1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users - Suggestions Warmly Invited


New Member
Hello All,

This will be my first auto grow, as you may or may not know this is a project I have decided to do so that I can give some relief to people from there ailments and pain in country where it is not available.

If you would like to know more about that please visit here:

It would be great if you could jump in wherever you see fit to add suggestions and I would greatly appreciate any tips. Although I have done a grow before it was for fun with amateur equipment.
Ok, the equipment that I am using is is:
Blockbuster Air-cooled hood with a Magnum XXXL Air-cooled hood both 600w and powered by two Lightwave digital ballasts.
Carbon filter with insulated ducting and extraction. Room is sealed with reflective coating and extraction and ventilation are in order. For the seedlings I have a 24inch fluorescent tube.
I planted a mixture of Diemos, Big Devil, El Diavlo all feminized with some regular auto Russian Rocket Fuel plus two White Russian seeds that I found.

I germinated them on Wednesday morning and potted them in the evening. After 3 days I transplanted them into larger buckets and put them under the lights (24).

Because of my location no equipment, supply shops or any form of marijuana material is available.
I suppose the questions I have is regarding the watering and the nutrients (as I can't get them here). I water if I can get my finger in the soil an inch and it is still dry.
However, should I start nutes after the first 2 weeks. Below are some pics taken over the past few days.

Thanks in advance.











They are around 6 days old now and I beleive they are looking ok but I am unsure in terms of the norm.

Have a good one

(I have posted this in a few other forums too so sorry if you have already helped or seen it).
Re: 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).

You should try osmocote plus it's a plant food sold at most garden stores. It works wonders. And cheap.
Re: 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).


Thanks for the recomendation I will look it up and see if they stock it. (However, there are only 5 garden centers in this country)!

Thanks again
Update 2 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).

Hey all, this is the second update of the grow.
So far I haven't suffered too many issues and although I have a high temp(Average at 32) they seem to be keeping well.
They are 18 days old today and they started their nutes around 4 days ago. Due to lack of choice I have went for Grow plus all-purpose liquid plant food 15 + 10 + 15 (+2) for Ornamental Plants it recommends 7.5ml — 2 litres and for a Vegetable Garden 7.5ml 1 litre. I put 7.5ml in 4 litres (3/4plants) and have raised it a couple of ml for today. It says on the bottle to add it every two weeks, I am using this small dosage every 2 days when watering. I did notice some salt residue on the surface of 2/3 plants earlier today.
I have some small leaf turning but putting this down to the high temps in the room humidity is ranging from 50-60% temps are between 32-34. There is a nice smell building in the room already.

How do you think they are looking?

Also as there were 10 regular automatic Russian Rocket Fuel I am expecting some males — any timelines for autos to start showing their sex?
Many thanks all,

Re: 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).

Tetra they all look great! Cancel the oc+ cause you will lose some control over nuting! Oc is a time release and could cause conflict with your nute schedule! Some people swear by it but I would just stick to what your doing instead cause thy look amazing! At least you now know what your giving and what their getting for nutes! Nice job so far my friend !
Re: 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).

Hey CannaVince, thanks for the advice, I think that if I pay attention everyday and try my best not to over water them, they should be OK.
On day 20 I will switch them to 20/4 and see what that does, I think I will need to water everyday and feed once/twice a week.
Just need to keep a look out for the males now.
Update 3 40 days young :)

Hey all, apologies for the late update we have had a death in the family, I had a hospital visit and I got married so a bit intense.
Well here we are at day 40 and looking good. These were taken a few days ago and I have now started a new nute regime. They are now on a higher N.P.K with the focus on K. They are really starting to flower and the trichromes are now visible to the eye.

I will update again in less than a week as they are coming on very fast now. Have not changed the temp or humidity but they are drinking a lot of water daily now.
Any advice or comments more than welcome.

Re: 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).

OK, new cam, having issues with resizing can only get one of the small pics up but will upload more later tonight as there are some nice buds developing!!
Re: 1200W AutoGrow for Medicinal Users (suggestions warmly invited).

Hey all, any feedback/comments much appreciated, im not quite sure how these are doing going with the 'norm'
Many thanks :)
Hey all,

Day 56, still having a few issues with temps and RH, 34c and 100% outside.

Some are looking almost ready - a few days more then in the dark for a couple of days ready for harvesting.

Really cant wait, some look great and others like they are going to need more time.


Really cant wait, but drying and curing then off to do their magic!
Kind of late, but why not box your actual growing area in a bit better with reflective surfaces in order to direct more of the light onto your plants? After all, you're paying the same to run them either way.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
Hey all, sorry had been dealing with some family issues, will update with some fantastic stats and pics within the next 2 days.
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