$1 Million

The Hulk

New Member
Hello community,

I'd like to ask a not so silly question:

Does anyone "know" of any grows in which, over the course of their career a single persons clandestine operation profited more than $1 million?

Please don't overreact to that, I don't want any details. I'm just wondering if it was feasible or not. All I'm hoping for is a simple yes.

I think there's probably quite a few, but the smart people don't talk about it. The idiots you see driving around with the flashy cars and flashy homes always get busted eventually. The smart ones don't change their lifestyle. Got a couple friends that used the profits to buy rental properties for their retirement planning. Know of one that made enough and moved to Ecuador. Most of them made way more than a million over their 30 to 40 year careers in growing.
I figured as much, but it's good to know that it's not an impossibility.

Thanks, and I appreciate someone speaking up.
Google search marijuana busts. Police exaggerate price of Cannabis seized however you can get a good idea. Some people busted have thousands of plants, not just 1 or 2, I'm talking 30 to 50, THOUSAND.

They easily were making millions with that operation. With how many people get busted, there is another 500 doing it just as big or bigger.

Your answer to your question is, yes. Many people have, and do.
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