1000w Hydro Perpetual

lol a million little fibres was cool too his stoney memoirs with a few chapters on doritios lol
Subbed! I'm interested to see what you can do with that 1k, thats what i plan to use for flower power this go-round. Also keeping an eye on your defoil, i have never used that method, always subscribed to the philosophy Leave Them Alone, but evidence dont lie bro and I'll be watching!
Thanks northerner! And happy to be along for the ride on the GreenGreen Magic Wonderslide! Do you think that Goldberry, the river daughter married to old tom, was Tolkien's metaphor for hydroponics?
I am actually using 2 400w in my flowering and about 200w in veg. That's what the 1000w in the title refers. I have never done a heavy defoil like I'm doing here, always done it to some degree for light penetration but this is my first time going " all the way" with it so ill be kind of playing around with it this go around. By next weekend I will have my hydro table in flowering set up then the action will get rolling around here.
OK now your blowing my mind tom... never thought about that. I'll have to go re-read the fellowship and think about it. You should go check aj's journal out. Tolkien love over there as well.
lol you know what i always thought that tom was something along those lines like mans control over nature and connection and goldberry being hydro would make sense i have read that book thousands of times it actually made me sad they cut tom from the movie!
Thanks for the clarification. For my grow space, I think I would have a better footprint and could get the lights closer with 2x400w or 2x600w... But these 2 1k mag switchable ballasts and reflectors just fell into my lap for free so I'll use what I got. Id love to get 2 new ballasts to use these reflectors with. If i do so, im tempted to go with 400w magnetic HPS just so I have the option of CeramicMH. Did you choose the 2x400w over a larger wattage for a specific reason, or is it just the equipment you have available?
do you find the dual 400w hps to be easier to keep cold then a 1000watt hps? lol i know the answer should be obvious the 1000watt is a beats for creation of heat and has a single light source so its had me thinking dual 400's or dual 600's would be easier to remove heat and distribute light hence why you're probably doing that eh
I wish they would have put bombodil in the movie as well. They did however give tree beard a couple of his lines as a type of tribute. As far as the 2 400w, its what I had sitting around the house at the time. I had been growing in a storage room with a 4' ceiling that was shaped like an "L" so 2 400w let me keep the plants from burning. Now I have a 6x6 room with 8' ceiling that I just set up when I started this journal. I'm going to run a few runs with em then upgrade to 600w electronics I think... in any case 400w electronic ballast lights produce vary minimal heat but the 600w hps is your most efficient HID light they say. As well the multiple lights help with coverage like no body's business. When I get 600w ers I'll probably add light movers as well.
I was sad to see old tom cut as well. Though i understand the decision when it comes to translating the story for the masses. Tom never really 'fiy' the story because Tolkien literally worked him in, not after the fact but 'before' the fact as his bombodil poems pre-dated LOTR by 20 years or so. I think Tom would have left the average movie goer scratching their head thinking 'huh?' Besides, part of me secretly likes the fact they left out Ole Tom... After a decade of popular media, I selfishly feel like this part of the book is MINE, and shared only with those TRULY IN THE KNOW like you awesome fellas here! Itd like our own secret language! Been reading Tolkien since I learned to read, a childrens book adaptation of tge Rankin and Bass Return of the King was the first sentence i ever read all by myself at the age of 3. I had been following along with the record ("you will know it is time to turn the page when you hear the chimes ring like this...") and all of a sudden i realized i had read forward... READ! ! ! I ran over to the preschool teacher i was so excited, lol! ! !

Secondary veg tray at 1 week

Secondary veg tray roots at 1 week
nice bet you're happy flowering is coming up soon and yeah tom would of been an oddity in the movie but hmm look at the barrow downs if im spelling it right just outside of bree either way where frodo and his hobbit companions get there swords in the begining was really changed and i dunno the movies didnt feel as good as the books not even close just felt like some holywood crap poured into a video in all reality :(, the books i even did book reports on as a kid lol loved his work

But yeah northerner ever try LST? even a small amount of it on my friends plants during veg caused a lot of more compact nodes like theres a bunch of nodes that have like 4 sides lol :) figured I'd mention it cause even just the pinching from LST seems to compact the next nodes that grow with out even doing the bend side of things. Not sure if it'd do anything for ya or not just trying to come up with ideas :)
I think personally that the movies were amazing. Not the same feel as the books but a good trilogy to be sure. If Peter J was given the money to make 2 movies per book then more of the story would have been told I'm sure. In terms of LST my current flowering plants are growing at 90° angles to the soil. They look like vines! The reason being is my last space was limited vertically, this space however has a full ceiling so height is the least of my worries now. I think I will put tomato cages on top of my flowering table to control growth.
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