popped in the last week...
  9. T

    Organic Tea For Outdoor Trees

    Please check my thinking here.... This plan is "general" to help me check my understanding of the compost tea process. I know I'll have to make daily adjustments based on weather, plants, etc. Assume I'm growing 18 outdoor trees in 100-gallon soil bags, with lots of pumice etc. I want a...
  10. T

    Can I predict how much of each Earth Juice per tree for the full season?

    I'm growing in 100-gallon bags, using a rich loamy compost. I'd like to budget for the season, and buy what I'll need in bulk. I'm planning on using EJ plus azomite and maybe a few other things... Is there a place or a method to help me predict my total costs & needs? Also, any advice on EJ is...
  11. G

    420's Outdoor CBD Therapy Grow Journal - 2016

    Hello All, This will be my third year growing our favorite plant and my first grow journal. English is not my maternal langage, so be indulgent with my mistakes ! Up to now, I have grown only automated strains (cream caramel auto, sweet afghani auto, green poison auto and sin tra bajo) with...
  12. E

    Outdoor vs Indoor

    Hello everyone,this is my first post.I read an article submitted by the DEA.FBI,CIA,and the district attorneys office regarding the QUALITY of cannabis that has been seized over the past 5 years from dispenseys,farms,greenhouses ,small home gardens,and indoor gardens,Our government classifies...
  13. K

    KGIRedline's Outdoor Strain Mix Up - Gorilla Glue - G.S.C. & Bag Seed

    Ok, so time to start my outdoor journal so I can quit high jacking my own indoor thread with pics and these ladies Can get the attention they deserve :) So 5 of these girls started from my indoor journal, and We're growing way faster than the girls I decided to keep in tent and LST...
  14. T

    Australian Grower Busted 60 Plants

    I live in Queensland in the area considered the wettest in country. Two weeks ago I was busted with 60 plants. 20 seedlings 20 at four weeks and 20 at 2 two weeks into flower. Now I know police are going to run out the '"every plant will produce a pound of buds'". Now if police are getting a...
  15. D

    Outdoor to indoor?

    Hey all, looking for some input before I waste valuable beans with harebrained ideas: Has anyone started a grow potted outdoors then moved to indoor? Does the drop in light intensity have lasting negative impacts, or does the time spent in natural light provide a headstart? Thanks everyone, I...
  16. C

    Best mold resistant suggestions for outdoor between 28*N & 35*N Experiences

    Any outdoor growers backyard or guerrilla have some suggestions for great outdoor strains in the deep south between say; 21*N to 35*N, not west of 96*W? Grew Pinepple Chunk last year didn't like my soil and very limited care due to working away from home long times. I did have a HSO Blue...
  17. K

    Outdoor Garden Jamaica 2016

    Hey Mon!! :cool: :welcome: to my Year-round grow. I recently moved to Jamaica where there is enough sun year-round and I have some space outside where I plan to grow some beautiful plants. I will be learning along the way as this will be my first year of growing, I will grow all organic. I got...
  18. R

    Help - New grower advice

    Thank you!
  19. J

    Autoflower Outdoor Arizona Grow

    Whats up guys this is my first grow ever and first time using a forum so bear with me haha. I've been reading lots of grow journals but never found an outdoor grow in desert conditions with an Auto so I figured I could do one. I'm trying to keep things simple, since it is an auto I'm not using...
  20. OEF Vet 11B

    Outdoor grow but possible game cams

    I'm thinking about doing my first outdoor grow in a long time. With a few(5-7 I think) good plants I could have a year's supply for myself and a friend. We have about 100 acres available to us however we have a family friend watching over our land as its quite a ways a way from home. Weekly...
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